英文摘要 |
In response to global climate change, the Ministry of Environment announced the implementation of the "Climate Change Response Act" on February 15 last year, incorporating the 2050 net-zero emissions target into law, and adding a special chapter on climate change adaptation to take climate change mitigation and adaptation actions. , to cope with the impact of climate change. Miaoli County established the "Miaoli County Climate Change Response Promotion Council" in June of the same year, with the county magistrate serving as the convenor. In response to climate change issues, Miaoli County will jointly promote Miaoli County through cross-agency, bureau, group, industry, academia, and research cooperation. For climate action, this year’s focus is on promoting climate change response and cooperating with central policies to implement the 2050 net-zero emission plan, grasping the county’s greenhouse gas emission information, planning net-zero emission projects, and implementing climate change mitigation (greenhouse gas reduction), adaptation, etc. , to respond to climate change and achieve the goal of comprehensively promoting net-zero emissions in 2050.
1. Establish and maintain the county’s climate change response promotion meeting, convene relevant meetings, formulate and review the county’s climate change mitigation implementation plan and adaptation implementation plan and implementation results report, so as to strengthen the county’s role in participating in climate change affairs.
2. Manage and examine the implementation effectiveness of the "Greenhouse Gas Reduction Implementation Plan" and prepare an annual reduction implementation plan results report, which will be submitted to the county's climate change response promotion meeting and made public.
3. Develop and manage the "Climate Change Adaptation Implementation Plan" and submit it to the county's climate change response promotion meeting, submit it to the central competent authority in consultation with the central competent authority for the target industry, implement it after approval, and make it public.
4. Prepare an annual implementation plan results report and submit it to the county’s climate change response promotion meeting and then make it public.
5. Carry out climate change mitigation and adaptation promotion and education activities to enhance citizen awareness and enable the public to join the ranks of carbon reduction.
6. Understand the Ministry of Environment’s “Climate Change Response Act” and its related sub-laws and promotion strategies.
7. Handle the inventory, database establishment and analysis of greenhouse gas emissions at the city level in the county, so as to understand the characteristics of the county’s emission baseline and the space for reduction, and formulate greenhouse gas reduction actions and climate change mitigation strategies that are consistent with the county’s characteristics. reference basis.
8. Inspection: Emission source management matters of registered greenhouse gas emissions should be investigated to understand the greenhouse gas emission situation of the county's managed objects.