英文摘要 |
To enhance citizens' awareness of mitigating global climate change and encourage actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in daily life, Hsinchu City is actively promoting a low-carbon sustainable homeland initiative. This initiative encompasses six key components: (1) enhancing the capacity for sustainable community development, (2) improving energy efficiency and clean energy management, (3) creating an ecologically green environment, (4) cultivating low-carbon lifestyle habits, (5) encouraging participation from community groups and organizations, and (6) developing strategies to address climate change adaptation. This plan supports the maintenance and strengthening of the low-carbon sustainable homeland operational system, promotes low-carbon sustainable homeland certification, and implements greenhouse gas control (reduction) measures.
This year, efforts included data collection and review, communication and coordination, organizing one technical consultation meeting for the low-carbon sustainable homeland in the northern living circle, conducting on-site inspections of eight communities, and assisting 16 communities in successfully registering for the low-carbon sustainable homeland program. This exceeded the contractual requirement of five successful registrations, achieving a 100% participation rate at the community level. Additionally, five communities earned bronze-level certification, Jiadong Community obtained silver-level certification, and two previously certified bronze-level communities underwent maintenance and management audits. The actions implemented resulted in an estimated carbon reduction of approximately 611.2 metric tons per year. Furthermore, to sustain the outcomes of past subsidy projects, eight sites underwent inspections and upgrades for low-carbon facilities. One site was initially non-compliant but successfully passed re-inspection on March 11, contributing an additional 15 metric tons per year of carbon reduction (or sequestration). These measures aim to help citizens explore how to adapt to risks posed by extreme weather in the future, collaboratively plan community-based climate change responses, and develop low-carbon sustainable homeland strategies.
Through subsidies for green building cooling projects, aligned with the city’s greenhouse gas reduction initiatives, the subsidy amount was increased from NT$400,000 to NT$600,000. This supported three green installations, adding 129.02 square meters of green area with an equivalent carbon sequestration of 38.73 kilograms per year. In terms of photovoltaic project evaluations, 37 potential sites were identified, and 27 underwent on-site assessments. Three sites were deemed unsuitable for installation due to structural issues or low efficiency.
In response to climate change, various awareness campaigns were conducted, including promoting green energy rooftops and net-zero sustainable living. As of October 31, 2024, the city hosted three renewable energy promotion events, one solar power system promotion visit, three climate change adaptation training sessions, and one inter-county/city exemplary community exchange activity. A total of 334 participants attended these events, enhancing public understanding of the severity of climate change, actions for low-carbon sustainable living, and net-zero green lifestyles, with an emphasis on integrating these concepts into everyday life.