

中文摘要 本計畫將台灣地區二十九處之一般廢棄物衛生掩埋場之封閉復育綠化及再利用維護管理工程成效評估等基本資料加以彙整並由專家學者實地現勘。結果顯示,九十二年度進行封閉復育綠化成效評估之二十九場次中,其中二十場次之場址(69%)封閉復育綠化成效尚稱良好,僅有四場次之場址(14%)封閉復育綠化成效有待加強改進。另五場(17%)之高雄縣林園鄉、路竹鄉、台東縣台東市、鹿野鄉及雲林縣土庫鎮,因工程尚未發包等因素,故未完成封閉復育綠化工程。 各工程細項評鑑優良場址中台北縣三峽場之場址最為完善,各項目皆評價為優良場址,其次為嘉義縣新港鄉及嘉義縣朴子市佳禾第一期有三項工程評價為優良場址。遴選出封閉復育綠化再利用成效優良之場址為台北縣三峽場。 本經費申請作業指引依據主要依八十六年至九十一年底止,政府從事132場復育綠化之掩埋場資料,包括工程項目、簽約金額、結算金額、營運管理單位、用地使用情形及營理費用進行分析,並針對今年度(九十二年)與去年度(九十一年)現勘所得資料擬定之,期藉由本經費申請作業指引能提供掩埋場進行封閉復育申請經費補助之參考依據。 本次技術會議參加人員共計188人,光碟製作、宣導海報、宣導短片及宣導講議等相關資料,增進各級環保人員與產、官、學、研界對一般廢棄物衛生掩埋場封閉復育再利用維護管理之技術知識及管理技能。
中文關鍵字 沼氣回收,復育綠美化,掩埋場再利用


專案計畫編號 EPA-92-Z102-02-103 經費年度 092 計畫經費 1600 千元
專案開始日期 2003/02/12 專案結束日期 2003/12/31 專案主持人 張添晉
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 執行單位 國立台北科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000001965.zip 15MB [期末報告]公開完整版

92th The Management and Evaluation of the Closure, Remediation, Vegetation and Reuse of Municipal Landfills

英文摘要 This project evaluates Taiwan’s 29 sites of the municipal landfill’s vegetation and reuse functions, and then make the evaluations into categories. The research result shows the green-work and reuse effect of the evaluated 20 sites (69% of the whole 29 sites) are fine, while 4 sites (14%) needs improvement. Besides, there are 5 sites (17%) including Linyuan Township, Lujhu Township Kaohsiung County, Taitung City, Luye Township Taitung County and Tuku Township Yunlin County, are uncompleted in green work because the constructions have not been started. The San-xia landfill in Taipei County is the most flawless site of each evaluation unit. Its evaluations in each unit are excellent. Secondly, The Xin-gang landfill and the Po-zi city in Chiayi County are also excellent in three engineering evaluations. However, the most perfect landfill in vegetation and recycling effect still is the San-xia landfill. The application of the research expense is based on the constructed 132 landfill sites that the Government executed during 1997-2002. The executed items include the sum of the contract, accounts settlement, management unit and the evaluations of land using. Moreover, the research expense in 2003 is deliberately based on the latest evaluation data in 2002. 188 members attended this technology conference. Using CD-roms, posters, videotapes and books to present technique knowledge and management skills of closure, remediation, vegetation and the reuse of municipal landfills. It certainly helps the communication and knowledge sharing among the environmental, industrial, governmental and academic delegates.
英文關鍵字 Landfill reuse,Remediation & vegetation,Methane recovery