

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程為自113年1月1日至113年11月30日止,計劃期間各工作項目均依契約規定完善執行。計畫執行期間強化輔導鄉鎮市公所掌握四大體系資源回收量,加強宣導民眾落實垃圾分類與資源回收工作,降低垃圾清運量,統計113年1-10月一般廢棄物回收率為51%,較112年同期50.5%提升0.5%,113年1-10月每人每日一般廢棄物清運量0.74公斤、每人每日資源回收量0.71公斤,均較112年同期增加0.02公斤。各項重點工作,執行成果如下說明。 依據113年度環境部資源循環考核計畫,完成本縣執行機關資源循環工作績效考核初核計畫之研擬,並辦理2場次業務交流會,向33鄉鎮市公所清潔隊說明今年度環保局初核重點及環保業務須配合事項。為掌握本縣各鄉鎮市資源回收成果,輔導33鄉鎮市清潔隊完成簽訂資源回收物標售契約,並針對112年度鄉鎮市清潔隊資源回收變賣量及變賣金額進行調查,112年期間33個鄉鎮市公所清潔隊資源回收變賣量為11,776,346 公斤,合計變賣所得為10,728,537元,平均變賣價格約0.91元/公斤。其中,採分項分包方式之資收物的變賣價格,普遍高於採統包或部分統包方式。針對各清潔隊回收變賣之廢照明光源及廢乾電池流向,每月均完成調查及彙整提報作業,統計113年1-9月本縣清潔隊之傳統照明光源變賣量29,935公斤、LED照明光源變賣量為 10,117 公斤、廢乾電池變賣量為 5,566公斤;其中回收商已交付受補貼處理機構之傳統照明光源為26,921公斤、LED照明光源為 9,445 公斤、廢乾電池為1,062 公斤。 為提升本縣垃圾減量及資源回收成效,本計畫積極推動各項資源回收相關工作,包含推動本縣清潔隊177台資源回收車全數設置廢照明光源回收設施,輔導53站村里資源回收站及30處資源回收示範站持續運作,維持漁港資源回收站運作,完成辦理41場次社區資源回收相關宣導活動及說明會,完成辦理28場資源回收兌換活動,協助媒合18名資源回收個體業者進入社區服務,以及辦理資源回收媒體宣導計1,150則,8月起配合執行強化垃圾破袋檢查之相關作業,協助辦理記者會及新聞媒體、廣播錄音與廣告等多方面宣導作業,藉以強化民眾獲得環保資訊管道,讓民眾對垃圾減量、資源回收相關政策推動有感,並落實環保行動。統計今年度8-11月破袋合格率約74.8%,較1-7月破袋合格率47%,提升約27.8%,亦帶動本縣今年度8-10月資源回收量較1-7月平均提升約10%,顯著提升本縣資源回收成效。
中文關鍵字 資源循環、垃圾減量


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 11488 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/12/28 專案主持人 曾聰億
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 吳㛢菱 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 屏東縣113年度資源循環期末報告.pdf 16MB

A Plan on Resource Recycling Work of Pingtung County in 2024

英文摘要 The execution period of this project is from January 1 to November 30, 2024. All tasks is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the contract. During the implementation of the plan, the task team enhances the guidance for township and city offices to grasp the amount of resource recycling in the four major recycling systems, strengthen publicity to the public to implement garbage sorting and resource recycling, and reduce the amount of garbage removal. According to data analysis, the general waste recycling rate from January to October 2024 was 51%, an increase of 0.5% from 50.5% in the same period in 2023. The daily general waste removal volume per person and the daily resource recycling volume per person from January to October 2024 was 0.74 kg and 0.71 kg, respectively, both an increase of 0.02 kilograms compared with the same period in 2023. The implementation results of each key work are summarized as follows. According to the 2024 assessment plan of the Resource Circulation Administration, Ministry of Environment, the preliminary assessment plan for the performance evaluation of resource recycling work conducted by the executive agency of Pingtung County has been completed. Two business exchange meetings were held to explain the key points and the needed-to-be cooperated environmental protection affairs of this year's preliminary assessment to the cleaning squads of 33 townships and municipal offices. In order to grasp the resource recycling results of each township and city in the county, this plan has completed the guidance of 33 township and municipal cleaning squads to sign resource recycling bidding contracts, and conducted a survey on the resource recycling sales volume and sales amount of the township and municipal cleaning squads. During the period from January to December in 2023, the resource recycling sales volume of 33 township and municipal cleaning squads was 11,776,346 kilograms, with a total sales income of NT$ 10,728,537, and an average sales price of about 0.91 NT$/kg. Among them, the sales price of recyclables collected in the itemized subcontracting method is generally higher than that through turnkey or partial turnkey approach.Regarding the flow of waste lighting sources and waste dry batteries recycled and sold by each cleaning squad, surveys are completed and proposed summary reports every month. Results showed that from January to September 2024, the county’s cleaning squad sold 29,935 kilograms, 10,117 kilograms, and 5,566 kilograms of traditional lighting sources, LED lighting sources, and waste dry batteries, respectively. Among them, 26,921 kilograms of traditional lighting sources, 9,445 kilograms of LED lighting sources, and 1,062 kilograms of waste dry batteries that the recyclers had delivered to subsidized disposal organization. In order to improve the effectiveness of waste reduction and resource recycling in the county, this plan actively promotes various resource recycling related tasks, including to promote the installation of waste lighting source recycling bins for all 177 resource recycling trucks of the county's cleaning squad, to provide guidance to 53 village resource recycling stations and operation of 30 resource recycling demonstration stations, and to maintain the operation of resource recycling stations at fishing port. In addition, this plan completed 41 community resource recycling related publicity activities and briefings, completed 28 resource recycling related exchange activities, assisted in matching 18 self-employed individuals entered into community for resource recycling services, and 1,150 release on media for resource recycling promotion. Starting from August, the task team has cooperated with the implementation of related operations to strengthen the garbage bag-breaking inspections, and assist in various publicity activities such as press conferences and news media, radio recordings, and advertisements, so as to strengthen the public to access environmental information. And let the public be perceived the promotion of policies related to waste reduction and resource recycling, and implement environmental protection actions. According to statistics, the bag-breaking pass rate from August to November this year is about 74.8%, which is about 27.8% higher than the bag-breaking pass rate from January to July, which is 47%. It also drives the resource recycling volume of the county from August to October this year compared with January to July. The average increase rate is about 10%, which significantly improves the county’s resource recycling effectiveness.
英文關鍵字 Resource Recycling, Waste Reduction