

中文摘要 本計畫自113年1月1日起執行,統計至113年11月30日止,各工作項目進度說明如下: 一、 為加強假日與早/晚時段之露天燃燒稽巡查作業,本計畫已執行63次晨間/夜間巡查作業,並於假日安排人員進行巡查,總計查獲案件271件,假日查獲件數91件,時段為晨間/夜間則查獲43件。 二、 木質廢棄物代清運作業,送至巨大破碎廠共計3,932.12公噸,送至焚化廠共計304.48公噸,合計清運4,236.6公噸。巨大破碎廠破碎處理後之破碎料,今年度已清運出廠共計3,758.04公噸,用於西側環保用地抑制雜草。 三、 9處農廢集中場持續進行維護管理,每日回報集中場內堆置情形以及預計清理時間,南州集中場面積較小,視堆置情況增加假日清運,並以山貓協助整理場內地面樹枝葉;佳冬、林邊、枋寮、九如集中場,則依據堆置情況加派怪手協助裝料或進行場地整理,以維持集中場正常運作。由於凱米與山陀兒颱風造成圍籬與鋪面損壞部分,均儘速完成維修,林邊與佳冬集中場也完成場內路面重新鋪設。 四、 紙錢集中清運總計1,287.82公噸,春節期間加派人員與車輛協助玉皇宮、車城福安宮以及慈鳳宮紙錢集中收運作業;清明節期間調派車輛協助各鄉鎮納骨塔進行紙錢集中收運。 五、 廟宇減量輔導作業今年度已拜訪40家寺廟,共計配合紙錢集中29家,進行紙錢減量22家,一爐一香28家,香支減量12家,安裝環保金爐16家,備有環保禮炮車或跑馬燈18家。 六、 開運金幣製作3,000份,今年度共計發行5,500份,將持續統計各廟宇發放數量,並追蹤減量成果。
中文關鍵字 紙錢減量、紙錢集中燒、開運金幣、農業廢棄物處理、露天燃燒稽查


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 30240 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/12/31 專案主持人 許仲景
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 林翰宇 執行單位 華門工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113露燃期末本文.pdf 44MB

Pingtung County 2024 Project for Enhanced Agricultural Waste Open-Air Burning Inspection and Control, and Paper Money Reduction and Incineration Management

英文摘要 Summary The project has been implemented since January 1, 2023, and the progress of each work item is detailed as of November 30, 2023, as follows: Enhanced Open-Air Burning Patrols during Holidays and Early/Late Hours: A total of 63 morning/night patrols have been conducted, with additional patrols scheduled on holidays. A total of 271 cases were identified, including 91 cases during holidays and 43 cases during morning/night hours. Wood Waste Transportation: A total of 3,932.12 tons of wood waste was transported to a major shredding facility, and 304.48 tons were sent to incineration plants, amounting to a total of 4,236.6 tons transported. After shredding, 3,758.04 tons of shredded materials were transported out and used on the western environmental land to suppress weeds. Maintenance and Management of Nine Agricultural Waste Collection Sites: Daily updates were provided on the stacking conditions and planned cleanup schedules for each site. For the smaller Nanzhou site, additional holiday cleanups were arranged as needed, with a Bobcat used to organize branches and leaves. Additional excavators were deployed at Jiadong, Linbian, Fangliao, and Jiuru sites for material handling or site cleaning to ensure normal operations. Damage to fences and pavement caused by Typhoons Kaimi and Saola was promptly repaired, and road resurfacing was completed at Linbian and Jiadong sites. Paper Money Collection and Transportation: A total of 1,287.82 tons of paper money was collected and transported. Additional personnel and vehicles were deployed during the Lunar New Year to assist with centralized collection at temples such as Yuhuang Temple, Checheng Fu'an Temple, and Cifeng Temple. Vehicles were also dispatched during the Tomb-Sweeping Festival to assist columbariums in various townships with centralized collection. Temple Waste Reduction Guidance: A total of 40 temples were visited this year. 29 temples adopted centralized paper money collection, 22 temples implemented paper money reduction measures, 28 temples adopted "one censer, one incense" practices, 12 temples reduced incense stick usage, 16 temples installed eco-friendly furnaces, and 18 temples equipped eco-friendly salute vehicles or LED marquee lights. Production of Lucky Coins: A total of 3,000 coins were produced, and 5,500 coins have been distributed this year. Ongoing statistics are being collected on the distribution at various temples, with reduction outcomes being tracked.
英文關鍵字 Open-air burning patrols, Wood waste transportation, Agricultural waste management, Paper money collection, Temple waste and paper reduction, Eco-friendly practices, Typhoon damage repair, Lucky coin production, Holiday waste management