

中文摘要 為協助當事人了解土地污染狀況以釐清當事人間法律責任,並配合 「土壤及第下水污染整治法」第八條及第九條及同法施行細則第七 條檢具「土壤污染檢測資料」之規定,因此參考國外環境場址評估 之精神訂定一套土壤污染檢測準備程序,訂名為「土壤污染檢測準 備程序--環境場址潛在土壤污染評估參考指引」(草案)。依此程 序可協助取得場址潛在土壤污染資料,及若有污染可能時其潛在之 污染源、污染種類、移動路徑等資訊,並據此資訊擬定土壤採樣及 檢測計畫。如此將有助於提出正確有用之「檢測資料」。 本計畫完成之工作內容如下: 一、蒐集美國環境場址評估相關資料,針對美國常執行之環境場址 評估制度(Environmental Site Assessment,簡稱ESA)進行翻譯 工作,其內容包括美國材料試驗協會(American Society for Testing and Materials,ASTM)之E1527、E1528、E1903方法及程 序規範、美國相關機構之環境場址評估規範等。 二、以美國材料試驗協會之環境場址評估操作準則為基礎,針對我 國之國情及環境背景提出修正意見,並據此研擬建議我國執行環境 場址評估之行政指引。 三、針對環境場址評估作業程序的行政指引草案舉辦三場修正研商 會,邀請相關政府部門代表、相關產業代表、學者專家出席,並據 以修正草案內容,完成定稿作為公告之參考。 四、針對地方環境主管機關代表及相關產業代表就擬具之行政指引 (草案),於北、中、南、東共舉辦四場說明會。
中文關鍵字 環境場址評估,潛在污染,土壤及地下水污染整治法


專案計畫編號 EPA-91-G102-02-229 經費年度 091 計畫經費 870 千元
專案開始日期 2002/08/15 專案結束日期 2003/03/14 專案主持人 李勵德
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 執行單位 台灣環境與災害政策學會


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期末報告 0000080388.zip 2MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Guideline constructs for environmental site assessment

英文摘要 This project on “Guideline constructs for environmental site assessment” was put in place for the Environmental Protection Agency. The target of this project for an environmental site assessment is to develop a procedure named “preparing procedure of analyzing soil contaminants —guidance of environmental site soil contamination assessments”. The guidance is designed to assist the user in developing information about the environmental condition of the site to help the user realizing the soil contamination condition and preparing the soil contaminants analyzed data. The guidance summarizes the requirements and process for evaluating potential liability from environmental contamination, and will introduce users to the larger context of environmental issues associated with real property. Accordance with the guidance one could gather the information of the potential contaminations, potential contaminated source, and kind of contaminants and migrated of contaminants. This project consist the following tasks: 1 Gather and translate related information and guidelines based on American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM)and other US government organizations (Civilian Federal Agency Task Force, National Park Service, and Environmental Protection Agency ). Including “Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process (E1527)”, ”Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Transaction Screen Process (E1528)”, ”Standard Guide for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Process (E1903)”, ”Guide on Evaluating Environmental Liability for Property Transfers”,” Level I Re-Acquisition Environmental Site Assessment Guidance Manual”, and”CERCLA Enforcement Against Lenders and Government Entities That Acquire Property Involuntarily”. 2 Compare US Environmental Site Assessment models and construct a guideline named “preparing procedure of analyzing