

中文摘要 壹、本調查之調查目的為蒐集民眾對於環保署的施政表現滿意度及實施購物用塑膠袋及塑膠類(含保麗龍)免洗餐具限制使用政策之感受及相關使用行為,調查對象為居住在台灣地區年滿十八歲以上之民眾,以電腦輔助電話訪問(CATI)方式辦理調查,在信賴水準於95%時,百分比估計值的抽樣誤差在±2.00%以下。貳、第一次及第二次調查摘要請參閱本調查之相關文件(調查報告)。參、第三次調查摘要:一、調查期間為民國九十二年五月十六日至二十三日,有效樣本數2,503人。二、調查結果顯示:(一)民眾對於「購物用塑膠袋限用政策」及「塑膠類(含保麗龍)免洗餐具限用政策」的支持度分別為七成八及八成二。(二)實施購物用塑膠袋限用政策後,有八成六的民眾表示減少使用購物用塑膠袋;七成九的民眾現在外出購物時,會自備購物袋。(三)八成九的民眾表示,最近一個月內,在百貨公司等六大類限制使用之商家消費,商家沒有免費提供塑膠袋;而表示有免費提供為百分之八‧七三,其中七成一為有店面餐飲業,一成六為速食店(複選題)。(四)六成三的民眾表示,商家不提供塑膠類免洗餐具後,對日常生活沒有影響;有七成七的民眾表示減少免洗餐具的使用。(五)目前會自備餐具去用餐的民眾有一成五,惟若政府實施「自備餐具折扣五元」的政策,則有五成二的民眾表示會因此自備餐具。(六)七成六的民眾表示,環保署應該針對限用政策加強對商家的稽查。(七)對於目前有店面的餐飲業受到限用政策限制,但攤販目前還不在限制使用範圍內,有五成九的民眾感到不公平。
中文關鍵字 免洗餐具,保麗龍,購物用塑膠袋


專案計畫編號 EPA-92-H101-02-204 經費年度 092 計畫經費 930 千元
專案開始日期 2003/01/07 專案結束日期 2003/06/02 專案主持人 張玉穎
主辦單位 統計室 承辦人 執行單位 蓋洛普徵信股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000085461.zip 1MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Opinion Survey of Second Stage Forbiddance Policy on Plastic Shopping Bags/Plastic (Styrofoam) Disposable Dishware

英文摘要 I. Objectives: To collect public opinions of satisfaction with administration of Environment Protection Administration (EPA), opinions on forbiddance policy on plastic shopping bags / plastic (Styrofoam) disposable dishware, and relevant use behavior as well. The subjects are residents living in Taiwan area aged 18 years old or over. The interviews are conducted with the assistance of CATI, and sampling error is less than ±2.00% estimated at a confidence level of 95%.II. Summary of the third survey: 1. Survey period: May 16~23, 2003, valid samples: 2,503. 2. Key findings: (1) Respectively seventy eight and eighty two percent of the respondents support 「Forbiddance Policy on Plastic Shopping Bags」and「Forbiddance Policy on Plastic (Styrofoam) Disposable Dishware」; (2) After the forbiddance policy was enforced, eighty six percent of the respondents had lessened uses of plastic shopping bags; seventy nine percent of the respondents might prepare shopping bags when go shopping; (3) Eighty nine percent of the respondents mentioned that in the recent month the business stores did not provide free plastic shopping bags when they were consuming at the six sorts of business stores including department store; 8.37% of the respondents mentioned that the business stores did provide free plastic shopping bags, among which seventy one percent are restaurants and sixteen percent are fast-food stalls (multiple choice). (4) Sixty three percent of the respondents expressed that their life was not affected when the business stores did not provided plastic disposable dishware; seventy seven percent of the respondents expressed that they had lessened uses of plastic disposable dishware. (5) Fifteen percent of the respondents might prepare dishware when dining out. If the government execute the policy of「NT$5 discount for persons who prepare dishware」, fifty two percent of the respondents may accordingly prepare dishware; (6) Seventy six percent of the respondents mentioned that
英文關鍵字 plastic shopping bags,disposable dishware,styrofoam