

中文摘要 〝環境法醫〞是利用科學的方法與技巧經由對於污染之性質、污染之遷移以及與潛在污染源之關連的研究協助判斷及鑑定污染之責任歸屬。環境法醫技術有別於一般傳統之場址評估技術。本研究主要完成(一)國外環境法醫之發展情形與目前國內技術能力資料之蒐集與分析,包括具能力之機構、比對鑑定技術、實務案例等,且設計環境法醫網頁,以利專家學者或技術需求者搜尋取得相關資訊。(二)初步建立油品指紋鑑定技術包括利用GC分析辨識油品型態、抗氣候化之生物標記化合物(Biomarker)以及利用GC/MS分析鑑定抗氣候化之烷基化的多環芳香烴化合物(alkylated PAH)之技術能力。(三)分別於10月17日及11月7日舉辦國內及國際研討會邀請國內外學者專家共同研討環境法醫之技術與應用,有助於國內各界不同技術領域學有專長者在環境法醫方面之參予與整合(四)以本團隊既有之經驗配合案例解說撰寫完成「環境法醫指紋鑑定研判指引」(初稿),提供為未來污染事件發生時作為污染來源追查參考應用之依據。由於本計畫之執行,「環境法醫」已引起國內從事相關事務機構的重視與回響。建議環保署持續推動國內環境法醫方面之研究發展與技術整合,提昇國內環境法醫方面之技術能力。
中文關鍵字 環境法醫,指紋鑑定,污染源查證


專案計畫編號 EPA-91-U1U1-02-104 經費年度 091 計畫經費 1900 千元
專案開始日期 2002/02/06 專案結束日期 2002/12/31 專案主持人 陸瑩
主辦單位 永續發展室(停用) 承辦人 執行單位 工業技術研究院 環境與安全衛生技術發展中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000021760.zip 26MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Environmental forensics

英文摘要 “ Environmental Forensics ” makes use of the scientific methods and techniques to judge and identify the responsibility of the pollution by way of the properties of the pollution, migrations of the pollution, and the research of the correlations of the potential sources. Environmental Forensics Technology is different from the Site Assessment Technology. This report completes : (1) The collection and analysis of the current development in environmental forensics of the foreign countries, such as the United States, Canada etc., and the information of the domestic techniques and capabilities, including the domestic institutes with environmental forensics capabilities, chemical fingerprinting technique, and the case studies. Besides these, this report also designs the homepage of the environmental forensics for Environmental Protection Administration of Republic of China (EPA-ROC ) in order to let scholars, experts and people who need the information of the environmental forensics can find it. (2) To established the preliminary techniques of chemical fingerprinting for oils, such as the differentiation of the oil types with GC, the analysis of biomarkers, and the analysis of alkylated PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) with GC/MS. (3) To hold a domestic workshop and an international workshop in environmental forensics on October 17, 2002 and November 7, 2002 respectively. These two workshops invite a lot of domestic and international scholars and experts in different fields of science and technology to participate in, and will be helpful for the integration of various fields of science and technology for environmental forensics in Taiwan. To write “ The Guide of Chemical Fingerprinting Technology in Environmental Forensics(manuscript)”, which is based on the previous experience of this research team. This guide can be used as a guideline of source identification for the future pollution events. The Environmental Forensics has made the domestic,
英文關鍵字 environmental forensics,fingerprinting,source identification