

中文摘要 行政院環境保護署基於業務發展需求,自八十五年七月八日與加拿大簽訂中加環境合作瞭解備忘錄後,即積極推動我國與加拿大雙邊環境合作計畫,近年除執行考察、座談會、研討會、參加展覽、也有共同研究計畫。 本計畫乃針對加拿大的環境發展資訊做作有系統的整理,積極建置加拿大環境資訊及資源目錄,分析環境技術及環保產業動態趨勢,蒐集分析加拿大環境法令及政策動態走向,以了解加拿大在環境前瞻環境技術相關資源之進展,並建立中文化專業介面導覽連結,並提出發展未來環境資訊及資源目錄可行策略建議,除作為我國環保發展及國際關係的積極運用外,並將利用網際網路(Internet)科技提供國內各界參考。基本上本計畫所發展網頁的資料來源以網際網路上公開的資訊為主。本計畫利用互聯網路科技提供國內各界參考,環境資訊範圍包括永續發展、環境科技、氣候變遷、環境法令、環境政策、環保產業、現況及未來趨勢等。本計畫選出網站數量分別為永續發展 (16)、環境科技 (31)、氣候變遷 (21)、環境法令 (18)、環境政策 (11)、環保產業 (51),也進行網頁架構重新設計,選擇網站原則包括內容相關充實性、專業重要及有效性,並進行分類及專業評論導讀等工作,提供參考運用,也規畫下載資料區,包括加拿大環境部、工業部及統計部等單位之年度報告等,及整理加拿大工業部建置之Canadian Environmental Solution v6.0資料庫。
中文關鍵字 環境資訊及資源目錄,加拿大


專案計畫編號 EPA-91-E1U5-02-210 經費年度 091 計畫經費 662 千元
專案開始日期 2002/06/01 專案結束日期 2002/12/31 專案主持人 王曉中
主辦單位 永續發展室(停用) 承辦人 執行單位 財團法人美化環境基金會


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期末報告 0000021377.pdf 2MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The Analysis, Categorization and Establishment Information of Canadaian Environmental

英文摘要 Upon the needs of international cooperation and advanced environmental technology, the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA) signed a cooperation memorandum with Environment Canada (EC) on July 8, 1996. TEPA had promoted the cooperation between Taiwan and Canada through projects, visiting, conferences, workshops, and exhibition. This project is to methodically organize environmental information and resources of Canada, to establish a web-site type catalogue with Chinese translation and interfaces, to analyze the trends of environmental technology and industry, to collect the development of environmental laws and policies, and to suggest future strategies for the reference of developing TEPA policies of environmental technology and international cooperation. This catalogue adopted the Internet as the propagation media to provide public available environmental information of Canada. The project provided the environmental information catalogued as sustainable development, environmental technology, climate change, environmental laws, and environmental industry with categorized web sites among 11 to 51. The current development and future trends were also analyzed and discussed. The site was designed professionally with quick connection to various Canada introductory and useful web sites, downloads area with public domain documentation and annual reports, as well as the connection to many science and technology databases.
英文關鍵字 Canada,Environmental information