

中文摘要 本計畫於113年11月30日至12月7日及12月8日至14日分別前往德國與韓國,透過研習與參訪了解德國與韓國氣候變遷調適策略及循環經濟推動經驗,掌握淨零排放與廢棄物管理的推動模式。德國班聚焦城市轉型、循環經濟與淨零政策推動經驗,韓國班則專注於一般廢棄物源頭減量與資源回收利用,兩地皆提供豐富的環境管理推動經驗,為台灣相關政策與永續發展提供重要借鑒。 德國班於波昂及柏林進行研習及參訪,並拜會相關單位,包括ICLEI(地方永續發展理事會)、瑞曼迪斯利珀廠(循環園區)、EUREF-Campus(環境創新園區)及C2C NGO等多處環境先進場域。其中,瑞曼迪斯廠區展示了創新廢棄物回收技術,將廢棄物轉化為可用資源;EUREF-Campus則提供能源轉型與智慧城市示範,展現德國在循環經濟與能源轉型領域的領先成果。此外,歐盟永續指令法規與碳定價的推動進一步強化了其在淨零目標上的實踐力。 韓國班則於首爾辦理,主要考察麻浦資源回收設施、鎮川太陽能板資源回收中心、高陽市生物質能源回收設施及首爾新活用廣場等地。韓國的計量付費制度及生產者責任延伸制有效提升了回收率,垃圾焚化發電與生物質沼氣發電則顯著減少廢棄物最終處置量。公營的鎮川廢太陽能板回收中心展示了廢太陽能板回收再利用的技術創新,而本次亦拜會首爾市政府氣候環境本部資源回收推進團,進行城市廢棄物減量政策之交流。
中文關鍵字 2050淨零轉型、循環經濟、一般廢棄物管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 4650 千元
專案開始日期 2024/08/27 專案結束日期 2024/12/20 專案主持人 李毓偉
主辦單位 國環院環教認證中心 承辦人 林心怡 執行單位 技佳工程科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113調適期末完整檔-摘要本文上傳.pdf 6MB 基本資料表、摘要簡要版及詳細版、本文

Visiting and Learning Program on Climate Change Adaptation and Management Strategies

英文摘要 This program was conducted from November 30 to December 7 and December 8 to 14, visiting Germany and South Korea respectively. Through workshops and site visits, the program aimed to explore strategies for climate change adaptation and circular economy practices in these countries, gaining insights into promotion models for achieving net-zero emissions and waste management. The Germany delegation focused on experiences in urban transformation, circular economy, and net-zero policy promotion, while the South Korea delegation emphasized general waste source reduction and resource recycling. Both countries provided valuable examples of environmental innovation to guide Taiwan's policies and sustainable development. The Germany delegation held workshops and visits in Bonn and Berlin, engaging with key organizations and sites, including ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability), the Remondis Lippe Plant (circular economy park), EUREF-Campus (environmental innovation campus), and C2C NGO. The Remondis plant showcased innovative waste recycling technologies that transform waste into usable resources. EUREF-Campus provided examples of energy transition and smart city initiatives, demonstrating Germany's leadership in the fields of circular economy and energy transformation. Additionally, the implementation of EU sustainability directives and carbon pricing further reinforced its efforts toward achieving net-zero goals. The Korea delegation will conduct its activities in Seoul, primarily visiting locations such as the Mapo Resource Recovery Facility, Jincheon Solar Panel Recycling Center, Goyang City Biomass Energy Recovery Facility, and the Seoul Upcycling Plaza. Korea's volume-based waste fee system and extended producer responsibility (EPR) system have effectively improved recycling rates. Waste-to-energy incineration and biomass biogas generation have significantly reduced the volume of waste sent to final disposal. The Jincheon Waste Solar Panel Recycling Center demonstrates innovative technologies for the recycling and reuse of discarded solar panels. Additionally, the delegation will meet with the Resource Recovery Facilities Bereau of the Climate and Environment Headquarters at Seoul Metropolitan Government to exchange insights on urban waste reduction policies.
英文關鍵字 2050 Net-Zero Transition, Circular Economy, General Waste Management