

中文摘要 「113年度苗栗縣揮發性有機物及異味污染稽查管制計畫」簽約日為113年3月1日,計畫工作執行內容包含:法規符合度查核、VOCs真空不銹鋼筒採樣分析、官能異味檢測作業、防制設備效率驗證、設備元件紅外線洩漏掃描、指紋資料建置作業、輔導改善民眾陳情之工廠、計畫工作SOP提送、新聞稿、自動採樣設備維護作業。 統計本計畫自簽約日起至113年11月20日止,各項作業執行情形說明如下:(一)法規符合查核係依據「揮發性有機物空氣污染管制及排放標準」執行,其查核內容主要針對廢氣燃燒塔、製程設施、裝載操作設施及槽車、儲槽、設備元件、廢水處理廠及冷卻水塔等8項列管項目進行查核,已完成25製程查核,其查核主要常出現之缺失為「防制設備操作參數與許可規定不符」、「設備元件申報數量與許可登載數量差異逾10%」;(二)VOCs真空不鏽鋼瓶採樣分析,已完成10點次採樣,發現部分公私場所特徵污染物,如氯乙烯、1,2,4-三甲基苯等;(三)官能異味檢測作業,已完成8根次管道官能異味測定,檢測結果皆尚符合管道官能異味排放標準,另完成2點次周界官能異味檢測作業,其中以○○○牧場檢測異味值為45,超過該區域排放標準30;(四)防制設備效率驗證作業,本計畫針對活性碳吸附設備已完成1場次驗證,驗證結果○○○○其防制設備活性碳吸附設備效率檢驗值為56.8%,尚符合許可規範處理效率>20%;(五)設備元件紅外線洩漏掃描作業,已完成6製程掃描,其中○○○○查獲兩顆設備元件有洩漏情形(>1,000ppm),經廠方現場改善後,尚符合排放標準;(六)指紋資料建置作業,已完成8根次排放管道VOCs物種採樣,皆已完成分析及建檔作業,本計畫將持續執行,完整指紋資料庫;(七)輔導改善民眾陳情之工廠,本計畫今年度輔導業者包含○○○○M04、M06,該家業者因製程區有明顯異味逸散情形,屢遭周邊民眾陳情;以及○○○○M01製程,該製程管末含有較高濃度臭氧生成潛勢物種,且製程有明顯逸散情形,故本計畫針對上述業者安排專家學者輔導改善及減量會議;(八)VOCs自動採樣監測作業,已完成81組/月VOCs自動採樣監測作業,共架設11處位置,9台設備,其架設位置本計畫將再依據季節風向或民眾陳情狀況進行調整;(九)新聞稿發布,已完成2則新聞稿撰寫,並於公開平台上進行刊登;(十)移動式空品監測車,完成3點位之移動監測,包含保來得周邊、竹南運動公園周邊及田寮里活動中心周邊,其中竹南運動公園周邊監測,經持續蒐研相關證據,會同環保局及固定許可計畫針對可疑對象-○○○○,進廠執行稽查,查獲多筆原(然)料使用量超過許可證核定最大使用量,但仍於10%容許誤差範圍內,故環保局裁定不予以處分,並要求業者盡速改善大量白煙發生情形。 本計畫工作團隊將持續執行檢測作業外,並利用轄內IoT感測器、自動採樣設備及移動式空品監測車等設備進行分析比對並掌握其污染源,有效紓減陳情案件發生,另針對法規符合度查核缺失之廠商,執行複查工作,並確認廠商改善之方式,由廠商具體承諾完成改善缺失項目,確保苗栗縣之空氣品質。
中文關鍵字 揮發性有機物、異味、陳情


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 11799 千元
專案開始日期 2024/03/01 專案結束日期 2025/02/28 專案主持人 江嘉凌
主辦單位 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 鄭苡瑄 執行單位 思維環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年度苗栗縣揮發性有機物及異味污染稽查管制計畫-期末報告書定稿本.pdf 26MB

2024 Miaoli County Volatile Organic Compound Inspection and Odor Pollution Audit Control Project

英文摘要 The "2024 Miaoli County Volatile Organic Compound Inspection and Odor Pollution Audit Control Project" was signed on March 1, 2024. The implementation of the project includes regulatory compliance check, sampling for VOCs vacuum stainless steel bottle analysis, functional odor testing, efficiency verification of prevention equipment, infrared leak scanning of equipment components, creation of fingerprint data, improving the factories that complaints by citizens, SOP submission, press releases, and automatic sampling equipment maintenance. From the date of signing the project to November 20, 2024, detailed descriptions of the work are as follows: (1) The inspection standards in the regulations are based on the "Volatile Organic Compounds Air Pollution Control and Emission Standards". The inspection content mainly targets exhaust gas combustion towers, process facilities, loading operation facilities, storage tanks, equipment components, sewage treatment plants, and cooling towers. The audit has been completed for 30 process inspections. The main common deficiencies in the inspections are "The operating parameters of the control equipment are inconsistent with regulations" and "The difference between the declared quantity of equipment components and the permitted quantity is more than 10%";(2)VOCs vacuum stainless steel bottle sampling analysis, 10 sampling sites have been completed and some pollutants characteristic of public and private places have been found, such as vinyl chloride, 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene, etc.;(3) Functional odor testing has been completed for 8 ducts and all match the standard. About 2 perimeter functional odor testing points, the Zhan Yun Xiang livestock farm detected an odor value of 45 over the area standard limit of 30;(4) The project has completed 1 validation for the activated carbon adsorption equipment. The efficiency test value of carbon adsorption equipment in The Treasure Lacquer Paint & Printing Ink CO., LTD was 56.8% which complies with licensing specifications and processing efficiency of over 20%; (5) The leakage scanning operation of the infrared line of equipment components has been completed for 6 processes. The 2 equipment of Tong Hsieh Chemical Industrial CO., LTD was inspected for leaks. The emissions reached standard after improvement;(6) Fingerprint data construction operation has been completed, and 8 ducts VOC species samples have been collected, all of which have been analyzed and documented. This project will continue to be implemented to complete the fingerprint database;(7) The project provided counseling to improve the factories that the public has submitted. This year, the project provided counseling to Lien Tai Paper CO., LTD. M04 and M06 which was some odor emission in the process area and Taiwan Shian Shing Technology CO., LTD. which the end of the process tube contained higher concentrations of ozone-generating potential species and there was specific emission in the process. Therefore, this project arranges for experts and scholars to enter the factory to perform coaching improvement and reduction operations;(8) VOCs automatic sampling and monitoring operations, 81 sets of monthly VOCs automatic sampling and monitoring operations have been completed, with a total of 11 locations and 9 pieces of equipment installed, the set up situation will adjust by seasonal wind direction or public complaints;(9) Press Release, 2 press releases have been written and published on the public platform;(10) The mobile air quality monitoring vehicle completed mobile monitoring at 3 locations, including the surrounding of Porite Taiwan Co., LTD, Zhunan Sports Park and Tianliau Village community center. Among them, monitoring around Zhunan Sports Park, after continuous search and research of relevant evidence, together with the Environmental Protection Bureau and the Fixed Licensing Plan, went into the factory to conduct inspections on the suspicious object - Huaxia Bay, and found many cases where the use of raw materials exceeded the maximum limit approved by the license. However, the usage amount was still within the 10% allowable error range. Therefore, the Environmental Protection Bureau ruled that no punishment would be imposed and the industry was required to improve the situation of large amounts of white smoke as soon as possible. The team of this project will continue to carry out inspection operations and use equipment such as IoT sensors, automatic sampling equipment, and mobile air quality monitoring vehicles within the jurisdiction to analyze, compare, and manage the source of pollution, to effectively reduce the occurrence of petition cases. We will also conduct re-examinations for manufacturers that have deficiencies in regulatory compliance checks, and identify ways for manufacturers to improve. The manufacturers will make specific commitments to complete the improvement of the missing items to ensure the air quality of Miaoli County.
英文關鍵字 VOCs, Volatile Organic Compounds, odor