

中文摘要 地被植物種類繁多,應用於景觀綠化上,應依其機能、環境因素、所需展示之成果等加以選擇,使地被植物的功能,不僅只限於觀賞,而且具有減少塵土飛揚、淨化空氣等改善環境的機能。本計畫初步廣泛收集綠化先進或氣候接近的國家或地區,如:美國佛州、大陸地區、日本、新加坡等地區之地被植物應用情形資料,以作為檢討改進的參考和依據;並綜合現有相關資料,將綠化植物對二氧化硫、硫化氫、臭氧、氮氧化物及塵埃之抗性能力強弱整理成比較表以供未來應用之參考。以目前都市常見的公園綠地為調查對象,包括鄰里公園、大型公園、校園、市區街道之行道樹植穴、安全島等;分別調查其應用場所、地被植物種類和生育情形。調查結果顯示地被植物可有效淨化空氣品質(落塵、臭氧),滯塵率為3.60~82.70 %,臭氧淨化率為14.75~94.43 %。在配置方式上以植物種類多樣、立體結構明顯、綠帶寬度大,即喬、灌、地被明顯的立體結構,或複層灌木、配合覆蓋度高的地被植物,其整體的淨化效果最好。地被植物覆蓋度可能也是影響滯塵率之重要因子,初步認為覆蓋度愈高,其滯塵效果愈佳。
中文關鍵字 臭氧,地被植物,空氣品質,塵埃,滯塵率


專案計畫編號 EPA-91-FA14-03-A197 經費年度 091 計畫經費 800 千元
專案開始日期 2002/08/06 專案結束日期 2002/12/31 專案主持人 李哖
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 執行單位


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000016518.pdf 1MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The effect of selection and desposition in groundcovers of improvement on air quality in urban area

英文摘要 Groundcovers can improve the air quality, and the ability of improvement varies with different groundcovers and planting patterns. This experiment is aimed at evaluating the air clearing capacity of different groundcovers and planting patterns. Firstly, we collect the common groundcovers of the developed countries or regions that cilmate is similar to taiwan, for example, florida state of U.S.A, the Mainland of China, Japan and Singapore. Secondly, we collet the resistance and clearing capacity of air pollutants-SOX, Cl2, O3, NOX, TSP. Lastly, the values of dust and ozone on the park, campus, and the road side were measured. The results indicated that groundcovers had good efficientcies in purifying the air. The dust interception capacity raged between 3.6% and 82.7%, and the clearing capacity of ozone ranged between 14.75% and 94.43%. The higher coverage of groundcovers had better ability to incept dust. It varied with different groundcovers, growth enviroment, planting pattern. The multi-layered, mix-planting, and broader planting belt had better ability of improving the air quality.
英文關鍵字 ozone,groundcovers,dust interception capacity,dust,air quality