

中文摘要 本文介紹國內進行籌建中之環保科技園區,此環保科技園區係首次由環保署規劃設立,其理念為透過產業與城鄉生態化之建設,將產業投入與產出之關聯性連結擴展至都市生活圈。其籌建方式則是選定適當地區設置環保科技園區,引進高級技術及人才,激勵國內環保技術之研究創新,進行產業循環型整合,同時配合低污染排放目標之規劃,開創與自然共生的高品質生活空間,促進區域性生態化,創造兼顧生產、生活、生態,三生一體之生活環境遠景。
中文關鍵字 環保科技園區、循環型整合、低污染排放、生態化


專案計畫編號 EPA-90-HA12-03-A274 經費年度 090 計畫經費 9900 千元
專案開始日期 2001/10/12 專案結束日期 2002/10/11 專案主持人 楊致行
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院 環境與安全衛生技術發展中心


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期末報告 0000013798.zip 1MB [期末報告]公開完整版
英文摘要 This article is intended to introduce the Environmental Science and Technology Park (ESTP) which is under construction in Taiwan. The ESTP is for the very first time projected and erected by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of ROC and its concept is to connect and extend the correlation of the input and output of the industry to its neighboring “municipal living circle” through the eco;construction of the industry and the cities/country. The construction means of the ESTP is to select an appropriate site to build up the ESTP, to usher in advanced technologies and high;calibre talents, to stimulate research and innovation for domestic technology, to conduct the circulatory integration for the industry, and meantime to tie in with the plan of a low;pollution exhaust target, in order to initiate a high;quality living space which is symbiotic with nature, to advance local “ecologicalization,” and to create a perspective of a “three in one” living environment with consideration for production, life and ecology,.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Science and Technology Park (ESTP)、circulatory integration、low-pollution exhaust、ecologicalization