

中文摘要 經濟與社會快速發展導致持續自然資源開發及污染排放,因而對環境產生嚴重衝擊。雖然政府已訂定環境影響評估法,要求各項大型開發案必須進行環境影響評估,但傳統的環評制度常忽略個別或相關的開發案之間所造成的累積性影響,以致往往超過環境承載力,而造成環境退化。為維持環境永續性,則必須確保累積影響不超過環境承載力,管理之手段則採取總量管制,將環境承載力之總量分配於使用者,然後確保個別使用者均符合受分配總量之要求,以使累積性的衝擊不超出環境承載力。本研究以河川水質BOD為例,根據河川水理、水文特性與水體分類計算河川涵容能力,即為BOD之環境承載力,並進一步將各集污區分配之容許排放總量除以集污區面積得到各分區單位土地面積之污染容許負荷。個別開發計畫必須符合所在集污區之單位面積負荷之要求,則同一集污區所有土地使用者所累積之污染量則不會超過該分區容許排放總量,所有集污區均符合容許排放量,則河川累積污染排放總量就不會違反涵容能力。本研究以單位面積負荷作為新開發案累積性環境影響審查基準,及分析現有土地使用者應採取之污染削減率。文中以頭前溪與客雅溪流域為研究案例,評估其累積性環境衝擊結果顯示,兩個流域目前的一般的家庭、工業與畜牧等污染,因污染累積衝擊之影響,導致原河段與下游多處河段都已超過水體水質標準,文中並進一步探討如何利用單位面積負荷之基準改善此兩流域之污染現況。 此外,本研究並收集中央與地方通過環境影響評估案之水質資料,且建置地理資訊系統提供管理者查詢與審核環境影響評估案件。最後本研究以網際網路地理資訊系統作為查詢與展示之介面,提供中央查詢各地區之環評開發情形,與進行監督之工作,且提供各縣市政府可上網登錄在該地區提出申請環評報告書的相關資料。
中文關鍵字 總量管制,累積性環境影響評估,地理資訊系統


專案計畫編號 EPA-91-U1E1-02-117 經費年度 091 計畫經費 1400 千元
專案開始日期 2002/04/18 專案結束日期 2002/12/31 專案主持人 童慶斌
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 執行單位 台灣大學生物環境系統工程學系


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000007282.pdf 3MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Cumulative environmental impact assessment

英文摘要 Rapid growth of economics and society has driving force in continuously mining natural resources and discharging pollutant to environment. Thus, environment is suffered seriously impacts. Although there is 「Environmental Imapct Assessment Act」to request a new developing project to proceed environmental impact assessment, traditional regulations lack of ability to include cumulative impacts and thus may violate environmental carrying capacity. It could cause environmental degradation. To maintenance environmental sustainability, cumulative impacts should not exceed environmental carrying capacity. To achieve the goal, the management measures is to meet allowable total maximum loads which are allocated to each single user as their limits. The water quality indicator of BOD is used as an example in this study. According to hydraulic and hydrologic characteristics of a stream and its water quality standard, assimilation capacity of a stream or total maximum load for each subregion can be determined. The total maximum loads of each subregion are further divided by its area to obtain allowable unit pollutant load. A developing project needs to meet the limit of unit pollutant load, and then total pollutant discharge from all projects within the same region will not exceed total allowable discharge of the region. Furthermore, cumulative pollutant discharge from all regions along a stream will not exceed assimilation capacity. Unit pollutant load is used to be a standard for a new developing project and to evaluate reducation rates of current pollutant discharges. The Touchie and Keya ceek watersheds are used as case studies. Results indicate that cumulative pollution from domestic, inductrial and agricultural sources have exceed stream assimilation capacity in both creeks now. How to apply unit pollutant load to improve water quality is then addressed in this report. This research also collects water quality information of EIA reports accepted by Environmental Prote
英文關鍵字 Cumulative environmental impact assessment,Total mass control,Geographic Information System