

中文摘要 本計畫善用環境教育認證人員推展淨零綠生活環境教育,工作項目包含辦理種子講師徵選及政策認知基礎培訓,本年度徵選種子講師72人,累計淨零綠生活種子講師358位。辦理三種種子講師進階培訓,教案創發及行動策略研討工作坊2場次計62人參與,票選6式優選教案;教學技巧共學營5場次計131人報名參與;線上知識講堂6場次共222位種子講師,計970人次參與。建置「Good顧家博士的淨零挑戰」互動多媒體教材,提供分組教學及自導式學習2種模式,並適用電腦、手機與平板。辦理淨零綠生活教學推廣,共179位講師完成1,247推廣場次,計71,388人次參與,回收10,877份前後測問卷,平均滿意度達95%。本專案計畫透過四大工項有助於提升淨零推廣能量、強化講師教學技能、未來能擴大推廣效益並促進減碳生活轉型,讓全民淨零啟航,為我國2050淨零轉型目標貢獻一份心力。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、環境教育人員、淨零綠生活


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 4700 千元
專案開始日期 2024/03/27 專案結束日期 2024/12/15 專案主持人 侯珏
主辦單位 國環院環教認證中心 承辦人 曾文齡 執行單位 環境友善種子有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113FA027成果報告_1205.pdf 27MB

Environmental Personnel Lecturer Co-learning and Promotion Project

英文摘要 This project leverages environmental education personnel to promote net-zero green living through environmental education, with four major works: 1. Recruitment and Policy Training of Seed Lectures This year, 72 seed lectures were recruited, bringing the total number of net-zero green living seed lectures to 358. 2. Advanced Training for Seed Lectures (1) Conducted two workshops on program development and action strategies, with 62 participants and six outstanding programs selected. (2) Held five teaching skills co-learning training, with 131 participants. (3) Organized six online knowledge forums attended by 222 seed lectures, accumulating a total of 970 participations. 3. Development of the "Dr. Good’s Net-Zero Challenge" Online teaching materials The website supports both group teaching and self-directed learning modes and is compatible with computers, smartphones, and tablets. 4. Promotion of Net-Zero Green Living Environmental Education A total of 179 lectures completed 1,247 promotional sessions, reaching 71,388 participants. Additionally, 10,877 pre- and post-training surveys were collected, with an average satisfaction rate of 95%. By integrating these four key works, this project enhances the capacity for net-zero promotion, strengthens seed lectures’ teaching skills, and lays the groundwork for expanding the impact of net-zero environmental education. It also encourages the adoption of low-carbon lifestyles, contributing to the nation’s 2050 net-zero transformation goal and setting the course for a sustainable future.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Education Personnel, Environmental Education, Net Zero Green Living