

中文摘要 為有效執行 貴署所委任之計畫執行成效,本工作團隊已建構組織化之運作模式,而為確保派駐人員作業與管理之一致性,計畫執行期間亦已編訂「地方派駐人員標準作業手冊」及「地方派駐人員資料輸入品保品管作業手冊」等相關作業準則,並藉由網路專案管理系統進行相關工作提示之下達、人員管理及執行成果之展現。而為能促使計畫能順利進行,亦於91年4月、5月、7月及10月份,完成第一階段第一及二梯次、第二階段及第三階段之人員教育訓練及定期辦理工作考核,以期有效、迅速地完成事業廢棄物管制中心,或各縣市環保局所交付之各項工作。 本計畫執行第二年度,因應列管事業自原有一萬多家擴大至四萬餘家,不論管制中心或各縣市環保單位,均面臨廢棄物之管制龐大的工作量,尤以縣市環保單位需進行大量新增列管對象之清查及辦理宣導說明會等相關管制作業,負荷更為沈重。本團隊派駐之40位專業工程師,在協助各縣市環保單位執行事業廢棄物之流向追蹤管制及各項基線資料之建置上,扮演著不可或缺之角色,各縣市環保單位對於派駐人員之執行成效均給予正面之肯定,並於多次於會議中讚許並感謝管制中心此項計畫之委辦及本團隊派駐人員之努力,亦要求管制中心是否可增加派駐之人員,以協助環保單位同時進行環保之推動與事業廢棄物追蹤督導管制工作。 本團隊執行本計畫,由資料庫之建檔與維護、列管事業名單清查及申報資料之勾稽查核等作業程序,強化事業廢棄物網路申報資訊系統暨資料庫之完整性與正確性,期更有助於各級環保機關對於轄區內事業廢棄物產出、清除及處理等申報資料之勾稽、比對、篩選、統計及稽查計畫之擬定,進而達成管制中心事業廢棄物流向追蹤督導管制之終極目標。
中文關鍵字 勾稽,事業廢棄物管理制度,事業廢棄物連線申報系統及全國事業廢棄物管理系統


專案計畫編號 EPA-91-H102-02-105 經費年度 091 計畫經費 28900 千元
專案開始日期 2002/03/29 專案結束日期 2002/12/31 專案主持人 惠元環保工程顧問有限公嚴慶宏
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 執行單位 惠元環保工程顧問有限公司


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期末報告 0000019903.zip 161MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Establishment of a Tracking and Control Plan for Waste Flow

英文摘要 In order to carry out this project successfully, Hui-Yuan has established a professional process. Hui-Yuan have compiled S.O.P. (Standard Operation Procedure) and DEQQ (Data Entry - QA/QC) manual for managing Hui-Yuan’s professional engineers stationed in EPBs all over Taiwan. Hui-Yuan’s engineers complete their missions and expressed their fruitful results through Hui-Yuan’s PMS (Project Management System, which is a Web Application management system.) In addition, Hui-Yuan has hold a series of training courses in April, May, July and October in 2001, in order to complete the missions perfectly. The second year of this project, forty thousand enterprises were asked to report their waste status under the law. At the time, the central management unit and EPBs faced a lot of workloads they have ever met. The person who was in charge in this project in local EPBs had to check the latest qualified businesses list thoroughly and, meanwhile, take place seminars for new qualified enterprises. Hui-Yuan’s engineers played an important role in this project. They helped complete all data-entry jobs and trace waste status reported from all enterprises. The EPB officials have a positive evaluation to their effort, and EPBs even asked more engineers to help them in this project and other environmental protection projects. Through Hui-Yuan’s forty professional employees’ contribution, the IWRS (Internet Waste Reporting System) is able to build up its completeness and accuracy. Moreover, Hui-Yuan will dedicate to provide more professional processes to help reach the goal of industrial wastes management.
英文關鍵字 Electronic Manifest,Management System,Cross Checking,waste,Industrial Waste Managemen