

中文摘要 為確保離島飲用水安全,並瞭解臺東縣綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉飲用水之品質現況,於履約期間內進行3次飲用水水質採樣及分析作業,並彙整分析歷年檢測結果,對於未符合飲用水水源水質標準及飲用水水質標準之地區及水質項目進行原因探討及改善對策,研擬飲用水安全管理,執行工作內容概述如下: 一、自來水水源水質採樣及檢驗測定 本年度執行監測地點為綠島淨水場(綠島1、2號井)及蘭嶼東清淨水場、蘭嶼紅頭淨水場、蘭嶼朗島淨水場等共5處,本年度應完成3次水質採樣檢驗作業。本計畫分別於113年4月、6月、8月(綠島)及9月(蘭嶼),完成3次水質採樣檢驗作業,結果均符合飲用水水源水質標準。 二、水庫水源水質採樣及檢驗測定 本年度執行監測地點為綠島酬勤水庫共1處,本計畫已完成3次水質採樣檢驗作業,檢測結果經卡爾森指數(CTSI)評判,酬勤水庫水體已達優養等級。 三、自來水水質採樣及檢驗測定 本年度執行監測地點為綠島淨水場、綠島鄉公館村1-2號、綠島鄉中寮村中寮橋旁(福德土地公廟)、綠島鄉南寮村194號綠島鄉民代表會(舊館)、蘭嶼鄉東清淨水場、蘭嶼鄉紅頭淨水場、蘭嶼鄉朗島淨水場等共7處,本計畫113年4月、6月、8月(綠島)及9月(蘭嶼),完成3次水質採樣檢驗作業,所有測項測值皆符合飲用水水質標準。 四、非自來水水質採樣及檢驗測定 本年度執行監測地點蘭嶼的椰油國小及蘭嶼椰油社區等共2處,本計畫已完成3次水質採樣檢驗作業,其檢測結果顯示除細菌性標準(大腸桿菌群、總菌落數)超過標準外,其餘測項均符合飲用水水質標準,建議仍應加強宣導保持水源取水口附近的環境衛生,避免人為活動的污染,落實民眾非自來水應先經煮沸或消毒後再飲用之概念。 根據今年檢測結果顯示,綠島鄉第1次水質檢測大腸桿菌群合格率約30%(僅3家合格)、總菌落數合格率約50%(5家合格),綠島鄉第2次水質檢測大腸桿菌群合格率為0%(皆未合格)、總菌落數合格率約30%(僅3家合格);蘭嶼鄉第1次水質檢測大腸桿菌群合格率約20%(4家合格)、總菌落數合格率約50%(10家合格),第2次水質檢測大腸桿菌群合格率約30%(6家合格)、總菌落數合格率為0%(皆未合格)。家戶或業者使用水源來自山泉水及地下水,大多無消毒程序,應持續宣導「應煮沸、勿生飲」提升民眾飲用水安全。而硝酸鹽氮的部分,所有測點皆符合飲用水水質標準。另在氯鹽的部分,部分使用地下水之監測點可能因長期使用地下水,地下水可能有鹽化趨勢,故氯鹽檢測數值有高於飲用水水質標準之現象。 五、地下水井及淨水場水源自行檢測 本計畫對淨水場水源及選定之綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉地下水用戶以攜帶式電子儀器進行水質自行檢測,本年度應完成10次水質自行檢測作業;統計至10月中旬,已完成8次自行檢測作業。根據自行檢測結果顯示,蘭嶼鄉及綠島鄉淨水場水源水質,除遇極端氣候外,多能達到自來水水質標準,且綠島1、2號井導電度及總溶解固體物測值也遠低於鹹淡水分界值,目前應未有海水入侵或鹽化跡象。另檢視地下水井之導電度及總溶解固體物測值結果發現,蘭嶼鄉2處(藍洋潛水中心、海峰民宿)及綠島鄉4處(白沙灣民宿、霖海背包客棧、WOW大叔及GT大叔)地下水鹽化可能性較明顯。然本計畫地下水井自行檢測係利用攜帶式電子儀器對水中總溶解固體、導電度之變化進行觀測及初步背景值調查,未來或可作為地下水相關轄管單位進行相關深度調研或改善措施之參考。 六、辦理離島飲用水相關宣導會、說明會及教育訓練 本計畫依據契約規定辦理「2場次離島飲用水安全宣導會」及「6場次離島飲用水共享平台推廣說明會」,本計畫分別於10月9日及10月23日假綠島國民小學及蘭嶼高級中學各辦理一場離島安全飲用水宣導會,並於113年3月30日、5月4日、5月18日、6月1日、6月7日、8月10日及8月24日分別在鹿野鄉龍田國小、東河鄉興隆國小、臺東縣環境保護局、永續方舟館、臺東縣海濱公園及成功鎮海濱公園,進行離島飲用水共享平台推廣說明會,共計7場次。 另為提升計畫人員對於水質採樣檢驗之技術,計畫人員皆需參加1場次4小時以上之水質採樣檢驗技術或飲用水安全管理技術之教育訓練,故本計畫已於113年10月18日完成飲用水安全管理及水質採樣技術教育訓練之辦理。 七、離島飲用水水質分析與改善對策 本計畫已於113年10月31日前提送「113年離島建設基金補助計畫」執行成效檢討報告書,其中彙整分析104年至113年等10年之離島飲用水檢驗結果數據報告,分析內容應包含檢驗項目之背景特性、影響性、如何降低影響因子(原因探討及改善對策)及統計歷年監測資料,試算水質合格率,以提升水質管理效率;對於未符合「飲用水水源水質標準」及「飲用水水質標準」之地區進行原因探討及改善對策,檢討現階段飲用水品質改善情形,研判飲用水品質可能之變化情形。另於113年第二季起,本計畫已於113年4月12日、7月4日及10月8日分別提送第1季至第3季「113年度離島建設基金補助計畫」執行成效檢討報告書。 八、離島公私場所蓄水池水塔及飲用水設施現地體檢輔導 本計畫於113年5月24至30日邀請亞太環境科技股份有限公司負責人「黃俊仁技師」,自規劃名單中遴選30家機關或旅宿業者進行飲用水設備維護之現地體檢輔導作業,針對其蓄水池、水塔、飲水機進行現地勘查、並瞭解其「清潔維護之情形」、「清潔維護紀錄之登錄」、「水質檢測」等現況,根據現況進行評估,並針對需改善之處提供建議,後續已完成追蹤受輔導對象缺失改善作業。 九、綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉用水連續供水固定設備水質檢驗 本計畫針對綠島鄉飲用水連續供水固定設備辦理水質檢驗,檢驗項目以大腸桿菌群為主,採樣頻率為1年檢驗4次(含)以上,共計160家次。本計畫已於113年3月、6月、8月(綠島鄉)、9月(蘭嶼鄉)及10月完成綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉4季之飲用水連續供水固定設備水質檢驗大腸桿菌群,除了第1季蘭嶼鄉的○鰭○○○·蘭嶼 ○ Hoste、第2季之○堤○旅店、○月○山莊、○燈旅店、○發民宿、○海○民宿、○堂○民宿、○明○民宿、○卡○民宿、○福○民宿及○曬○民宿等10家民宿及第4季的○華○民宿之大腸桿菌群測值呈現超標,其餘民宿皆符合飲用水水質標準規定。 十、設計製作宣導品 本計畫應設計製作宣導品900份(含)以上,設計內容須先經機關同意始能製作。本計畫已於113年5月20日提送宣導品建議品項款式圖說,於6月5日經機關同意製作,並於7月9日完成所有宣導品之提送。 本計畫針對飲用水相關活動或業務或成果等撰寫新聞稿,統計至11月底止,本計畫提送之新聞稿及FB環保小知識,已有6則新聞稿及2則FB環保小知識經機關核准並發布,宣導內容涵概飲用水安全及用水檢測相關資訊等,俾利民眾了解飲用水相關資訊,以協助民眾改善其飲用水水質。 十一、資料庫更新 統計至11月底止,本計畫所有相關採樣檢測資料皆已建檔登錄於環境部「飲用水管理系統」及「環保稽查處分管制系統(EEMS系統)」,另協助完成自來水水質稽查管制已執行531件、自來水水源水質稽查管制60件、飲用水水質處理藥劑管制9件、簡易自來水及供飲用之未列管非自來水水質稽查管制66件、簡易自來水及社區自設公共給水設備水源水質稽查管制16件、飲用水設備維護管理及水質稽查管制273件、包裝及盛裝飲用水水源水質稽查管制4件、辦理飲用水保護區之污染行為稽查管制24件,共計983件。
中文關鍵字 綠島鄉、蘭嶼鄉、自來水水質、飲用水水質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 5500 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/30 專案結束日期 2024/12/20 專案主持人 黃昱仁
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 伍美娜 執行單位 元科科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113台東飲用水計畫-期末報告定稿.pdf 34MB

Taitung County Ludao Township and Lanyu Township Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Plan for 2024

英文摘要 In order to ensure the safety of drinking water on outlying islands and understand the current quality of drinking water in Ludao Township and Lanyu Township in Taitung County, three drinking water quality sampling and analysis operations were conducted during the contract period, and the test results over the years were compiled and analyzed. We will explore the causes and improve countermeasures for areas and water quality projects that do not meet drinking water source water quality standards and drinking water quality standards, and develop drinking water safety management. The implementation work content is summarized as follows: 1. Sampling and testing of tap water source water quality The monitoring locations for this year are Green Island Water Purification Plant (Green Island Wells 1 and 2), Lanyu East Purification Water Plant, Lanyu Hongtou Water Purification Plant, Lanyu Langdao Water Purification Plant, etc., which should be completed this year. 3 water quality sampling inspection operations. This project completed three water quality sampling inspection operations in April, June, August (Green Island) and September (Lanyu) in 2013, and the results were all in compliance with the drinking water source water quality standards. 2. Sampling and testing of reservoir water quality This year's monitoring location is the Green Island Houqin Reservoir. This project has completed three water quality sampling inspections. The test results were judged by the Carlson Index (CTSI). The water body of the Houqin Reservoir has reached the quality level. 3. Sampling and testing of tap water quality The monitoring locations for this year are Ludao Water Purification Plant, No. 1-2 Gongguan Village, Ludao Township, next to Zhongliao Bridge in Zhongliao Village, Ludao Township (Fude Tuigong Temple), and No. 194, Nanliao Village, Ludao Township, Ludao Township There are a total of 7 places including the National People’s Congress (Old Hall), Lanyu Township East Purification Water Plant, Lanyu Township Hongtou Water Purification Plant, Lanyu Township Langdao Water Purification Plant, etc. This plan will be held in April, June, and August 2013. In March (Green Island) and September (Lanyu), three water quality sampling inspection operations were completed, and all measured values were in compliance with drinking water quality standards. 4. Sampling and testing of non-tap water quality This year, monitoring was carried out at two locations: Coconut Oil Elementary School and Lanyu Coconut Oil Community. This project has completed three water quality sampling inspections, and the test results showed that the bacteria removal standards (E. coli group, total bacterial colony count) ) exceeds the standard, the rest of the test items are in line with drinking water quality standards. It is recommended that publicity should be strengthened to maintain environmental sanitation near water intakes to avoid pollution from human activities, and ensure that non-tap water should be boiled or disinfected before drinking. concept. According to this year’s test results, the pass rate of the first water quality test in Ludao Township was about 30% (only 3 companies passed), and the pass rate of total bacterial colonies was about 50% (5 companies passed the test). The second water quality test in Ludao Township The passing rate of coliform testing was 0% (all failed), and the passing rate of total bacterial colonies was about 30% (only 3 companies were qualified); the passing rate of the first water quality test for coliforms in Lanyu Township was about 20% (four companies were qualified) ), the pass rate for the total bacterial colony count was about 50% (10 companies passed), the pass rate for the second water quality test for coliforms was about 30% (6 companies passed the test), and the pass rate for the total bacterial colony count was 0% (all failed). The water sources used by households or businesses come from mountain springs and groundwater, and most of them do not have disinfection procedures. We should continue to promote "boil and not drink raw" to improve the safety of drinking water for the public. As for nitrate nitrogen, all measurement points meet drinking water quality standards. In addition, regarding chloride salt, some monitoring points using groundwater may have a tendency to become salinized due to long-term use of groundwater, so the chloride salt detection value may be higher than the drinking water quality standard.
英文關鍵字 Ludao Township, Lanyu Township, tap water quality, drinking water quality