

中文摘要 本研究計畫目標主要是延續上(九十)年度飲用水管理科技計畫,持續調查簡易自來水地區之水源及清水水質中是否含有致病性微生物,作為評估飲用水水質良莠的重要指標。為了滿足民眾對高品質飲用水的期待,依據先進國家已開發之檢驗技術為導向,探討簡易自來水淨水場可能面臨之致病微生物風險及現有處理流程是否有效去除致病微生物。若能同時研發適用於我國環境的偵測方法及訂定較嚴謹的法令規範,更是刻不容緩的議題。本計畫團隊根據評選須知所列舉之計畫目標與工作內容,研擬詳實可行之計畫實施方法與流程,依契約書規定逐項於計畫期限內執行,以協助環保署達成飲用水水源與水質管制之政策目標。 本計畫共檢測12處採樣點之42組水樣,其中包含6組自來水廠原水水樣、6組清水水樣及30組簡易自來水水樣。在梨形鞭毛蟲的檢測部分,水廠的原水與清水中各有1組水樣檢測出梨形鞭毛蟲,簡易自來水有3組水樣檢測出梨形鞭毛蟲。在隱孢子蟲的檢測部分,水廠的原水與清水中皆未檢測出隱孢子蟲,簡易自來水則有1組水樣檢測出隱孢子蟲。在沙門氏桿菌和志賀氏桿菌的檢測部分,在推定試驗中對鑑別培養基呈陽性反應之菌株,經VITEK之菌種鑑定全部對沙門氏桿菌及志賀氏桿菌呈陰性反應,而受測水樣若以選擇培養基—SBG培養後再以分子生物檢測法分析,則發現有1組簡易自來水水樣含有志賀氏桿菌、5組簡易自來水水樣含有沙門氏桿菌。至於總菌落數與大腸桿菌群檢測結果,簡易自來水之不合格率分別為90%與76.6 %。而自來水清水之總菌落數,6個受測水樣中,有1個不合格,大腸桿菌群則皆合格。 本研究調查項目所列之致病性微生物管制項目【如:梨形鞭毛蟲(Giardia)、隱孢子蟲(Cryptosporidium)、志賀氏桿菌屬(Shigella)、沙門氏桿菌屬(Samonella)】及管制限值暫時不宜列入我國「飲用水水源標準」以及「飲用水水質標準」當中,但因為我國飲用水體中曾有檢測出致病性微生物之紀錄,因此主管單位應持續進行飲用水體中致病性微生物之調查、蒐集必要的科學環境資訊,掌握國內水體中致病性微生物的背景濃度,以推估潛在風險。
中文關鍵字 腸球菌,產氣單胞菌屬,隱孢子蟲,志賀氏桿菌,沙門氏桿菌屬,梨形鞭毛蟲


專案計畫編號 EPA-91-U1J1-02-102 經費年度 091 計畫經費 2300 千元
專案開始日期 2002/04/01 專案結束日期 2002/12/31 專案主持人 許昺慕
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 執行單位 元培科學技術學院環境工程衛生系


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000022218.zip 1MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The Survey of Pathogenic Microorganisms in Drinking water(2)

英文摘要 ABSTRACT The pathogenic microbials in drinking water, including Giardia, Cryptosporidium, Shigella, and Samonella, were investigated using conventional detection method. Water samples were taken from twelve prescreened locations around the Island. A total of forty-two water samples were obtained during 8 months. Among them there were six samples from raw water of the drinking water treatment plants, 6 from clean waters, and thirty from the small water units. Results revealed that, for the Giardia, one out of six raw and treated water samples respectively from water treatment plants, while two out of thirty small water units. Cryptosporidium was undetectable neither from the raw water samples, nor the clean waters. Only one sample from the small water units was detected with Cryptosporidium. For those positive response of Shigella and Samonella in pretests medium, the confirmatory test results showed negative response under the VITEK identification. However, if the water samples applied SBG medium following a molecular biological analytical method, Shigella can be detected in one sample from the small water units and five for the Samonella. For the tests of total plate counts and Total coliforms, the results indicated that the fail rate in clean waters was 16.7% and 0 %, respectively, and the fail rate for the small water units was 90 % and 76.6 %, respectively. The pathogenic microbials are important indicators to evaluate the drinking water quality. To ensure a better drinking water quality in Taiwan, it is of great urgent issue for the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (Taiwan EPA) to prevent potential waterborne outbreak caused by the pathogenic microbials. It is this purpose the Taiwan EPA funded this research with an ultimate aim to develop an innovative detection method, and a well-defined regulation so as to control the pathogenic microbials. Based on the findings indicated above, it is not suggested currently to the Taiwan EPA to e
英文關鍵字 Cryptosporidium,Giardia,Shigella,Enterococcus,Aeromonas,Samonella