

中文摘要 環保署為提昇全國民眾的生活品質,於民國八十年七月整合全國各級環保機關成立「環保報案中心」,並設置公害陳情專線,提供民眾受環境污染之苦時,有便捷暢通之通報管道,專線設立初期平均每四分鐘可接到一通申訴電話,其來源遍佈全國,可見「公害陳情專線」確實受到民眾的重視與信賴。 九十一年公害陳情處理白皮書彙整所有案件通報處理之統計分析與民眾滿意度調查結果,本年度白皮書統計分析重要結果包含:空氣污染類別陳情案件最多、噪音案件來源以商業行為居多、環境衛生需由居民本身作起、台北市案件數全省居冠、都會區環境負荷度高及台灣地區陳情案件處理結果等重要分析成果;本書並彙整九十一年度各地區公害改善陳情實例,讓讀者由圖片清楚得知陳情改善成效,並瞭解環保稽查人員執行公害陳情處理業務之辛勞;於九十一年度民眾滿意度方面,以報案中心服務人員服務態度之民眾滿意度最佳,但整體處理績效尚有改善空間。 本書之目的即為透過整年度台灣地區公害陳情處理狀況,以瞭解民眾的需求,提供下年度環保政策之修正方向,持續為民眾解決環保問題,以改善民眾生活品質,預防重大環保災害發生為最終目標。
中文關鍵字 公害處理,公害陳情,白皮書


專案計畫編號 EPA-92-K103-02-209 經費年度 092 計畫經費 700 千元
專案開始日期 2003/06/14 專案結束日期 2003/12/09 專案主持人 黃義芳
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 執行單位


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000006981.pdf 20MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The 2002 White Paper : Public Nuisance Report

英文摘要 To provide a channel for concerned citizens to voice their suspicions regarding any type of activity, which may not be in compliance of environmental law or regulations, the Environmental Protection Administration, Government of the Republic of China established the Environmental Violation Report Center in July 1991. Working together with local environmental agencies, this center collects calls from complaining citizens and passes complaint cases to each respective local environmental agency. On average, the center gets one call from the public nationwide every 4 minutes, indicating that the Public Nuisance Report Hotline is indeed well trusted by common citizens. The 2002 White Paper:Public Nuisance Report includes statistic results of all reported cases from complaining citizens, and it also analyzes the public satisfaction poll results. The following results were reported: Air quality issues have raised the most concern. Noise related issues have been found to be mainly caused by commercial activities. Sanitation related issues should be resolved by public awareness and behavior control. Taipei City is the no. 1 area with most reported cases. Urban areas bear the greatest environmental burden. The White Paper also explains and analyzes the final outcomes after violations are reported. It includes improving trends nationwide in year 2002, and explains the achievements and efforts made by the inspection team. By viewing these vivid photos, reader will understand that the hard-working inspection team is making a profound contribution toward protecting our environment. However, the public satisfaction poll index is not high, indicating that we still have to improve on management of these reported cases. This White Paper attempts to integrate every piece of information regarding violation reports and to offer a resolution on future environmental policy revisions. Continuous improvement of violation report management and prevention of major environmental disasters is the ultimate goal.
英文關鍵字 White Paper,Public Nuisance Report