

中文摘要 「113年校園生活轉型素養調查工作計畫」因應環境部「淨零綠生活」政策,針對我國22縣市之18歲以下學生進行環境素養調查,以評估其「淨零綠生活」政策的理解與實踐。 本調查採用量化調查,問卷包含四大構面—知識、技能、態度與價值觀及行動,並涵蓋「淨零綠生活」政策之食、衣、住、行、育、樂、購等七大生活指標,量表一共112題,將其拆分為甲、乙兩卷,每卷別各56題。 本調查將調查對象分為國小、國中及高中職(含五專前三年)三類, 調查期程自113年9月9日至113年11月8日,其中國小甲卷回收之有效樣本為1,604份,乙卷有效樣本為1,533份;國中甲卷回收之有效樣本為1,543份,乙卷有效樣本為1,468份;高中職五專前三年級組回收之有效樣本為1,472份,乙卷有效樣本為1,424份。 調查結果顯示,知識構面方面,國小組(1-4年級)平均答對率73.9%,國小組(5-6年級)為82.0%,國中組為83.2%,高中職五專前三年級組達84.5%。技能構面方面,國小組(1-4年級)平均分數82.15分,國小組(5-6年級)為77.37分,國中組為74.19分,高中職五專前三年級組為70.89分。態度與價值觀構面方面,國小組(1-4年級)平均分數81.66分,國小組(5-6年級)為78.38分,國中組為76.60分,高中職五專前三年級組為75.08分。行動構面方面,國小組(1-4年級)平均分數82.90分,國小組(5-6年級)為77.41分,國中組為73.70分,高中職五專前三年級組為70.31分。從上述結果得知,知識構面分數會隨著年級的增加而上升,但技能、態度與價值觀、行動構面反而下降。 從生活指標層面觀察,調查顯示學生在「行指標」及「衣指標」表現較落後,缺乏綠色交通和永續時尚方面的知識與實踐,故建議加強相關之教育,除了加強推廣綠色交通工具和永續時尚的概念外,透過校園活動與課程提高學生的參與和認知。同時,應結合地方議題與多元學習方式,創造更多實踐機會,並推動成人及親子共學,提升全民環境素養,實現綠生活與淨零排放目標。 此外,本研究亦綜整「112年生活轉型素養調查專業工作計畫」,計算出「全民環境素養分數」,知識構面部分,全民平均答對率為81.2%;技能構面部分,全民平均分數為79.88分;態度與價值觀構面部分,全民平均分數為83.78分;行動構面部分,全民平均得分為80.88分。
中文關鍵字 臺灣校園生活轉型素養調查、臺灣校園生活轉型素養量表、淨零綠校園


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 3266.77 千元
專案開始日期 2024/08/02 專案結束日期 2024/11/20 專案主持人 關智宇
主辦單位 環境部綜合規劃司 承辦人 郭庭赫 執行單位 求真民意調查股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年校園生活轉型素養調查_期末報告V16.pdf 71MB

2024 Campus Life Transformation Literacy Survey Project

英文摘要 The “2024 Campus Life Transformation Literacy Survey Project”,conducted in response to the Ministry of Environment's "Net-Zero Green Lifestyle" policy, targeted students under 18 years old across 22 counties and cities in Taiwan to assess their environmental literacy and evaluate their understanding and practice of the "Net-Zero Green Lifestyle" policy. The survey adopted a quantitative approach, with a questionnaire covering four main dimensions: knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, and actions. It also included the seven lifestyle indicators of the "Net-Zero Green Lifestyle" policy: food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, recreation, and consumption. The questionnaire comprised 112 items, divided into two parts, Part A and Part B, each containing 56 questions. The survey participants were divided into three categories: elementary school, junior high school, and senior high/vocational school (including the first three years of five-year junior colleges). The survey period was from September 9, 2024, to November 8, 2024. For elementary school students in Grades 1 to 4, the valid sample sizes were 1,604 responses for Part A and 1,533 responses for Part B. For elementary school students in Grades 5 and 6, the valid sample sizes were 1,543 for Part A and 1,468 for Part B. For junior high school students, the valid sample sizes were 1,472 for Part A and 1,424 for Part B, and for senior high/vocational school students, the valid sample sizes were 1,543 for Part A and 1,468 for Part B. The survey results indicated that, in the knowledge dimension, the average correct response rate was 73.9% for elementary students in Grades 1 to 4, 82.0% for elementary students in Grades 5 and 6, 83.2% for junior high school students, and 84.5% for senior high/vocational school students. In the skills dimension, the average scores were 82.15 for elementary students in Grades 1 to 4, 77.37 for elementary students in Grades 5 and 6, 74.19 for junior high school students, and 70.89 for senior high/vocational school students. In the attitudes and values dimension, the average scores were 81.66 for elementary students in Grades 1 to 4, 78.38 for elementary students in Grades 5 and 6, 76.60 for junior high school students, and 75.08 for senior high/vocational school students. In the actions dimension, the average scores were 82.90 for elementary students in Grades 1 to 4, 77.41 for elementary students in Grades 5 and 6, 73.70 for junior high school students, and 70.31 for senior high/vocational school students. These results suggest that while scores in the knowledge dimension increase with grade level, scores in the skills, attitudes and values, and actions dimensions decrease. From the perspective of lifestyle indicators, the survey reveals that students perform relatively poorly in the "Transportation Indicator" and "Clothing Indicator," lacking knowledge and practice in green transportation and sustainable fashion. It is recommended to strengthen education in these areas. In addition to promoting the concepts of green transportation and sustainable fashion, schools can enhance students' participation and awareness through campus activities and curriculum integration. Furthermore, local issues and diverse learning methods should be incorporated to create more opportunities for practical application. Promoting adult and parent-child co-learning is also essential to improving environmental literacy nationwide and achieving the goals of green living and net-zero emissions. Additionally, this study also compiled the "2023 Life Transformation Literacy Survey Professional Work Plan" to calculate the "National Environmental Literacy Score." In the knowledge dimension, the national average correct response rate was 81.2%. In the skills dimension, the national average score was 79.88. In the attitudes and values dimension, the national average score was 83.78. In the action dimension, the national average score was 80.88.
英文關鍵字 Taiwan Campus Life Transformation Literacy Survey, Taiwan Campus Life Transformation Literacy Scale, Green School for Net Zero