

中文摘要 一、 完成新竹市、台中縣后里、高雄縣仁武等三座垃圾焚化廠周界空氣、植物及土壤戴奧辛含量採樣分析工作,總計完成之樣品數三廠總計為一二六個(14個/每廠每介質×3介質×3廠=126個)樣品。 二、 空氣分析結果:調查廠址周界空氣中總PCDD/Fs值介於0.0148~0.177pg-I-TEQ/Nm3間,平均值為0.0744 pg-I-TEQ/Nm3,三座大型焚化廠大氣中PCDD/Fs濃度皆較日本東京與橫濱為低。以區域來看,則新竹市、台中后里和高雄仁武大氣中PCDD/Fs濃度和國外工業區較為接近。若與日本法規規範之大氣PCDD/Fs濃度(0.6 pg TEQ/m3)來看,國內周界大氣之PCDD/Fs濃度皆低於其法規規範值。 三、 植物(榕樹葉)分析結果:調查廠址周界植物中總PCDD/Fs值介於0.804~12.8 pg I-TEQ/g間,平均值為3.44 pg I-TEQ/g。三座焚化廠周界植物PCDD/Fs含量相近,其含量約與嘉義及北投植物中PCDD/Fs含量相當。與國外文獻比較,本計畫所得之三座大型焚化廠周界植物葉片中PCDD/Fs含量與韓國Gwangiu(中度規模城市)較為接近,而較釜山(高工業化城市)為低。 四、 土壤分析結果:調查廠址周界土壤中總PCDD/Fs值介於0.562~9.21 I-TEQ/g,平均值為2.70 pg I-TEQ/g,低於日本之土壤環境基準值(1000 pg I-TEQ/g)。與國內不同地區土壤中之PCDD/Fs含量做比較,則新竹地區土壤中PCDD/Fs之含量與台東相近,而后里地區土壤中PCDD/Fs之含量接近台中的值,仁武地區土壤中PCDD/Fs之含量接近木柵的值;與過去國外文獻數據之比較,可知附近有焚化爐運作中或其他PCDD/Fs污染源時,其周界土壤PCDD/Fs含量值之範圍相當大,而國內各區土壤中PCDD/Fs之含量皆屬於較低範圍之值,以本計畫中土壤中PCDD/Fs含量最高之庄後里集會所採樣點(9.21 pg I-TEQ/g)而論,其土壤仍可使用於農業,但須限制作為牧草之使用(以德國法規而論)。 五、 本計畫已建立之環境介質戴奧辛調查經驗與資料,可作為日後延續調查及比對之參考。
中文關鍵字 焚化爐,戴奧辛


專案計畫編號 EPA-92-FA12-03-A21 經費年度 092 計畫經費 5400 千元
專案開始日期 2003/03/05 專案結束日期 2003/12/31 專案主持人 張簡國平 正修科技大學
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 執行單位 正修科技大學


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期末報告 0000019799.pdf 24MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Investigation on dioxin level of ambient air, vegetation and soil nearby a large-scale municipal solid waste incinerator

英文摘要 The mean PCDD/F concentrations in ambient air nearby Xinzhu, Houli and Renwu municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWIs) are 0.0391, 0.0627 and 0.0804 pg I-TEQ/Nm3, respectively. The mean PCDD/F contents in Ficus leaves nearby these three MSWIs are 2.73、4.76 and 2.83 pg I-TEQ/g, respectively. The mean PCDD/F contents in soil nearby these three MSWIs are 2.23, 3.25 and 3.27 pg I-TEQ/g, respectively. If the data of hot spots of Xinzhu and Houli MSWIs, the mean PCDD/F contents in soil nearby these two MSWIs are 1.19 and 2.70 pg I-TEQ/g. By comparing the PCDD/F concentration of maximum ground concentration sampling sites, upwind sampling sites and downwind sampling sites, the distribution of the PCDD/F concentration isopleths in the atmosphere and the result of PCA, the PCDD/F influence from MSWIs on nearby ambient air, vegetation and soil is not obvious, however, some sampling sites which are around by other stationary emission sources are found with elevated PCDD/F level. The mean PCDD/F concentrations (contents) in ambient air, vegetation and soil of 19 MSWIs are 0.113 pg WHO-TEQ/Nm3, 3.50 pg WHO-TEQ/g and 2.75 pg WHO-TEQ/g, which are 58%, 49% and 14% of overseas investigation. From the above scenario, the influence of PCDD/F emission from MSWIs in Taiwan on surrounding environment is not obvious.
英文關鍵字 dioxin