

中文摘要 本計畫工作內容可劃分為「臺東縣氣候變遷因應推動會相關會議」、「氣候變遷調適調查與脆弱度分析」、「低碳永續家園運作體系」、「教育宣導」、「推廣綠能屋頂」以及「推動事業溫室氣體盤查作業」等6大項工作。 本計畫今年度依據「氣候變遷因應法」,協助召開2場次氣候變遷因應推動會議及1場次氣候變遷調適方案座談會,並依據「臺東縣第二期溫室氣體減量執行方案」追蹤與管考本縣減量方案執行成果,以及彙整各局處氣候變遷調適相關推動政策、研訂臺東縣氣候變遷調適執行方案。 低碳永續家園運作體系,以協助新增低碳永續家園評等認證為主要工作,今年度取得2銀6銅成績,成功輔導關山鎮成為臺東首個銀級鄉鎮;並新增17處村里報名參與,參與率已達82.7%。另協助追蹤查核近年已獲認證評等單位及受補助單位低碳永續措施維運情形,及輔導轄內5處社區/部落提出執行低碳永續行動申請。 為增進社區、村里低碳永續相關知識與動能,辦理2場次低碳社區教育宣導,共計20處村里56人參與。另參與2050淨零城市展,展現臺東縣氣候變遷減緩及調適推動成果,現場與會人數超過1,500人次,共計3家網路媒體報導臺東淨零推動成果。 為推廣臺東綠能屋頂,聘請太陽能光電專家針對31處太陽光電潛力案源評估,共計25處適合建置太陽能系統,並協助各單位撰擬17份太陽能案源標租範本。另辦理3場次綠能屋頂推廣媒合說明會,邀請社區、機關或民間團體等總計85人次參與。 推動事業溫室氣體盤查作業,清查轄區內領有固定污染源許可證溫室氣體排放源10家次。透過書面與現場查核排放源排放數據與相關設施資料,檢核場所燃料申報數據及實際用量,藉此掌握溫室氣體排放情形。
中文關鍵字 氣候變遷調適、脆弱度分析、低碳永續家園、綠能屋頂


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 5275 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/16 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 吳奉書
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 林威志 執行單位 環榮永興股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年低碳計畫期末定稿.pdf 35MB

Taitung County Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Promotion Plan in 2024

英文摘要 The tasks of this plan can be divided into six main categories: meetings related to the Taitung County climate change response promotion committee, climate change adaptation surveys and vulnerability analysis, low-carbon sustainable homeland operation system, education and awareness campaigns, promotion of green energy rooftops and implementation of corporate greenhouse gas inventory operations. This year, in accordance with the "Climate Change Response Act," the plan assisted in organizing 2 climate change response promotion meetings and 1 climate change adaptation plan seminar. Additionally, the plan tracked and assessed the implementation results of the county’s GHGs reduction initiatives based on the "Taitung County Phase II Greenhouse Gas Reduction Implementation Plan. " It also compiled climate change adaptation policies promoted by various departments and developed the Taitung County Climate Change Adaptation Implementation Plan. The low-carbon sustainable homeland operation system focuses on assisting with new certifications and ratings. This year, the program achieved 2 silver-level and 6 bronze-level certifications, successfully guiding Guanshan Township to become Taitung's first silver-level township. Additionally, 17 villages registered to participate, raising the participation rate to 82.7%. The program also assisted in tracking the maintenance and operation of low-carbon sustainable measures implemented by entities that were certified or subsidized in recent years. Additionally, it guided 5 communities/tribes within the jurisdiction to submit applications for implementing low-carbon sustainable actions. To enhance community and village knowledge and capacity for low-carbon sustainability, 2 low-carbon community education sessions were held, with participation from 20 villages and a total of 56 attendees. Additionally, Taitung County participated in the 2050 Net-Zero City Expo, showcasing its achievements in climate change mitigation and adaptation. The event attracted over 1,500 attendees, and 3 online media outlets reported on Taitung’s net-zero progress. To promote green energy rooftops in Taitung, a solar photovoltaic expert was engaged to evaluate 31 potential solar power projects. Among these, 25 locations were identified as suitable for installing solar systems. Additionally, 17 solar project lease template documents were prepared to assist various units. Additionally, 3 green energy rooftop promotion and matchmaking sessions were held, with a total of 85 participants from communities, government agencies, and civil organizations. The program conducted GHGs inventory operations for businesses, reviewing 10 fixed pollution source permits within the jurisdiction. Through both written and on-site inspections, emission data and related facility information were verified. This included checking the reported fuel data and actual usage at the sites to better understand the GHGs emissions situation.
英文關鍵字 Climate Change Adaptation, Vulnerability Analysis, Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland, Green Energy Rooftop