

中文摘要 將軍溪、鹽水溪及二仁溪為臺南縣境內三條河川,由於溪流短小且集水區高度開發,污染情形嚴重,導致大部分河段呈厭氧狀態,嚴重影響環境品質。三個流域的污染整治以往有許多規劃,但由於所涉單位眾多,工作未經有效整合,因此整治成效不彰。本計劃彙整與檢討三個流域以往的整治規劃,提出建議方案,並整合相關單位工作內容與工作時程。 由於三河川目前污染情形嚴重,本計劃建議整治之短程目標為河川達到不厭氧發臭,中長程則以達到河川用途分類之水質標準為目標。三流域主要污染來源為生活污水以及工業與養豬廢水,針對這三類污染源提出之整治建議為:(1)生活污水短、中程採用截流處理,長程則以下水道建設加以解決;(2)養豬廢水第一階段以確保各養豬戶操作固液分離及厭氧程序為目標,第二階段建議僱請廢水處理代操作業者協助活性污泥程序之操作;(3)工業廢水方面必須對重大污染源進行嚴格管制,小型及零星工廠未能完全管制之部分則視需要採取主要排水截流處理的措施。 在工作整合方面,本計劃規劃環保單位養豬廢水管制配合農政單位對業者廢水處理的輔導與經費補助;工業污染源管制方面,整合環保單位的稽查管制以及工業主管機關的工廠輔導與下水道主管機關的排水截流處理;生活污水方面則建議下水道主管機關調整部分設計內容與執行期程,以配合三個流域的污染整治。
中文關鍵字 鹽水溪,二仁溪,養豬廢水,家庭污水,工業廢水,將軍溪


專案計畫編號 EPA-034910093--- 經費年度 091 計畫經費 870 千元
專案開始日期 2002/10/04 專案結束日期 2002/12/31 專案主持人 溫清光
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 執行單位 國立成功大學環境工程系


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000006740.zip 10MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Integrated Planning of Watershed Management for Chiang chun, Yensuei and Erhjen Rivers

英文摘要 Chiangchun, Yensuei and Erhjen are three rivers in southern Taiwan. These rivers share the same characteristics as having relatively low stream flows and highly developed watersheds. Due to significant waste discharge from domestic, industrial and swine farming sectors, these rivers are heavily polluted. Anoxic conditions persist in most part of the river reach. A number of watershed management plans have been proposed in the past decade. However, the efforts were inefficient due to the lack of coordination between responsible agencies. In this project, alternative plans have been proposed. The short-term goal for stream water quality improvement is set on the elimination of anoxic conditions for all river reaches. Long-term goals are set for the three river to be in compliance with water quality standards. Plans for financial and technical support, as well as law enforcement strategies for industrial and farming sectors, and the requirements for sewer construction and sewage interception and treatment have also been proposed. Strong emphasis has been put on inter-agency coordination between institutions such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the Council of Agriculture, and the Construction and Planning Administration.
英文關鍵字 Chiang River,Yensuei River