

中文摘要 藉由執行本計畫統整嘉義市各空氣品質改善維護計畫成果,並就各項管制策略執行進度進行追蹤,適時提出建議,達到持續改善空氣品質之目的。本計畫執行期間自113年1月1日起至113年12月15日止,主要工作項目執行成果摘要如下: 嘉義市AQI>100 比例由108年21.6%降至112年13.4%,整體改善率38.0%,113年(至11月) AQI>100比例則為10.7%,其中PM2.5占6.0%(112年同期為7.2%),O3_8hr占4.8%(112年同期為6.9%)。113年嘉義市發生2站日AQI>150中級預警(紅色警示)事件已完成成因分析,較去年同期3站日改善;此外,針對本市SO2常發生高值事件日,完成歷年及113年事件日逆軌跡模擬及成因分析,主要來自民雄鄉工業燃燒及高空煙火燃燒排放。 嘉義市為改善空氣污染,導入玉山能見度影像觀測資料,各年觀測結果106~112年看見阿里山脈百分比由106年25.2%上升至113年33.4%,看見玉山百分比由106年3.3%上升至23.6%,統計113年(至11月),能見度25KM以上總計112日,以6、8月發生22日最多;能見度50KM以上總計79日,以6月發生19日最多。 依據本計畫檢討更新和掌握之TEDS12.0排放量資料,本市各類空氣污染物排放量分別為懸浮微粒(PM10)694.9公噸、細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)203.1公噸、硫氧化物(SOx)30.0公噸、氮氧化物(NOx)782.1公噸、非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC)2,872.0公噸,除PM10及PM2.5因道路揚塵導致排放量增加25.6%~61.4%之外,其餘污染物排放量較TEDS11.1降低9.4%~28.1%。 嘉義市空氣污染防制計畫(113年至116年)共研擬34項管制措施、81項策略,均依期程辦理行政作業各項程序,並配合環境部(含委員)意見修正及參與審查作業,完成工作包括:113年1月29日辦理預告,2月7日辦理公聽研商會,2月20日辦理跨縣市會商會議,完備本市空氣污染防制計畫(113年至116年)核定前各項程序後於2月22日提前函文草案送部審查,第二階段之初審會議已於5月17日召開,第三階段之審查會議則於7月31日召開,10月9日環境部核定,本市並於10月14日正式公告。 協助113年空污季參與「南部地區空氣污染跨區合作預防應變小組」會議4次,於3、10月各召開1場工作檢討會議,並協助完成清淨空氣推動委員會議資料及召開環境改善組會議。 本市113年(至11月)總計實施空氣品質不良通報應變53次,達中級預警設立「地方防制指揮中心」計6次,達初級預警自主成立「局應變中心」計47次。不良通報應變以PM2.5占總通報次數最高達37次,其次為O3-8hr達15次,PM10達1次。 本市轄內7處空氣品質淨化區連續5年認養比例百分百;本計畫每月查核空氣品質淨化區維護管理現況;於8月22日完成辦理1場委員實地現勘輔導,管理、認養單位改善建議,以提升維護管理績效考評得分。 本年度全數調查並紀錄嘉義市7處空氣品質淨化區硬鋪面、現狀、面積及樹木遮蔽情形等現有條件,提供給管理單位太陽能光電系統評估設置參考。同步執行空拍裸露地調查,運用「Google Earth系統」及「國土測繪圖資服務雲系統」輔助,建置裸露地基本資料,內容包含區域、地號、經緯度、面積、土地類型、空拍圖、現況照片、現場控制方法及現場裸露程度,達到有效控管之目的,以轄內東區開始,113年完成公有土地21筆、私有土地15筆之建檔,持續調查全市公有及私有裸露地,依裸露地狀況進行後續列管、待觀察或不列管的判定。 完成10場次空氣污染防制防護觀念宣導活動(含5場次空氣污染防制防護種子講師宣講),宣導約2,208人次,配合有獎徵答或遊戲與民眾互動。另外每月發佈空氣品質相關知識及健康防護觀念之宣導圖文,並利用社群媒體定期發佈空氣污染防制防護相關知識,已完成登載12則。 本年籌備主辦2024年世界環境日「永續嘉園I+1 減污減碳義起來」大型宣導活動,從5月6日起展開系列活動,並於5月13日辦理活動記者會,6月2日活動當日由蘋果劇團演出《再闖黑森林》兒童劇,將「氣候變遷影響森林生態」、「日常落實回收分類」及「不露天燃燒」等環境永續議題融入戲劇中,讓永續觀念從小扎根。本次活動呼應新永續淨零,入場門票及問卷回饋全面電子化,當日報到進場567人,回饋問卷256份,本次活動整體滿意度達98.8%。 榮獲112年環境部「直轄市及縣(市)政府環境保護績效考核計畫」之「空品維護與噪音管制績效」項目「優等」獎項,另依據環境部113年度「直轄市及縣(市)政府環境保護績效考核計畫」,本計畫協助大氣司部分「空氣品質維護與噪音管制績效」項目統計第三季自評得分為68.8分,預估年度自評得分含加分項目為97.1分,持續爭取年底考評高分。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、AQI、空品區、空氣污染防制計畫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 4600 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/12/15 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 張文倩 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年度嘉義市清淨空氣推動整合計畫-期末報告(定稿).pdf 30MB

2024 Chiayi City Clean Air Integrated Management Plan

英文摘要 The implementation of this plan is to grasp the long-term change trend of air quality in Chiayi City, through work effectiveness evaluation and technical support, and then develop appropriate air pollution control measures. The implementation period of this year's project is from January 1, 2024 to December 15, 2024. The summaries of the main works are as follows: Based on the 5-year monitoring data between 2019 and 2023 in Chiayi City, the AQI>100 ratio drops from 21.6% to 13.4% (38.0% improvement rate); the AQI>100_PM2.5 ratio drops from 17.0% to 7.7% (54.8% improvement rate); the AQI>100_O3_8hr ratio drops from 8.5% to 4.9% (41.9% improvement rate). As of November, the AQI>100 ratio in 2024 is 10.7%, the AQI>100_PM2.5 ratio and AQI>100_O3_8hr ratio are 6.0% and 4.8%, respectively; the red alert poor air quality station days(AQI≧151) has decreased from 3 days in 2023 to 2 days in 2024. The analysis of the 2 AQI>150 station days (red alert) events in Chiayi City in 2024 has been completed, which is an improvement from the 3 station-day events in the same period last year. In addition, the high SO2 events analysis in 2023 and 2024 has been completed by simulation and the inverse trajectory, the result shows the pollution mainly come from industrial combustion and high-altitude pyrotechnic combustion emissions in Minxiong. Chiayi City also imported Yushan visibility image observation data. The percentage of Ali Mountain visible increased from 25.2% in 2017 to 33.4% in 2023, and the percentage of Yushan visible increased from 3.3% in 2017 to 23.6% in 2023. As of Nov. 2024, It has the best visibility in June and August. Based on TEDS 12.0 database, the annual emissions in Chiayi City are PM10-649.9 tons/y, PM2.5-203.1 tons/y, SOx-30.0 tons/y, NOx-782.1 tons/y, NMHC-2,87.2 tons/y, respectively. Compared with TEDS 11.1 database, the emissions have reduced by 9.4%~28.1% (PM10 and PM2.5 increased due to the emission of road dust have increased by 25.6%~61.4%). To develope the city's air pollution control plan from 2024-2026 based on MOENV’s guidelines and reduction calculation manual, which total 34 control measures (81 strategies) are plotted. All procedures were handled in accordance with the MOENV’s schedule and guidelines, including preview notice(2024/1/29), public hearing(2024/2/7), cross-county and city consultation meeting(2024/2/20), draft submit to MOENV(2024/2/22), preliminary review meeting(2024/5/17), final review meeting(2024/7/31). Finally, the plan was approved by the MOENV on October 9, and the city officially announced it on October 14. The proejct participated in 4 sessions of “Air Pollution Interregional Cooperation Prevention Response in Southern Taiwan”, hold two sessions of “work performance review meetings”, and assisted to hold two sessions of “clean air promotion committee meetings” and prepare meeting related-materials. As of November, a total of 53 notifications of poor air quality were implemented (including holding 6 command centers). Among them, the number of PM2.5 notifications reached 37 times, O3-8hr reached 15 times, and PM10 reached 1 time. There are 7 air quality purification areas in the city. The project has promoted the adoption rate to reach 100% for 5 consecutive years; to conduct monthly reviews to report to the Ministry of Environment; to hold 1 session(2024/8/22) to entrust experts and scholars to conduct inspection and evaluation. The proejct investigated the conditions of existing 7 air quality purification areas such as hard paving, current situation, area, and tree shading to provide to management units to evaluate and set up solar systems. The "Google Earth system" and "Land Surveying and Mapping Service Cloud System" are applied to execute investigation of aerial photography of exposed bareland to build basic information, including region, land number, longitude and latitude, area, land type, and aerial photography. As of December, 21 public and 15 private lands have been recorded in East District, and it will continue to investigate the rest of public and private exposed land. A total of 10 air pollution prevention and protection advocacy activities have been held, including 5 propaganda are scheduled for seed lecturers. With rewarded quizzes or games to interact with the public, 2,208 people participated in. To use social media to publish knowledge about air pollution prevention and protection monthly. Currently, 10 advocacy news was released by press and media regularly to publish relevant knowledge on air pollution prevention and protection. In 2023, the Chiayi City's annual assessment results were assessed by the MOENV as "Excellent". Until the third season of 2024, the self-assessment of air quality improvement work performance evaluation scores 68.8, while annual evaluation scores 97.1 to seek for high scores in the end-of-year assessment.
英文關鍵字 air pollution, Air quality purification area, control AQI