

中文摘要 本計畫負責管理環保局所屬環境保護志願服務運用單位,本年度共有15處運用單位,轄下共有6百餘環保志工隊,人數大約為3萬7仟人,不論在環境衛生、河川巡守、污染檢舉及環境教育等各方面,都需要靠環保志工的力量。本計畫負責運用管理環境教育志工服務隊志工,並協助運用管理桃園市環境教育專業宣講團,結合環境教育及環保政策宣導,以協助環境教育推動工作,持續燃亮志工無私的愛與關懷,期能有效發揮讓志工達到環境教育之目的,共同為桃園市美麗環境而努力。 每年針對運用單位辦理業務聯繫會報,結合專題演講及單位參訪,以互相討論及交流提升運用單位管理能力,辦理志工遴選表揚,頒獎給績優的志工,辦理系統的操作課程,提升各單位系統熟悉度,辦理桃園市環保志工群英會,於活動中選出競賽代表隊伍,並協助各隊練習及參與全國比賽,本次全國比賽結合環境教育課程,讓代表隊在比賽之餘也可以學到其他縣市的環境教育特色,以增加隊伍的實力。 每年針對環境教育志工服務隊志工,辦理業務聯繫會報,結合專題演講及心得分享,以專業知識及交流方式提升志工環境教育知能,並辦理專業培訓課程、系統操作課程及增能培訓課程,透過不同類型的專業課程及不同環境教育場域來增加志工環境教育新知,並讓志工學以致用,增加宣導量能。協助推薦志工參與人才庫甄選,並運用人才庫講師辦理環境教育宣導課程,使環境教育能擴展到民眾生活中。培訓志工成為志工宣講師,使之成為有能力提供專業知識的講師,提供未來環保局在政策宣導及環境教育宣講的量能。
中文關鍵字 環保志工,環境教育,培訓


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 7432.5 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 張傳進
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 張秭榆 執行單位 新紀工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告-合併-密文_已標記密文V2_已標記密文.pdf 33MB

The Environmental Education Project Plan of Taoyuan City in 2024

英文摘要 This project is responsible for managing the 15 volunteer service units of TYDEP, include 600 environmental protection volunteer teams, totaling around 37 thousand volunteers. They servicing environmental hygiene, river patrols, pollution reporting, and environmental education everywhere. This project is responsible for managing the volunteers from the Environmental Education Volunteer Service Team and Taoyuan City Environmental Education Professional Promotion Group. Combining environmental education and environmental policy promotion to assist in the promotion of environmental education, continue to ignite the selfless love and care of volunteers, and hope that volunteers can effectively achieve the purpose of environmental education and work together for a beautiful environment in Taoyuan City. Twice a year, we conduct business meetings for the environmental protection volunteer teams with thematic lectures and unit visits. Through mutual discussions and exchanges to Improve the manage of units capabilities. Assessment and scoring for our environmental volunteer team. Ensure the operational status of each unit and praise according to the score. Conducting volunteer selection and commendation to awards outstanding volunteers. Conduct system operation courses to improve the system familiarity of each unit. Holding the Taoyuan City Environmental Protection Volunteers knowledge competition and the first place team in each of the 4 competitions will be selected to participate in the national competition. Before the Participating national competition, we assist team exercises and when came to competition holding simultaneously environmental education courses to increase the strength of the team. For the environmental education volunteer service team, we held business meetings every two time a year. Holding thematic lectures and shared experiences with professional knowledge exchange to enhance volunteers’ environmental education knowledge. We also organize professional training, system operation courses and visit training courses. Through different types of professional courses and environmental education fields, will increase volunteers’ new knowledge of environmental education. Let volunteers apply what they have learned to increase the amount of teach ability. Recommend volunteers to participate in instructor training and employ this teacher to teaching environmental Education. Enable environmental education to be extended into people’s lives. Training volunteer to become professional knowledge teacher of environmental education. Providing future energy for the TYDEP in policy promotion and environmental education.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Volunteer, Environmental Education, Training