

中文摘要 為推廣政府環境政策及落實環境教育,環境部舉辦「環境知識競賽」,以生動有趣的形式提升全民對環保議題的關注與參與。競賽內容涵蓋淨零轉型、氣候變遷、災害防救、資源循環、公害防治、環境管理、自然保育、文化保存、社區參與、環境倫理與永續發展等多元主題,並融入「環境教育終身學習網」指定影片,期望參賽者在競賽過程中快速掌握環保知識,激發環境責任感,並將知識轉化為行動。 競賽分為國小組、國中組、高中職組及社會組,初賽由各直轄市及縣(市)辦理,選出各組前5名參加決賽。決賽包含淘汰賽及驟死賽,透過畫卡與舉牌答題方式選拔,若有平分情況則進行「PK賽」決定名次。最終4個組別共選出20名優勝者。 本計畫內容涵蓋競賽題目的命題與專家審核,並完整規劃決賽當日主會場、競賽場地及相關配套設施。於環境知識決賽前,辦理「環境知識暖身賽」活動,鼓勵參賽者及民眾透過環境部「環境探索館」瞭解環境保護政策及增進自身環境保護知識,同時,也讓民眾瞭解「環境探索館」的功能及資源,擴展環境保護相關知能,共計539人參與活動。決賽活動當天提升家庭對環境知識的認識並鼓勵親子共同參與環境保護行動,今年特別針對家庭設計「環境知識親子組趣味賽」共計有21組親子組報名參加,透過寓教於樂方式向大人和小孩傳遞正確環境保護相關知識。 決賽活動當天與會人員的參與共計有1,074人參與,透過競賽形式打造「友善環境種子」,讓參賽者與觀眾將學習到的環保知識向外擴散,影響家人、朋友及社群。更期待民眾將知識內化為生活實踐,從食、衣、住、行等面向落實綠色生活,攜手推動環境永續,為共同創造更美好的家園努力。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、環境知識、環境知識競賽、環境探索館


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 7195 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/23 專案結束日期 2024/12/10 專案主持人 黃琪倚
主辦單位 環境部環境保護司 承辦人 張育禎 執行單位 社團法人台灣環保生活協會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 05113年環境知識競賽決賽專案工作計畫成果報告1208.pdf 11MB 為推廣環境政策與落實環境教育,環境部舉辦「環境知識競賽」,以生動有趣的方式提升全民對環保議題的關注。競賽涵蓋淨零轉型、氣候變遷等多元主題,並結合「環境教育終身學習網」影片,期望參賽者掌握知識、激發責任感並付諸行動。 競賽分國小組、國中組、高中職組及社會組,經初賽選拔,各組前5名進入決賽。決賽包含淘汰賽、驟死賽及「PK賽」,最終選出20名優勝者。此外,活動前舉辦「暖身賽」,吸引539人參與,增進環保知識。 今年新增「親子組趣味賽」,吸引21組家庭報名,透過寓教於樂推廣環境保護。決賽當天共1,074人參與,透過競賽傳播環保理念,並鼓勵從日常生活實踐綠色生活,共創永續未來。

Work Plan for the Final Round of the 2024 Environmental Knowledge Competition

英文摘要 To promote the government’s environmental policies and advance environmental education, the Ministry of Environment organized the “Environmental Knowledge Competition” to enhance public awareness and participation in environmental protection issues in a lively and engaging way. The competition covered a wide range of themes, including the net-zero transition, climate change, disaster prevention and relief, resource recycling, public nuisance prevention and treatment, environmental management, natural conservation, cultural preservation, community engagement, environmental ethics, and sustainable development. It also incorporated videos from the “Environmental Education Lifelong Learning Website”, with the aim of helping participants quickly grasp key environmental protection knowledge, inspiring a sense of environmental responsibility, and motivating them to turn knowledge into action. This competition was divided into four categories: the elementary school category, junior high school, senior high/vocational school, and open category. The preliminary rounds were organized by each municipality, county, or city, with the top five participants from each group advancing to the final round. The final round consisted of elimination rounds and sudden-death rounds, where participants were selected based on their answers using a drawing card and paddle-raising method. In the event of a tie, a PK round was held to determine the rankings. Ultimately, 20 winners were selected from the four groups. This work plan not only covered the competition topic formulation and expert review, but also fully planned the main and competition venues for the final round, as well as related supporting facilities. Before the final round of the Environmental Knowledge Competition, the “Environmental Knowledge Warm-up Competition” was also held to encourage participants and citizens, through the Environmental Discovery Center of the Ministry of Environment, to understand environmental protection policies and enhance their knowledge of environmental protection. Meanwhile, it also helped citizens understand the functions and resources of the “Environmental Discovery Center” and expand their environmental awareness. A total of 563 people participated in this event. To enhance families' environmental knowledge and encourage parents and children to engage in environmental protection activities on the day of the final round, the Ministry designed the “Environmental Knowledge Parent-Child Fun Game,” which was open to 21 parent-child teams, aiming to deliver accurate environmental protection knowledge to both adults and children. On the day of the final round, a total of 1,074 people participated. Through this competition, the “eco-friendly seeds” were planted, enabling participants and the audience to expand the environmental knowledge they have gained and share it with their families, friends, and communities. It is also our aspiration that citizens will internalize this knowledge and put it into practice in their daily lives. Specifically, in the areas of food, clothing, living, and transportation, we hope they will adopt green lifestyles and work together to promote environmental sustainability, contributing their greatest efforts to creating an even more beautiful homeland.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Education, Environmental Knowledge, Environmental Knowledge Competition, Environmental Discovery Center