

中文摘要 本計畫工作主軸主要有2大部分,分別為「綠色採購/綠色生活推廣」與「環保志工管理」,第一項綠色採購/綠色生活推廣為對應環保署的3大評核,分別為:(1)機關綠色採購評核、(2)民間團體及企業綠色採購評核、(3)縣市績效考評,故本計畫將依循各項評核項目與執行目標,使新北市持續於全國中取得佳績。 經過本年度上旬之努力,以上3大評核持續執行,使新北市持續於全國縣市中名列前茅,機關評核已達100分、民間評核(取得20.6分)及縣市考評(取得28.4分)則持續進行中。重要量化績效包含:機關指定採購率達99.65%、民間企業及團體綠色採購申報家數為54家、申報金額為218萬、環保集點會員新增1,228位、輔導業者參選企環獎共4家參選。 於活動推廣與企業輔導面,本年度持續推動,包含:(1)加強 簡要版摘要-2 與大型量販賣場或大型商場的合作,辦理環保集點推廣。(2)結合金級環保標章,規劃辦理創新作為「新北金級環保標章旅館U」活動,鼓勵民眾入住環保房型,推動綠色旅遊。(3)持續拓展環保標章業者,協助淡水金鬱金香酒店取得金級環保標章旅館認證;同時輔導山川旅行社取得環保標章認證,目前已進入實質審查與補件(4)持續推廣淨零綠生活,總計完成13場次推廣活動辦理,宣導人數約3,905人次。 此外,對於環保志工的管理,則持續辦理教育訓練、增能課程,並與中央推動之綠色旅遊理念結合,本年度共辦理2場次教育課程,志工宣導人數達81人,提升志工的素質。 整體而言,本年度計畫透過各面向輔導與推廣,積極將綠色消費以及淨零綠生活理念推廣至機關、企業、社區或民眾。
中文關鍵字 機關綠色採購、民間綠色採購、淨零綠生活、 環保標章、環保志工


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 1190 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/12/31 專案主持人 陳映任
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 姜成昱 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年新北綠消-定稿-壓縮V1.pdf 3MB

2024 Net-Zero Green Living Promotion and Luminous Material Application Demonstration Project-New Taipei City

英文摘要 The main work of this project is divided into two sections: the “promotion of green procurement/green life” and “environmental volunteers management”. The first section, promotion of green procurement/green life, corresponds to three major assessments of the Environmental Protection Agency: (1) the government green procurement assessment, (2) private group and corporate green procurement assessment, and (3) county/city performance assessment. Therefore, the project allows New Taipei City to achieve good progress on all assessment items and implementation goals. Having invested effort early this year, New Taipei City obtained full marks in agency assessments, and the private and county/city assessments are ongoing within timetable. Notable quantified performances include: an agency appointed purchase rate of 99.65%, , green products purchased by 54 private entities reached 218 million, 1,228 new members of green point, providing guidance to 4 businesses participating in the Annual Enterprises Environmental Protection Award. As for promotional activities and corporate guidance, there were numerous new initiative mid this year, including (1) strengthening collaborations with large-scale retailers and shopping centers, (2) launching a trial project to promote Gold Green Hotel and green tourism, (3) expanding the network of Green-Mark-certified businesses, with hotels and travel agencies. In total, 13 promotional activities were organized, reaching approximately 3,905 individuals. Additionally, regarding the management of environmental volunteers, this project continued to provide educational training and capacity-building programs. These efforts were integrated with the green tourism concept promoted by the central government. This year, a total of 2 educational courses were organized, with each course attracting over 81 volunteer participants. These initiatives served to enhance the quality of our volunteers. In summary, this project actively promoted the concept of green consumption and a green lifestyle to government agencies, businesses, communities, and the public through various avenues of guidance and promotion.
英文關鍵字 Government Green Procurement、Green Procurement、 Green Life、Green Mark、Environmental Volunteers.