

中文摘要 本計畫包含五大工作項,以下分別就各工作項之執行成果,進行簡要綜整說明。 第一工作項目:蒐研國際溫室氣體自願性減量市場制度相關資料,研提我國自願性減量市場制度精進作法 1.整理瑞士、加州、澳洲、日本、Verra及GS之自願減量制度發展狀況、以及美國、Carbon Market Watch、評級機構BeZero、Calyx及顧問機構Abatable、EcosystemMarketPlace出版與碳信用額度品質認定相關之報告。 2.完成中國、日本、新加坡及印尼共4個國家執行碳信用額度(減量額度)交易之資訊蒐整。 3.針對歐盟「綠色聲明指令」與「消費者賦權綠色轉型指令」、美國加州「自願性碳市場揭露」及韓國「環境技術與產業支持法」等對於反漂綠的發展現況進行資料蒐集與分析。 4.彙整《巴黎協定》第6條機制之發展近況、新加坡國際碳信用額度資格標準、以及CORSIA機制之認可要求。 第二工作項目:協助我國溫室氣體自願性減量市場制度推動及案件審查 1.完成「經濟部商業服務業節能設備汰換補助要點」與「節能績效保證專案示範推廣補助要點」之機制審查與自願減量專案確證重點項目比對。 2.提出88件次審查報告,扣除掉因同一案件經補正後再次重複審查之件數,共計協助審查47案。另外協助辦理31場次會議,包括專案小組審查計26場次與5場次審議會,與會人員計754人。 第三工作項:協助研訂溫室氣體減量額度交易、拍賣及移轉之法案及協辦相關作業程序 1.協助完成研擬溫室氣體減量額度交易拍賣及移轉管理辦法及相關法制工作,以及完成建置相關書件表單,以供事業使用。並彙整日本自願減量制度J-credit以及東京證交所碳信用額度等對外揭露資訊內容。 2.已協助帳戶開立或額度使用之審查作業,已辦理19案額度帳戶開立、11件次額度註銷使用之審核作業。 3.統計核發減量額度為9,569萬7,978公噸CO2e,而已註銷減量額度為1,484萬1,814公噸CO2e,其中註銷用於碳中和為2萬4,932公噸CO2e,註銷用於環評抵換為1,481萬6,882公噸CO2e。 4.完成研擬企業宣告碳中和指引。 第四工作項:協助研擬開發行為溫室氣體增量抵換制度精進作法規劃及協辦案件審查 1.統計已通過環評審查且承諾增量抵換之環評案件,目前共計28案且合計約144.4萬公噸/年抵換量需求,審查中適用溫室氣體增量抵換之環評案件共計24案。 2.協助研擬「溫室氣體減量效益核發及帳戶管理作業要點」。 3.協助提送8份氣候署指定之溫室氣體增量抵換案件審查報告。 4.協助提送81份氣候署指定之開發案溫室氣體增量評估與減量及抵換規劃案件審查報告。 5.更新增量抵換問答集,以及更新《溫室氣體減量效益核發及帳戶管理作業要點》相關問題。 第五工作項:維護更新我國溫室氣體自願減量暨抵換資訊平臺 1.配合法規調整與氣候署之需求,調整與維護系統個功能模組,包含抵換專案、自願減量專案、增量抵換、後台管理等模組。 2.協助將功能模組及資料轉移至額度管理平台。
中文關鍵字 自願減量專案機制、碳定價、溫室氣體減量額度


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 15880 千元
專案開始日期 2024/04/30 專案結束日期 2024/12/10 專案主持人 林宗昱
主辦單位 氣候署減量交易組 承辦人 方俐文 執行單位 財團法人中華經濟研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 CCA-113BA011.pdf 71MB 成果報告

Promote the voluntary greenhouse gas reduction market and incremental offset projects

英文摘要 This project contains a total of 5 work tasks, and the outcome of each task is summarized as follows. Work task 1: Research on International Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reduction Market Systems and Propose Enhancements for Taiwan's Voluntary Reduction Market System. 1. Compile information on the development status of voluntary reduction systems in Switzerland, California, Australia, Japan, Verra, and GS, as well as reports related to carbon credit quality assessments published by the U.S., Carbon Market Watch, rating agencies like BeZero and Calyx, consultancy Abatable, and Ecosystem Marketplace. 2. Gather and organize information on carbon credit (reduction credit) trading implementation in four countries: China, Japan, Singapore, and Indonesia. 3. Collect and analyze data on developments in anti-greenwashing policies, such as the EU’s "Green Claims Directive" and "Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition Directive," California's "Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosures," and South Korea's "Environmental Technology and Industry Support Act." 4. Summarize updates on the Paris Agreement Article 6 mechanisms, Singapore’s international carbon credit qualification standards, and the recognition requirements of the CORSIA mechanism. Work task 2: Support for Taiwan’s Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reduction Market System Implementation and Project Review. 1. Complete mechanism reviews and comparisons of key points for voluntary reduction project verification under the "Guidelines for Subsidies for Replacement of Energy-saving Equipment in the Commercial Service Sector" and the "Guidelines for Demonstration and Promotion of Energy Performance Guarantee Projects." 2. Provide 88 project review reports, assisting in the review of 47 unique cases after excluding re-evaluations due to project corrections. Assist in organizing 31 meetings, including 26 project team review sessions and 5 deliberation meetings, with a total of 754 participants. Work task 3: Assist in Drafting Legislation for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Credit Trading, Auctions, and Transfers, and Related Procedural Support. 1. Assist in drafting management measures and relevant legal frameworks for greenhouse gas reduction credit trading, auctions, and transfers. Develop templates for enterprises and compile disclosure information from Japan's J-credit voluntary reduction system and carbon credit trading on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. 2. Assist in reviewing 19 credit account openings and 11 credit cancellations for utilization purposes. 3. The total reduction credits issued amount to 95.7 million tons CO2e, with 14.8 million tons CO2e canceled. Of the canceled credits, 24,932 tons CO2e were used for carbon neutrality, and 14.8 million tons CO2e were used for environmental impact assessment offsets. 4. Complete the development of guidelines for corporate carbon neutrality declarations. Work task 4: Assist in Developing and Reviewing Enhanced Greenhouse Gas Offset Systems for Incremental Development Activities. 1. Compile statistics on environmental impact assessment (EIA) cases approved with commitments for incremental offsets, totaling 28 cases with an offset demand of approximately 1.444 million tons/year. Additionally, 24 EIA cases applying the incremental offset mechanism are under review. 2. Assist in drafting the "Operational Guidelines for Issuance and Account Management of Greenhouse Gas Reduction Benefits." 3. Submit 8 greenhouse gas incremental offset project review reports as designated by the Climate Change Agency. 4. Submit 81 greenhouse gas incremental evaluation and reduction offset planning review reports for development projects as designated by the Climate Change Agency. 5. Update the FAQ for incremental offsets and revise related questions in the "Operational Guidelines for Issuance and Account Management of Greenhouse Gas Reduction Benefits." Work task 3: Maintenance and Updates of Taiwan’s Greenhouse Gas Voluntary Reduction and Offset Information Platform. 1. Adjust and maintain system modules, including offset projects, voluntary reduction projects, incremental offsets, and backend management, in line with regulatory adjustments and Climate Change Agency requirements. 2.Assist in transferring functional modules and data to the credit management platform.
英文關鍵字 Voluntary Reduction Project Scheme, Carbon Pricing, GHG Reduction Credit