

中文摘要 《環境教育法》於民國101年正式施行,嘉義市政府環境保護局為配合政府實施環境教育法,自103年起藉由嘉義市環境教育宣導整合相關計畫,以鼓勵嘉義市民參與戶外環境教育宣導活動,更期待透過宣導整合計畫以培養市民對環境的敏感度及素養提升。 藉由「113年嘉義市環境教育宣導整合計畫」,配合臺灣2050淨零轉型項下「淨零綠生活」等相關議題,透過環境教育多元活動及課程,結合嘉義在地特色元素,鼓勵民眾重視環境問題,並培養環境素養,以提升對環境覺知及敏感度,進而影響態度及行動,讓環境朝向永續發展。 期末報告期程於113年1月1日至113年11月30日總計11個月,已完成工作項目如下說明: (一) 持續推動環境教育相關活動,深化市民對環境問題的認知、價值觀與行動以期提升公民意識。 嘉義市積極推動環境教育,於嘉義公園及市立棒球場廣場舉辦「113年地球日–嘉園新永續 淨零走讀趣」,結合公園文化與2050淨零排放政策,並於樹木園進行生態導覽,增進民眾對樹木保護的知識與技術。此外,市府舉辦環境教育繪本徵選及知識競賽,提供市民多元的參與機會,今年度繪本徵選得獎作品於廣播電台與嘉年華展出;環境知識競賽嘉義市初賽共有388人參與,優勝者將代表嘉義市出戰全國賽。市府也鼓勵學校、社區及民間單位參與第9屆國家環境教育獎,並深入社區輔導各單位申請環境教育培力計畫。此外,嘉義市垃圾焚化廠今年辦理12場環境教育活動,吸引599人次參與,積極擴大其教育影響力。 (二) 提升環境教育志工專業知能,以凝聚志工向心力及強化歸屬感。 嘉義市環境教育以課程設計、場域設施、管理及志工培力為核心,目前共有58位環境教育志工與1,885位環保志工。今年辦理多場訓練,包括4場基礎、4場特殊及2場增能課程,104人完成領冊。此外,8月3日舉辦的群英會吸引19小隊、316位志工參與,促進團隊交流、強化歸屬感,並凝聚各類志工共同推動環保及實踐淨零目標的決心。 (三) 落實環境教育法,及強化健全環境教育機制。 為落實環境教育法第19條,嘉義市於113年4月26日及10月4日舉辦法規查核與申報說明會,並於6月6日完成13家單位實地查核,鼓勵各機構積極參與教育活動。今年製作操作短片上傳至本局YouTube頻道,以提升系統操作熟悉度。此外,針對受裁處單位辦理5場次環境講習,舊案完成率達98.3%,新案達70%以上。每年並召開「環境教育審議會」及「基金管理會議」檢視相關活動,持續推動嘉義市環境教育發展。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、地球日、生態、國家環境教育獎、環境教育志工、環境教育法、環保志工群英會、環境教育繪本、環境講習、環境知識競賽、審議會基金會


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 4700 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 謝孟宏
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 李怡蓁 執行單位 大立環保科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 ☆113嘉義市環境教育宣導整合計畫_期末報告定稿-(全)1128.pdf 62MB

Environmental Education Project Plan of Chiayi City, Year 113

英文摘要 The "Environmental Education Act" was officially implemented in 2012. In line with the government's implementation of the Act, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Chiayi City Government has been promoting environmental education initiatives since 2014. Through the integration of various environmental education advocacy plans, it aims to encourage Chiayi citizens to participate in outdoor environmental education activities, and hopes to cultivate a heightened sensitivity and literacy towards environmental issues among citizens through these advocacy efforts. The "2024 Chiayi City Environmental Education Advocacy Integration Plan" aligns with Taiwan’s 2050 Net Zero Emissions, specifically focusing on the topic of "Net Zero Green Living." Through diverse activities and courses centered on environmental education, combined with elements unique to Chiayi, the plan encourages the public to pay attention to environmental issues, fostering environmental literacy and awareness. This, in turn, aims to influence citizens' attitudes and actions, contributing to sustainable development. The final report for this project covers the period from January 1 to November 30, 2024, spanning 11 months. The following key tasks have been completed: 1. Continuous Promotion of Environmental Education Activities: To deepen citizens' understanding, values, and actions regarding environmental issues and to enhance civic awareness, the Chiayi Earth Day event "Chiayi City Earth Day 2024—Exploring a New Sustainable Future with Net Zero" was held at Chiayi Park and in front of the Chiayi City Baseball Stadium. The event featured activities such as ecological tours of the Chiayi Arboretum, focusing on the classification of plants and addressing common questions about plant protection. This was done to promote correct tree conservation concepts and techniques. Additionally, the event featured storytelling and competitions to popularize environmental education, with activities designed for both children and the general public. For example, the environmental education picture book competition "Illustrating Green Chiayi" attracted 16 submissions, and the award ceremony was held on October 29 with Mayor Huang presenting the awards. Winners were also interviewed on radio to discuss their creative process and thoughts on promoting environmental sustainability. The Chiayi City preliminary round of the Environmental Knowledge Contest was held on September 21, with 388 participants, and the top five contestants will represent Chiayi City at the national competition on November 16. 2. Enhancing the Professional Knowledge of Environmental Education Volunteers: The core of environmental education promotion includes lesson plans, facilities, management, and personnel training. Chiayi City’s environmental education volunteers include environmental protection volunteers, energy-saving volunteers, and environmental education volunteers, totaling 58 individuals. Various training sessions were held this year to improve their knowledge, including four basic training sessions, four specialized training sessions, and two advanced skill courses. A large-scale volunteer assembly was also organized to encourage teamwork and a sense of belonging among volunteers. 3. Implementation of the Environmental Education Act: To comply with Article 19 of the Environmental Education Act, which requires institutions and schools to conduct at least four hours of environmental education annually for all employees and students, two explanatory meetings were held on April 26 and October 4, 2024, with 111 participants. Additionally, 13 units in Chiayi City were inspected, with guidance provided to ensure compliance and active participation in environmental education activities.
英文關鍵字 Eenvironmental education, The Earth Day, Ecology, Picture Book, Eenvironmental education Volunteer, The Environmental Education Act