

中文摘要 為了讓民眾能對愈來愈重要的國際環保議題有所瞭解,同時以預防如沙塵暴等環境問題所造成的危害,同時藉由資料的呈現,引導民眾關心進而參與全球環境問題的解決。環保署即以本計畫之執行,藉由淺顯易懂的網頁及摺頁,提供民眾瞭解全球重要環保專題的資訊需求。工作內容包括建置環保專題中文網頁、環保專題英文網頁及大陸沙塵暴宣導摺頁等三部分。 在環保專題中文網頁,其內容又分為:「大陸沙塵暴」、「聖嬰現象」、「臭氧層破壞」、「全球氣候變遷」、「跨國有害廢棄物運送」、「持久性有機污染物」、「國際海洋污染」、「酸雨」及「亞洲褐雲」等九項議題,藉由深入淺出的文字及圖形,介紹不同議題的形成原因、對環境的影響、我國的現況及因應措施等。 至於網頁提供的功能方面,則包括最新訊息、全文檢索、相關網站連結、常見問答集(Q&A),另後端管理系統則包括權限管理及電子報發送系統等功能。 在英文網頁部分,其議題也如中文網頁一般,分為上述大陸沙塵暴等九項,至於內容,則針對英文讀者的需求,以介紹各國際環保議題對我國之影響及我國相對應之政策及措施為主。 大陸沙塵暴摺頁部分,對宣導對象設定為學校及一般民眾,故以活潑的版面、文字及圖形,介紹沙塵暴形成之原因、對台灣空氣品質的影響、民眾健康的影響及應採取的防範措施等。


專案計畫編號 EPA-91-FA11-03-A192 經費年度 091 計畫經費 890 千元
專案開始日期 2002/08/07 專案結束日期 2002/12/30 專案主持人 蕭立國
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 執行單位 惠國顧問(股)公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000012091.zip 34MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Global environmental issues and Taiwan

英文摘要 This project is carried out not only to help people know more about international environmental issues but also to prevent the harm and risks caused by Dust Storms from China. By providing detailed information, it is hoped that people can be more active to participate the prevention works for these environmental issues. By installing a web site and publishing a brochure, information of these international environmental issues is introduced. The scope of this project is divided into three parts: a Chinese web site, an English web site and an introduction brochure for “Dust Storms form China”. In this year’s project, nine international environmental issues were introduced in the web site, which includes :‘Dust Storm’,’ El Niño’,’ Global Climate Change’,’ Ozone Layer Depletion’,’ Transboundary movement of hazardous waste’,’ Persistent Organic Pollutants’,’ Marine Pollution’,’ Acid Rain’,’ Brown Cloud in South Asia’. By using plain text and figures, their generation mechanism and impacts were explained, and the policy and measures taken by Taiwan are also described. To be more user-friendly, several functions are also included in the web site, that includes: ‘latest information signboard’, ‘search function’, ‘related linkage’, ‘Q&A’, ‘limitation management’ and ‘E-news system’. In English web site, the topics are same as those in Chinese web site. However, English web site is designed for international readers’ interesting. There by, the major contents of English site are focused on ‘How these international issues influence Taiwan?’ and ‘What are the policy and measurements taken by Taiwan to control these international environment issues?’ Not only are the Chinese and English web sites are introduced in this project, but also an introduction brochure for “Dust Storms form China” is also designed, targeting on students as well as general publics. By using lively words and figures, Taiwan’s current status as well as