

中文摘要 本計畫綜合政府政策措施之滾動式規劃與調整,執行目標可分為技術面與管理面。技術面包含:(1)研析溫室氣體檢(監)測技術指引;(2)研析溫室氣體檢(監)測技術方法學;(3)溫室氣體檢測技術開發;管理面則包含(1)溫室氣體查證認證與檢測技術相關訓練及(2)溫室氣體查驗機構同時為環境檢驗測定機構等情境公正性研析。 在技術面,已經由多份ISO標準之彙整結果提出溫室氣體檢(監)測技術指引草案,內容聚焦在計量追溯性與量測不確定度評估準則。在國際溫室氣體檢(監)測技術方法學的研析工作上,團隊優先選擇水泥業與半導體產業,進行ISO標準摘譯與研析,摘譯本已完成草稿。其中ISO 19694-7主要針對半導體與面板產業,使用的檢測技術為FTIR系統,亦為本計畫之主要發展技術,以排放管道的含氟溫室氣體檢測為目標進行方法研析與開發。 在管理面,已辦理包含查驗機構評審員訓練60小時與檢測機構現場評鑑專家教育訓練24小時。此外,規劃與完成溫室氣體查驗與認證相關1場次,模擬系統評鑑及術科評鑑實作訓練各1場次,每場次2天,約20人參與。依據所分析之國內外運作現況,美國與加拿大政府機關的實驗室,會自行辦理盲樣測試,或指定經認證機構評鑑之單位擔任能力試驗提供者,亦有很多機構同時具有許可實驗室與能力試驗提供者的功能。依據相關ISO標準的規範,兩個角色不相互衝突的關鍵在於管理階層於組織架構與管理機制中可鑑別利益衝突可能發生的風險並予以削減排除。對於查驗機構而言,若同時具有實驗室的身份,除了依據ISO標準做風險鑑別外,可參考新加坡制度,於相關規範或指引中明訂查驗機構應避免與受查驗公司有過任何設施量測計畫或排放報告準備相關工作的諮詢或技術合作。
中文關鍵字 公正性、傅立葉轉換紅外光譜儀、查驗機構、溫室氣體


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 9180 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/23 專案結束日期 2024/12/31 專案主持人 林采吟
主辦單位 國環院檢測認證中心 承辦人 呂奎宛 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113FA021-113年溫室氣體自願減量專案認證管理推動計畫成果.pdf 21MB

2024 Accreditation Management Promotion Plan for Greenhouse Gas Voluntary Reduction Projects

英文摘要 The project integrates government policies and measures through a rolling planning and adjustment approach, dividing its objectives into technical and management aspects. The technical aspects include surveys and studies on (1) technical guidelines for greenhouse gas (GHG) monitoring and detection;(2) methodology for GHG monitoring and detection; and (3) development of GHG measurement techniques. The management aspects include (1) training related to GHG verification, accreditation, and testing techniques; and (2) analysis of impartiality issues in situations where a GHG verification body also functions as an environmental testing agency and where a testing laboratory also plays a role as a proficiency testing provider. In the technical aspects, a draft of guidelines for GHG monitoring and detection has been proposed, based on a compilation of multiple ISO standards. This draft focuses on traceability in measurement and criteria for evaluating measurement uncertainty. For the surveys of methodology on GHG monitoring and determination, the team has prioritized the cement and semiconductor industries, conducting translations of related ISO standards, with drafts of the translation now completed. Among these standards, ISO 19694-7 is particularly focused on the semiconductor and panel industries, employing Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) systems as the main detection technology. The project also aims to study and develop FTIR methods for measuring fluorinated GHGs in emission stacks. In the management aspects, 60 hours of training for GHG accreditation assessors and 18 hours of training for experts in on-site assessment of testing laboratories have been conducted. Additionally, two practical field exercises were completed, with more than 20 participants in total. With regards to the analysis of impartiality issues, based on the analysis of domestic and international practices, government laboratories in the United States and Canada typically conduct blind sample tests independently or designate approved agencies to act as proficiency testing providers, with many agencies holding dual roles as accredited laboratories and proficiency test providers. According to relevant ISO standards, the key to ensuring no conflict between these roles lies in the management’s ability to identify and mitigate potential conflicts of interest within the organizational structure and management mechanisms. For GHG verification bodies that also operate as testing laboratories, beyond conducting risk assessment per ISO standards, the competent authority can also refer to the Singapore system, which stipulates in relevant guidelines that verification bodies should avoid any consulting or technical cooperation related to monitoring plans or emission report preparation with the companies they verify.
英文關鍵字 impartiality, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, verification body, greenhouse gas