

中文摘要 配合環境管理署需求,本計畫共執行包括非法棄置潛勢熱區分析平臺系統維運、特定重點廢棄物空間關聯性分析及產出風險場域地圖、運用清運機具GPS軌跡建立風險路徑分布特徵模型以產出棄置風險預警名單並進行聯單勾稽,以及應用無人機及道路監視器等科技工具進行特定區域遠端監測管理等工作內容。 本年度計畫除持續優化平臺功能及操作品質外,並提供46場次無人機監測資訊查詢及19縣市風險地圖套疊使用分區查詢等功能,同時在原有風險模型的基礎上新增場址與特定產源的空間關聯環域分析,產出集塵灰類與爐碴類風險地圖,經驗證分別可達96.87%與78.64%的預測正確性,並提出以風險地圖進行場址廢棄物潛在產源之溯源程序。在風險地圖應用方面,以彰化芳苑鄉重大風險區域試辦風險地圖智慧查核,發現8處可疑變異點移交環保局追查;完成全台387處交流道風險排序,並提供24處交流道監控設備佈設規劃;針對南區1處高棄置潛勢區域進行風險分析,基於2種路網演算模型以提出優先架設監控設備地點。此外,本計畫運用清運車輛軌跡風險特徵模型執行約409萬筆清運機具軌跡風險演算,篩選出220筆異常軌跡分段,經勾稽有213筆無聯單申報紀錄。另配合環境管理署及三區環境管理中心進行特定可疑清運車輛異常軌跡分析、軌跡套疊及通過率分析、停頓點及異常啟動分析等,以拓展軌跡風險模型實務應用。本年度以無人機進行15處預警重點對象監測,產出正射影像鑲嵌圖、數值地表模型及場址三維量體模型,並選定彰化1處場址進行酬載多頻段空拍系統導入評估。
中文關鍵字 清運車輛軌跡分析、棄置風險分析、UAV監控


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 7900 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/30 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 王耀銘
主辦單位 環管署環境執法組 承辦人 范喻翔 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113EA024_期末成果報告_上網公開版.pdf 1MB 成果報告部分公開版

Application of truck trajectories andIntelligent inspect application support(FY 2024)

英文摘要 For the requirements from Environmental Management Administration (EMA), this project consists of following works: maintaining and operating the platform of illegal dumping potential zone, performing spatial correlation analyses and risk maps for specific key wastes, generating characteristic model using GPS trajectory data from transportation machinery. Additionally, we produced a risk alert list for illegal dumping and cross-referencing with manifests. Moreover, we conducted remote monitoring and managements of targeted areas using advanced technologies such as drones and surveillance cameras. In addition to continually optimizing the functionality and operational quality of platform, this project provided 46 sessions of drone monitoring data inquiries and overlay-based zoning queries for risk maps across 19 counties. It also introduced spatial correlation analyses between sites and specific waste sources into the existing risk model, resulting in risk maps for ash and slag waste, with validated prediction accuracies of 96.87% and 78.64%, respectively. Moreover, we proposed an algorithm to trace potential waste sources with those risk maps. In terms of the applications of those risk maps, pilot research in the high-risk area of Fangyuan Township, Changhua, utilized intelligent checks based on risk maps, identifying eight suspicious anomalies that were referred to the Environmental Bureau for investigation. Additionally, the project ranked risks for 387 freeway interchanges around Taiwan, and provided monitoring equipment deployment plans for 24 interchanges. Analyzed the risks of high-potential illegal disposal area in the southern region, and employed two road network calculation models to prioritize the locations of surveillance equipment. Furthermore, the project employed transportation vehicle trajectory risk model to approximately 4.09 million GPS tracking data points from waste transportation machinery, identifying 220 abnormal trajectory segments and 213 of them without corresponding manifest records. In collaboration with the EMA and three centers of environmental management, the project expanded the practical application of the trajectory risk model through numerous analyses, such as suspicious vehicle trajectories, trajectory overlay, passage rate, and abnormal stop and start point evaluations. This year, drones were used to monitor 15 key targets, producing orthophoto mosaics, digital surface models, and 3D volumetric models of sites. Additionally, a site in Changhua was selected for evaluating the integration of multi-spectral aerial systems.
英文關鍵字 Truck trajectory analysis, Disposal risk analysis, UAV surveillance