

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作內容包含:稽查未定檢車、定檢率提升作業、低污染車輛推廣、定檢站管理、充電站維護作業及辦理宣導作業等。計畫執行期程為自113年1月1日起至113年12月31日止,經統計至113年12月份各項工作之初步執行成果如表I所示。 計畫期程內需稽查使用中車輛5萬輛,統計至113年12月18日已完成稽查作業數,使用中車輛稽查78,649輛,分別為使用車牌辨識系統稽查76,726輛及路邊巡查1,923輛。計畫期程內需寄發定檢通知明信片32萬張及催檢通知7萬件,截至本年度12月份已完成寄發,催檢通知則是完成寄發75,032件。目前屏東縣機車定檢率達81.2%,琉球鄉定檢率達到91%,較112年度提升1%;而不定期機車攔檢作業已執行24場,總計攔檢609輛燃油機車,平均檢驗不合格率為6%。 依環境部定檢資料中,以本縣到檢機車數進行統計,截至11月份共有321,090輛完成檢驗,其二、四行程機車定檢比例分別為2.3%及97.7%,二行程不合格率為7.7%,四行程不合格率為3.6%,平均定檢不合格率為3.7%;另以環境部列管之老舊機車,目前已有61,555輛完成檢驗,老車定檢率達70%,較112年度提升1%。 為維護定檢站檢驗品質,本年度需完成定檢站定期查核並執行實車查核70站次,統計至113年12月18日止,總計完成定期查核定檢站383站次、實車及氣體查核77站次。其中,有缺失情況之檢驗站為3家,檢驗站缺失比例為0.6%,缺失項目為「未開立複驗單」及「未申請暫停檢驗」兩項。而實車及氣體查核部分,已針對特定對象如攔檢不合格追溯、稽查異常及經局內列管或建議指定的檢驗站為主要查核對象;汽車代驗廠已全數訪查完畢,共計28間。 屏東縣環保局設置之電動機車充電站總計288站,其中今年共增設3站,而本計畫於計畫期間需完成維護作業至少一次,包含民眾陳情之修復充電站,統計至113年12月18日已達成維護站次,共計完成維護397站次。 為維護空氣品質並宣導民眾車輛熄火之觀念,計畫期間已於屏東縣轄內易怠速地點、主要路段、校園周邊等,執行車輛怠速熄火勸導作業,共計完成1,040輛次怠速勸導;而里港及高樹地區學校推動示範區宣導作業共10處,均已推動完畢。 自去年度辦理協商會議及公聽研商會議後,鶴聲國小及仁愛國小分別於本年度1月及2月核定,並於5月1日及7月1日正式實施管制。本計畫已於4月完成相關宣導措施,並於宣導期後著手執行不定期稽查,針對進入管制區域內未完成定檢並合格之車輛,已依法開罰402件。冀望透過持續實施移動污染源管制以改善區域空氣品質,使孩童有個健康的學習環境。 自配合環境部各年度辦理推動汰舊新購獎勵補助措施至今,屏東縣內之二行程機車及1~4期的老舊車種已逐年減少,另本年度加強告發管制,全面列管二行程機車及琉球鄉籍機車,截至12月共執行10,388件,其中註銷件數達1,129件,較112年度提升逾1,000件。統計113年1~11月的車輛淘汰報廢情形,本縣共計淘汰13,206輛1~4期機車,其中2,642輛為二行程機車,初步的空氣污染物削減量成效,計提供污染排放削減量分別為PM10:3.1公噸、PM2.5:2.4公噸、NOx:11.9公噸、NMHC:56.8公噸。
中文關鍵字 定檢、電動車、老車汰舊、電子簡訊


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 14990.76 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/12/31 專案主持人 薛進和
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 洪雅容 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 113年度屏東移污期末報告書(定稿含英文摘要) final.pdf 12MB 113年屏東縣機車排氣污染稽查管制計畫期末報告

2024 Pingtung County Motorcycle Exhaust Pollution Inspection and Control Plan

英文摘要 The primary tasks of this project include inspecting vehicles without mandatory periodic inspection, increasing periodic inspection rates, promoting low-pollution vehicles, managing inspection stations, maintaining charging stations, and conducting outreach activities. The project implementation period runs from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024. Preliminary results as of December 2024 are shown in Table I. During the project period, 50,000 in-use vehicles were required to undergo inspection. By December 18, 2024, 78,649 vehicles were inspected, including 76,726 via license plate recognition systems and 1,923 through roadside patrols. The project also required the mailing of 320,000 periodic inspection reminder postcards and 70,000 follow-up notices. As of December, 75,032 follow-up notices had been sent. The motorcycle periodic inspection rate in Pingtung County reached 81.2%, with a 91% rate in Liuqiu Township, reflecting a 1% improvement over 2023. Twenty-four irregular motorcycle inspections were carried out, with a total of 609 fuel motorcycles inspected and an average non-compliance rate of 6%. According to the Ministry of Environment’s periodic inspection data for Pingtung County, 321,090 motorcycles had undergone inspection as of September. Among them, 2-stroke and 4-stroke motorcycles accounted for 2.3% and 97.7%, respectively. The non-compliance rates for 2-stroke and 4-stroke motorcycles were 7.7% and 3.6%, respectively, with an average non-compliance rate of 3.7%. Of the older motorcycles monitored by the Ministry of Environment, 61,555 had been inspected, achieving a periodic inspection rate of 70%, a 1% increase over 2023. To maintain inspection quality, the project aimed to conduct 70 routine inspections and practical checks of inspection stations within the year. By December 18, 2024, 383 routine inspections and 77 practical and gas-related checks had been completed. Three stations were found with deficiencies, constituting 0.6% of all inspected stations, with issues such as “failure to issue re-inspection slips” and “failure to apply for suspension of inspection.” For the practical and gas-related checks, targeted inspections focused on non-compliant roadside checkpoints, anomaly tracking, and stations flagged or recommended by the bureau. All 28 designated automobile inspection factories were fully visited. Pingtung County Environmental Protection Bureau operates 288 electric motorcycle charging stations, with three new stations added this year. By December 18, 2024, 397 maintenance operations were completed, exceeding the annual maintenance requirement of one operation per station, including those prompted by public complaints. To improve air quality and promote idling vehicle awareness, 1,040 instances of vehicle idling cessation guidance were completed in high-idle zones, main roads, and school peripheries within Pingtung County. Outreach programs were carried out in 10 demonstration zones around Ligang and Gaoshu schools, all of which were successfully implemented. Following consultation and public hearings last year, Hesheng Elementary School and Ren'ai Elementary School were approved in January and February 2024, respectively, to implement control measures, which took effect on May 1 and July 1. In April, relevant outreach was completed, and subsequent irregular inspections targeted vehicles within controlled areas that had not undergone or passed periodic inspections. A total of 402 violations were penalized. The ongoing mobile pollution source control aims to improve regional air quality, fostering a healthier learning environment for children. Through the Ministry of Environment’s annual old-to-new vehicle subsidy programs, the number of 2-stroke motorcycles and Phaase 1–4 older vehicles in Pingtung County has steadily declined. This year, strengthened control measures resulted in the registration of 10,388 cases involving 2-stroke motorcycles and Liuqiu-registered motorcycles. Of these, 1,129 were decommissioned, exceeding last year’s numbers by over 1,000. From January to November 2024, 13,206 Phase 1–4 motorcycles were scrapped in the county, including 2,642 2-stroke motorcycles. Estimated pollutant reductions achieved were PM10: 3.1 tons, PM2.5: 2.4 tons, NOx: 11.9 tons, and NMHC: 56.8 tons. To refine this year’s procedures, the project prioritized phasing out outdated government and related bureau vehicles. By the end of October, all identified vehicles had been scrapped. Additionally, 35 electric motorcycles were funded for departments requiring vehicle usage. A new initiative promoting incentives for periodic inspection aimed to cultivate public awareness of periodic inspection and increase SMS data collection rates. By year’s end, 45,460 messages were collected, representing a 7.7-fold increase over the previous year. The initiative supports the transition towards paperless operations.
英文關鍵字 Regular inspection, Eletric vehicle, Retire old vehicle, Eletric text message