

中文摘要 本計畫執行時間由113年2月2日至113年11月30日止,執行期間皆依期程規範辦理,整體進度達成率100%。計畫針對中部地區五縣市固定污染源,分別以智慧稽查平台系統篩選PM2.5污染物93家、VOCs有100家,透過現場巡查結果納入持續關注對象共68場次,依照巡查事證掌握10家進行深度查核作業,其查核缺失以廢氣未收集及管道破損為主要缺失項目、其餘則因防制設備未開啟、參數不符合及非法排放管道未依操作許可證核定內容操作等,而進行深度查核作業共執行稽查檢測6根次,稽查檢測超標3家(管道異味、管道甲苯、防制設備處理效率不符)其缺失項目已移交地方環保局予以告發,科學儀器部分則以紅外線氣體顯像儀查獲1家以非法排放口排放未經處理之廢氣及攜帶式火焰離子偵測器應用於廢氣管線斷裂處濃度量測,做為污染排放蒐證用,另外於南崗產業園區執行1場次OP-FTIR監測作業。 空氣品質數據分析部分大環境113年1月至7月PM2.5呈現降低趨勢,8月至10月則逐漸回升,O3月平均值則無明顯變化趨勢,然比對已深度查核工廠所屬工業區月平均值變化來看,PM2.5自第一季至第三季接呈現下降趨勢,而已深度查核工廠之排放次數與增量平均值發現屬粒狀污染物工廠皆有呈現降低趨勢。顯示PM2.5感測器較能應用於查核工廠改善前後區域治理分析。 另計畫執行期間於6月18日及11月7日各辦理1場次環保許可查核交流會議(與會人數分別為36人、37人),各邀請環境部相關業務單位、各區環境管理中心、中部地區縣市環保局相關業務人員參加會議;另分別於6月28日、10月25日各辦理1場次許可管制及智慧稽查交流研習會議(與會人數分別為63人、42人),各邀請環境部相關業務單位、各區環境管理中心、中部地區縣市環保局相關業務人員參加會議;另辦理2場次法規及自主管理宣導說明會(與會人數分別為48家52人、40家49人),主要邀請彰化濱海園區廠商及臺中市VOCs前60大工廠參加會議,藉由各式交流會議提升環保單位或業者環保知識,進而提高查緝效率及自主管理之目的。
中文關鍵字 深度查核、許可查核、稽查檢測


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 7440 千元
專案開始日期 2024/02/02 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 卓啟弘
主辦單位 中區環境管理中心 承辦人 石承治 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EMA113EA025-中部地區空氣品質數據分析及區域治理計畫成果報告(定稿)-公開版.pdf 17MB 113EA025-中部地區空氣品質數據分析及區域治理計畫成果報告(定稿)-公開版

Air quality data analysis and regional governance plan in the central region

英文摘要 The implementation period of this plan was from February 2, 2024 to November 30, 2024. During the implementation period, everything was handled in accordance with the schedule, and the overall progress achievement rate is 100%. The plan targets Stationary air pollution source in the central region, using the smart inspection platform system to screen 93 companies for PM2.5 pollutants and 100 companies for VOCs. A total of 68 objects of continuous concern were included through on-site inspection results, and 10 companies were mastered based on inspection evidence. The company conducted an in-depth inspection, and the main deficiencies in the inspect were failure to collect exhaust and damaged pipelines. The rest were due to the failure of control equipment to be turned on, non-compliance with parameters, and illegal emission pipelines not being operated in accordance with the Stationary pollution source Operating permit. A total of 6 inspections were carried out during the audit, and 3 companies were found to have exceeded the standard (pipeline odor, pipe toluene, and inconsistent treatment efficiency of control equipment). The missing items will be handed over to the local Environmental Protection Bureau for reporting. The scientific instrument department will use infrared gas imaging equipment. A company was found to be discharging untreated exhaust gas through an illegal outlet and a portable flame ion detector was used to measure the concentration at the break of the exhaust gas pipeline for evidence of pollution emissions. In addition, an OP-FTIR session was performed in Nangang Industrial Park. Monitoring operations. Air quality data analysis showed that PM2.5 showed a decreasing trend from January to July in 113, and then gradually rebounded from August to October. The monthly average O3 showed no obvious trend. However, the comparison has been in-depth verification of the industrial zone where the factory belongs. Looking at changes in the monthly average, PM2.5 has shown a downward trend from the first quarter to the third quarter. In-depth inspections of the emission times and incremental averages of factories have found that factories belonging to granular pollutants have shown a downward trend. It shows that PM2.5 sensors are more suitable for checking regional management analysis before and after factory improvement. In addition, during the implementation period of the plan, one environmental permit review and exchange meetings were held on June 18 and November 7 (the number of participants is 36 and 37 respectively), and relevant business units of the Ministry of Environment, each district environmental management center, and the central government will be invited. Relevant business personnel from the regional, county and city environmental protection bureaus participated in the meeting; another exchange and study meeting on licensing control and smart inspection was held on June 28 and October 25 respectively (the number of participants was 63 and 42 respectively), and each invited environmental Relevant business personnel from relevant business units of the ministry, environmental management centers of various districts, and environmental protection bureaus of counties and cities in the central region attended the meeting; 2 additional briefing sessions on regulations and independent management were held (the number of participants was 52 people from 48 companies and 49 people from 40 companies). Changhua Binhai Park manufacturers and the top 60 VOCs factories in Taichung City were mainly invited to participate in the meeting. Through various exchange meetings, the environmental protection knowledge of environmental protection units or industry operators is improved, thereby improving inspection efficiency and independent management.
英文關鍵字 Deep check, Operating permit, Audit and testing