

中文摘要 為提升環境教育設施場所的知識與能力與服務品質,本計畫涵蓋八大主要工作,包括訪查環境教育設施場所、提供優化輔導、增能訓練、資訊更新推廣、補助及捐助相關庶務工作、認證管理專家諮詢以及樂齡族群體驗活動等。 訪查方面,已完成34家環境教育設施場所的訪查,深入了解其現況並提出改進建議,確保設施場所符合評鑑要求並提升運營效率。在優化輔導方面,已完成5場次的輔導,並持續追蹤場所的優化進展,確保改進措施得以落實。 增能訓練方面,已辦理3場次增能培訓營,參與總人數257人,並完成3場次主題性實務議題訓練,參與總人數271人,顯示出環境教育人員對專業提升的強烈需求和積極參與。 資訊推廣方面,持續更新維護資訊網,並完成18處手冊製作,為設施場所提供更完善的資訊支援。並辦理環境教育設施場所短影音競賽,提高公眾關注和參與度。 補(捐)助庶務工作方面,已完成113年度核銷說明會及相關作業協助,確保補助資金的合理使用和管理,並完成補(捐)助成果表揚會活動。認證管理方面,已辦理8場次專家諮詢會,為環境教育設施場所的認證提供專業支持。此外,完成辦理樂齡族群環境教育體驗活動,進一步推廣環境教育理念。
中文關鍵字 環境教育設施場所、提升服務品質、品牌推廣


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 515 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/05 專案結束日期 2024/12/15 專案主持人 段沛晶
主辦單位 國環院環教認證中心 承辦人 許宴菱 執行單位 鼎澤科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年環教設施場所暨提升服務品質專案工作計畫成果報告.pdf 1MB

2024 Project of Capacity Building and Service Quality Improvement in Environmental Education Centers

英文摘要 To enhance the knowledge, capabilities, and service quality of Environmental Education Centers, this project encompasses eight main tasks: site visits to Environmental Education Centers, providing optimization guidance, capacity building training, information update and promotion, related administrative work for subsidies and donations, expert consultation on certification management, and experiential activities for the elderly. Regarding site visits, we have completed inspections of 34 Environmental Education Centers, thoroughly understanding their current conditions and providing improvement suggestions to ensure the centers meet evaluation requirements and enhance operational efficiency. For optimization guidance, we have completed 5 sessions and continuously tracked the progress of improvements to ensure the implementation of suggested measures. In terms of capacity building training, we have organized 2 training camps with a total of 257 participants and 3 thematic practical issue training sessions with 271 participants, indicating a strong demand for professional development and active participation among environmental education personnel. For information promotion, we have consistently updated the information network and completed the production of 18 handbooks, providing more comprehensive information support for the centers. Additionally, we organized a short video competition for Environmental Education Centers, increasing public attention and participation. In the administrative work for subsidies and donations, we have completed the subsidy write-off briefing for 2024 and related task planning to ensure the reasonable use and management of subsidy funds. For certification management, we have conducted 8 expert consultation meetings, providing professional support for the certification of Environmental Education Centers. Furthermore, we have completed an experiential activity for the elderly, further promoting environmental education concepts. Through these efforts, this project not only improves the operational quality and service level of Environmental Education Centers but also promotes the sustainable development of environmental education, achieving a win-win situation for all parties involved.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Education Center, Service Quality Improvement, Brand Promotion