

中文摘要 我國現行 “開發行為應實施環境影響評估細目及範圍認定標準”中規定 “輸電線路工程,其345 KV輸電線路鋪設100公里以上者,需實施環境影響評估”;就國內環境而言,目前電力業者輸電線開發工程,其規模大部份低於現行標準,因此過去該類工程一直無實施環境影響評估;然而目前國內輸電線開發工程仍然經常遭遇民眾及環保團體抗爭,其主要關切問題為輸電線兩側的電頻磁場暴露可能對民眾產生額外健康風險,故現行輸電線環境影響評估標準能否達到保護環境生態及民眾健康之基本目的,確有檢討之必要。 本計畫經過蒐集整理我國輸電線環境影響評估標準制定背景,參考並研究歐盟、香港、加拿大、日本、美國等地區輸電線路環境影響評估之規範及案例,分析國內外電頻磁場暴露之流行病學報告,以及世界衛生組織(WHO)國際電磁場計畫相關文獻,並比較國內外輸電線環境影響評估規範之差異; 另外為實際了解國內現行輸電線路對國人產生之額外電頻磁場暴露及其健康風險,以EMDEX II磁場測量儀配合MAGFLD 2.0電腦軟體,調查台北及桃園七處345/161/69 KV架空輸電線之周遭環境,於線下側向100公尺內離地1公尺範圍,系統量測電頻磁場強度;發現架空輸電線兩側100公尺電頻磁場暴露範圍,345 KV為0.8-114 mG,161 KV為0.6-57 mG,69 KV為0.3-46 mG;假設全台灣317個鄉鎮市區內之設籍人口含距離架空輸電線兩側100公尺內為均勻分佈,以此100公尺區域內人群為潛在暴露人口,再以2000年內政部公告各鄉鎮市區年齡別人口資料,配合2001年台電公司輸電線分佈資料,應用ArcView 8.2地理資訊系統及台灣22縣市及直轄市電子地圖,推估全台灣0-14 歲人口4,975,970人中,距離345/161 KV輸電線兩側100公尺範圍人數為469,801人 (佔9.4 %);依據世界衛生組織國際癌症研究中心(IARC) 於2001年針對電頻磁場對14歲以下小兒白血病產生健康風險之評估,參考國外數項針對電頻磁場暴露產生小兒白血病之相對風險 (relative risk, RR;於 0.84-3.44之間),最後以2000年衛生署全國及各縣市癌症登記資料庫,推估得目前台灣345/161 KV架空輸電線兩側 100公尺範圍14歲以下兒童額外增加之白血病數為8.9及7.1人。 經由兩次專家學者座談會及1次關心專業團體的意見,並於計畫執行的期中期末報告中,廣納各方意見後,得下結論: 建議「345/161 KV架空輸電線兩側100公尺範圍內如有住家、學校、醫院及其他公共場所,應考慮實施環境影響評估」;此外「架空輸電線跨越國家公園、野生動物保護區、野生動物重要棲息環境、原住民保留區,即應考慮實施環境影響評估」。 至於69 KV架空輸電線、地下電纜產生之環境衝擊及健康影響,以及上述評估之不確定性,值得再進一步仔細研究探討。
中文關鍵字 環境影響評估、345/161/69 KV架空輸電線、電頻磁場、小兒白血病、相對風險、健康風險


專案計畫編號 EPA-91-E101-02-201 經費年度 091 計畫經費 770 千元
專案開始日期 2002/03/20 專案結束日期 2002/09/20 專案主持人 張武修
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 執行單位 國立陽明大學醫學院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000002449.zip 17MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Inclusion Criteria for Construction Works Required for EIA of transmission line

英文摘要 According to Taiwan’s “Inclusion Criteria for Construction Works Required for Environmental Impact Assessment (ICCWREIA)”, it is necessary for a transmission line with a voltage of 345 kilo voltages (kv) and a length of 100 kilo meters (km) to go through an EIA procedure before construction can be initiated. As the length of nearly all newly constructed transmission lines has been far less than 100 km in recent years; and there has been growing public concern over the potential health risks from exposure to power frequency electromagnetic fields, the above inclusion criteria for the construction of transmission line to be assessed need to be revised. The purpose of this study was to make suggestions, particularly from health risk perspectives, regarding the elements that need to be considered when the revision is eventually made necessary. This study explored the information on the background of Taiwan’s ICCWREIA, which was thereafter compared to the relevant information (including act, regulation, case study, etc.) of numerous nations/organizations/areas such as European Union, Hong Kong, Canada, Japan, World Health Organization, and United States. In order to estimate the additional health risks associated with exposure to high-voltage (69/161/345 kv) generated power frequency magnetic field in Taiwan, we took on-site measurements of magnetic field, using EMDEX II dosimeters, at seven locations in Taipei and Taoyuan areas. Measurements were made within 100 meters of high-voltage transmission lines at a one-meter high location. The magnetic field strength ranged from 0.8-114 mili-Gauss (mG) for 345 kv power lines. The range was 0.6-57 mG and 0.3-46 mG for 161 kv and 69 kv power lines, respectively. Based on the assumption that the population is homogeneously distributed in each township, we estimated, using the Geographic Information System (GIS) (Arc View 8.2), that 469,801 out of 4,975,970 (or 9.4%) children (aged under 15) were residing within 100 meters away from 161 or 345 kV power lines in 2000. With the information on on-site measurement data, percentage of exposed (within 100 m of high-voltage power lines) child population, and magnetic filed strength specific relative risk estimates (ranging from 0.84 to 3.44) derived from previous epidemiological data, and the assumption of causal link between power frequency magnetic field and childhood leukemia, we estimated that 8.9 cases and 7.1 cases childhood (<15 years) leukemia can be attributable to exposure to elevated magnetic field emitted from 345 kv and 161 kv power lines. We made, based on the above information and the conclusions from two sessions of expert meeting, the following suggestions regarding the possible revision of ICCWREIA. “A construction of 345/161 kv power lines should go through an environmental impact assessment procedure if the construction work is less than 100 meters away from residences, school, or hospitals, or the planned power lines may pass over the sky of national parks or reserved/protected areas for wild animals” With respect to the potential health risks of 69 kv power lines and underground cables, we need to collect more data before any recommendations or conclusions that can be made.
英文關鍵字 environmental impact assessment, overhead transmission lines, power-frequency magnetic field, childhood leukemia, relative risk, health risk