

中文摘要 一、本計畫完成購置2組戶外縮時攝影機、2組遠端即時監視設備及7組移動式水質感測器。 二、水污染熱區地圖(含GIS系統)建置完成。 三、水污染事業深度稽查作業(含專業人員協助環境執法案件) 1.本團隊邀請曾任職於新北市環保局、環境部水保司(前環保署水保處)及環管署(前督察總隊、中區督察大隊)之OO環工技師擔任查核委員。 2.於5月10日完成OOO及OOO兩家事業深度查核作業,其中OOO原廢水COD檢驗結果與水措不符,進行裁處。 3.於6月12日完成OOO深度查核作業,稽查結果及放流水採樣檢測均屬合格。 4.於8月22日完成OOO及OOO興兩家事業深度稽查作業,惟OOO廢水採全回收使用故無放流水採樣,兩家事業稽查結果與OOO放流水採樣均屬合格。 5.已完成五家事業深度查核複查作業。 四、工業區水污染防治管理稽查作業 1.針對OOO、OOO、OOO、OOO等四座科技工業區廢(污)水處理廠每月執行稽查及採樣作業各1家次,須完成44家次。 2.OOO污水處理廠完成日間稽查7次,夜間稽查5次,總計12次稽查作業,其中雨水口採樣6次。 3.OOO污水處理廠完成日間稽查9次,夜間稽查3次,總計12次稽查作業。 4.OOO完成日間稽查8次,夜間稽查4次,總計12次稽查作業,其中雨水口採樣6次。 5.OOO完成日間稽查8次,夜間稽查4次,總計12次稽查作業。 6.各工業區每月放流水檢測均屬合格。 五、連續自動監測(視)設施管理 1.已完成26家自動連續監測設施查核作業。 2.查核作業常見缺失為監測資料沒有資料辨識碼、事業端使用之傳輸模組版本並非最新版本及校正、維護保養資料無主管簽名。 3.本團隊已全數完成自動連續監測設施查核複查作業。 六、轄內屢遭民眾陳情之對象及其他關注對象查核 1.配合轄區承辦前往OOO查核,查無民眾陳情內容之情事。 2.環境部113年度事業廢水專案稽查管制計畫完成查核10家,放流水檢測均屬合格。 3.社區專用污水下水道系統完成查核15家,查核結果均無異常。 4.水污染列管事業完成查核16家,惟OOO及OOO有異常情事,已將異常狀況回報給委辦機關。 七、銅鑼工業區完成架設兩台縮時攝影機。 八、經驗分享或交流會議完成辦理1場次;精進稽查教育訓練完成辦理4場次。 九、完成辦理4場次工作進度檢討會議。 十、完成區域環境品質改善辦理-銅鑼工業區下游大排及西湖溪河面大量泡沫現象。
中文關鍵字 水污染


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 3725 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/24 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 蘇世昌
主辦單位 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 劉方雅 執行單位 嘉德技術顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 定稿本.pdf 6MB

Miaoli County has improved its inspection expertise and professional cross-domain support capabilities for 113 years

英文摘要 1. This project completed the purchase of 2 sets of outdoor time-lapse cameras, 2 sets of remote real-time monitoring equipment and 7 sets of mobile water quality sensors. 2. The construction of water pollution hotspot map (including GIS system) is completed. 3. In-depth inspection of water pollution enterprises (including professionals assisting in environmental law enforcement cases) 1. This team invites OO environmental engineering technicians who have worked in the New Taipei City Environmental Protection Bureau, the Department of Soil and Water Conservation of the Ministry of Environment (formerly the Soil and Water Conservation Division of the Environmental Protection Agency), and the Environmental Management Department (former Inspection Corps, Central District Inspection Brigade) to serve as review committee members. 2. An in-depth inspection of OOO and OOO businesses was completed on May 10. Among them, the COD test results of OOO raw wastewater were inconsistent with the water measures, and sanctions were imposed. 3. The OOO in-depth inspection was completed on June 12, and the inspection results and discharge water sampling tests were all qualified. 4. An in-depth audit of OOO and OOO Xing was completed on August 22. However, OOO wastewater was fully recycled and used, so there was no discharge water sampling. The audit results of the two enterprises and the OOO discharge water sampling were both qualified. 5. Completed in-depth review and review of five businesses. 4. Industrial Zone Water Pollution Prevention and Control Management and Audit Operations 1. For the four waste (sewage) water treatment plants in OOO, OOO, OOO and OOO, each of the four science and technology industrial zone waste (sewage) treatment plants will be inspected and sampled once a month, and 44 must be completed. 2. The OOO sewage treatment plant completed 7 daytime inspections and 5 nighttime inspections, for a total of 12 inspections, including 6 rainwater outlet sampling times. 3. OOO sewage treatment plant completed 9 daytime inspections and 3 nighttime inspections, for a total of 12 inspections. 4. OOO completed 8 daytime inspections and 4 nighttime inspections, for a total of 12 inspections, including 6 rainwater outlet sampling times. 5. OOO completed 8 daytime inspections and 4 nighttime inspections, for a total of 12 inspections. 6. The monthly discharge water tests in all industrial zones are all qualified. 5. Continuous automatic monitoring (visualization) facility management 1. The inspection of 26 automatic continuous monitoring facilities has been completed. 2. Common deficiencies in the verification work include monitoring data without data identification codes, the transmission module version used by the business end is not the latest version and correction, and maintenance data without the signature of the supervisor. 3. This team has fully completed the inspection and review of automatic continuous monitoring facilities. 6. Inspection of targets within the jurisdiction who have repeatedly complained to the public and other targets of concern 1. Cooperate with the jurisdiction to conduct an OOO inspection to check whether there are any complaints from the public. 2. The Ministry of Environment’s 2013 Industrial Wastewater Special Audit and Control Plan completed the inspection of 10 companies, and all of them passed the discharge water testing. 3. 15 community-specific sewage and sewer systems have been inspected, and the inspection results were all normal. 4. The inspection of 16 water pollution management enterprises has been completed, but there were abnormalities in OOO and OOO, and the abnormal conditions have been reported to the commissioning agency. 7. Two time-lapse cameras have been installed in Tongluo Industrial Zone. 8. 1 experience sharing or exchange meeting was completed; 4 intensive inspection education and training sessions were completed. 9. Completed 4 work progress review meetings. 10. Complete regional environmental quality improvement management - the large discharge downstream of Tongluo Industrial Zone and the large amount of foam on the Xihu River.
英文關鍵字 Water pollution