

中文摘要 本研究已完成對現有測站系統之基本資料調查、軟硬體功能分析,並針對現有系統之架構及傳輸方式提出優缺點之分析,並據此提出新式資料收集傳遞系統原型機之監測儀器訊號擷取介面、電氣特性、傳送介面標準之整理及規劃,可做為將來廠商選擇通訊設備及建設新測站之規範。在儀器資料交換程序及協定上,本研究完成一套應用層儀器資料交換協定之設計,並據以應用在類比輸出監測儀器以及兩種同廠牌的數位輸出監測儀器進行模擬測試成功。 根據上述規劃設計,本研究整合目前最新網路傳輸應用技術,實作開發出六部資料收集原型機及相關軟體應用程式三套(系統控制程式、常駐資料封包轉換程式、使用者操作介面)整個系統的主要功能包括: (1)具網路資料傳輸及遠端控制設定之能力 (2)具有數位、類比監測儀器監測資料收集及控制功能 (3)具初步自我除錯及自我救援之功能 (4)具隨插即用,自動設定參數之功能 (5)具多重資料備份之功能 針對所開發之系統進行實驗室及現場實測後,其資料收發完整性、遠端控制能力、自動除錯與救援功能、以及資料自動備援及修復測試均正確無誤,在實場測試中,其平均封包遺失率約為4/10000,遠端設定成功率約為96.25%,遙控遠端反應時間約為4~5秒。在儀器的基本性能上,在未啟用看門狗模組之前,由於缺少警報系統或自動重新啟動功能,若操作人員或檢查人員疏忽,可能發生超過一星期的當機事件,此情形在啟用看門狗功能後已獲得成功改善,平均重新啟動時間僅需約4.6秒,即可回復資料收集工作,較傳統使用電腦進行資料收集工作因電腦當機所造成的採樣中斷情形改善許多,整個系統運作至今也尚未發現原型機故障或損毀之情形,顯示本研究所提出之系統架構及介面標準與為確實可行,且透過整合式Web操作介面,可以在非特定電腦進行遠端控制及資料瀏覽,提昇資料收集的效率並降低資料損失的風險。 本研究最後則依據實測結果提出對未來空氣品質監測站之資料傳送系統所需之各項規格標準,希望能有助於未來測站更新工作。
中文關鍵字 監測站,傳輸系統,網際網路


專案計畫編號 EPA-91-L105-02-223 經費年度 091 計畫經費 1250 千元
專案開始日期 2003/06/01 專案結束日期 2003/12/31 專案主持人 王鵬堯
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 執行單位 中央大學環境工程研究所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000024054.pdf 1MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The development of an internet-based SCADA System for the next generation air quality monitoring station

英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to design and construct an internet-based SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system for replacing the 10 years old SCADA system made by Philips in air quality monitoring stations around the island. Several important futures, such as digital signal conversions, automatic configurations, web-based human-machine interface, and multi-user data subscriptions were added to create an easy-of-use, robust and reliable system. Several laboratory and field tests were also conducted to evaluate performances of the system in controlled conditions and real world environments. At the end of this study, a list of suggested criteria for the new SCADA system was given to the agency. The internet-based SCADA system has three parts: a signal processing unit based on BX-24 microprocessor and other peripheral chips; an internet protocol processing unit based on SitePlayer chip; and a PC-based web server unit. Together, the system can handle both analog and digital signals from monitoring instruments, store raw data in its nonvolatile memories and transmit data to 8 different remote databases via internet. The user can also control instruments in remote station through web pages. The system passed different tests in our laboratory under simulated conditions, such as repeated power failures, internet service interruptions, and database failures. Field study also indicated that the system could survive under real world environments. The chance of losing data during communication was 4/10000, which means that the system would only spend 1.5 minute to retrieve those data form a 24 hours operation. Results also showed that the system would self-recover in less than 5 seconds when power failure occurred. Two watchdog timers were added to the system to prevent internal system halt. Since then, the system has operated continually without any attention. By using data replication functions provided by MS SQL™, no data were missed during the three-
英文關鍵字 monitoring station, communication device, internet