

中文摘要 本計畫乃配合環保署環境檢驗所推動環境檢驗測定機構管理政策,以提昇檢驗機構檢驗室系統檢測數據品質,落實稽查管制工作。本年度計畫針對取得環境檢驗所認證許可檢測機構檢驗室系統查核,全面加強執行督導查核工作,並進行整體性檢測作業品質評估,以供管理輔導參考。督導查核工作執行方式包括「檢驗室品質系統運作查核」、「採樣現場作業查核」及「盲樣績效測試」並配合辦理座談會與檢測機構充分交流。此外,為提升查核作業一致性,本計畫亦依據環保署環境檢驗所相關規範建立相關查核作業程序文件,提供檢測機構參考依循,以落實執行檢驗機構認證許可各類別污染物檢測工作,達成提昇檢測數據品質之目標。 現階段取得環境檢驗所各類別污染物檢測方法(空氣、水質、飲用水、廢棄物、毒化物及噪音振動類)認證之環境檢測機構計95家。本計畫自民國九十一年三月起執行迄九十一年十一月底止,共計完成79家次檢測機構檢驗室品質系統運作查核、5家次採樣現場作業查核,執行62家次現場盲樣測試、186項次盲樣測試並辦理2場次檢測機構座談會、4場次查核委員工作會議。整體計畫執行成果已達成原訂目標。 「檢驗室品質系統運作查核」完成79家次(包括複查12家次)檢測機構檢驗室查核工作。結果顯示,多數檢測機構檢驗室執行各類別檢測品保/品管作業皆具水準,但仍有少數幾家檢測機構未能符合規範,甚或存在重大缺失,建議加強管理,以提昇檢測數據品質一致性。 「採樣現場作業查核」完成5家次檢測機構採樣現場查核,執行結果顯示,半數以上檢測機構現場採樣作業人員對檢測方法整體流程大致熟悉,但並非十分精確;現場作業品保品管訓練則多不足,確實執行程度有待加強。此外,現場檢測作業人員對污染源特徵及影響廢氣之因素瞭解多所不足,應可加強訓練考核。 「盲樣測試」完成186項次盲樣測試查核工作。95項次水質盲樣測試查核結果顯示,近90%檢測機構皆符合環檢所訂定盲樣品質管制規範標準,顯示檢驗室分析人員對相關水質檢測方法熟悉度與作業品質佳。91項次標準氣體盲樣測試查核結果顯示,近28%檢測機構無法符合公告標準方法品質管制規範,各項氣體檢測不符合規範比例依序為THC(43%)、VOCs(31%)、NOx(31%)、SOx(12%),顯示空氣污染檢測數據準確度有待提昇。導致查核結果未符規範之主要缺失包括採用標準氣體標示濃度準確度不佳、檢測儀器校正曲線製作不當與儀器操作、維護作業不正確等。因此,除藉由要求檢測機構須使用可追溯一級標準氣體外,藉由增加查核頻率與加強訓練考核,應能提升品保/品管作業系統落實程度,進而提昇檢測數據品質。
中文關鍵字 環境檢驗測定機構,系統查核,盲樣績效,查核意見分類系統


專案計畫編號 EPA-91-1601-02-04 經費年度 091 計畫經費 5800 千元
專案開始日期 2002/03/06 專案結束日期 2002/12/31 專案主持人 鄭福田
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 執行單位 台灣大學鄭福田教授,成功大學蔡俊鴻教授,輔仁大學劉希平副教授


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期末報告 0000017966.pdf 1MB [期末報告]

Inspection and evaluation of sampling and analysis in environmental analytical laboratories

英文摘要 Management strategy of environmental analysis laboratories, set up by National Institute of Environmental Analysis (NIEA), is utilized to promote the analytical data quality and execute the environmental monitoring policy. This year, this project executed overall quality evaluation for NIEA permitted subcontractors. The overall quality evaluation program included the evaluation of laboratory management system, onsite checks of stack gas sampling operation, and laboratory performance of selective NIEA test samples. For the purpose of maintaining inspection consistence throughout the study, introductory conferences were held to inform all subcontractors about the standard operating procedures (SOPs) in this project. In Taiwan, 95 subcontractors have been registered in various environmental analytical categories (air, water quality, drinking water, solid waste, noise and vibration, etc). This project accomplished 79 for subcontractor inspection, 5 for stack gas sampling, 62 for laboratory performance evaluation, 186 NIEA test samples , two conferences and four inspector seminars. Overall, this project has been fulfilled the original plan set up by NIEA. The inspection results of laboratory management system indicated that most subcontractors follow NIEA management subcontractor and the QA/QC.program. However, only few cases failed to reach the NIEA laboratory minimal requirement. Repeat visits of such subcontractors were suggested to maintain the result quality. Even only five inspections of stack gas sampling in this project, the result found out that most technical persons in various subcontractors were familiar with stack gas sampling technique. However, QA/QC requirement and executive fulfillment are the key issue. Employee should be more versatile to safety requirement, analytical methods, exhaust emission, usage of Valve A in automatic sampling process. 186 items of NIEA test samples were distributed to the target subcontractors. 95 items were re
英文關鍵字 Environmental analytical laboratory,system evaluation,test sample performance,Inspection category system