

中文摘要 噪音管制法母法於九十二年元月八日,配合行政程序法之施行,增訂了部份條文,為遵照「母法修訂時,有關子法應即時配合修訂」之法制作業要求,環保署乃擬訂本專案計畫辦理各項子法之法制作業程序,使執行噪音管制業務有明確授權依據,並研議相關噪音管制配套措施,使噪音業務順利推動。在本計畫中針對噪音管制法相關子法包括噪音管制法施行細則、 噪音管制區劃分原則、噪音管制標準(增加陸上運輸系統部份)、環境音量標準、 機場周圍地區航空噪音防制辦法、 民用航空器噪音管制辦法、 民用航空器噪音管制標準、 軍事機關及其所屬單位之場所工程設施及汽車航空器等裝備噪音管制辦法等八項子法進行條文內容檢討及修正,其中細則部份在協助環保署舉辦三場公聽會及相關程序後,已於九十二年十月十五日經環保署發布修正,完成法制作業;其它子法則在本計畫中因應母法及細則之更動分別提出條文修正建議。針對陸上運輸系統交通噪音,邀集專家學者及相關交通單位代表召開座談會,吸取各方意見,提供環保署未來條文修正方向。低頻噪音部分則收集國外相關研究文獻、量測方法等進行研究,邀集專家學者、相關單位及儀器公司召開座談會,以期協助環保署研擬未來低頻噪音管制並提出未來執行方向建議。除修正現有條文外,本計畫亦依細則第三條內容擬定全國性噪音管制計畫及全國性噪音稽查執行計畫,提供環保署作為未來要求各地方環保局制定相關計畫之參考,在執行期間並邀集各縣市環保局噪音管制業務主辦人及專家學者,舉辦噪音管制工作業務檢討會,交換噪音管制業務心得,俾使噪音業務順利推動。
中文關鍵字 子法,修法,噪音管制法


專案計畫編號 EPA-92-F105-02-202 經費年度 092 計畫經費 900 千元
專案開始日期 2003/03/01 專案結束日期 2003/12/31 專案主持人 徐淵靜
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 執行單位 中華民國音響學會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000028943.pdf 1MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The Legislation Procedure for Amending the Relating Regulations of Noise Control Act

英文摘要 In order to match to the implementation of administrative process, Noise Control Law has been revised adding several articles in January 1, 2003. According to the stipulations of legal operation requirement that related minor laws should revised as soon as their major law has been revised, Environmental Protection Administration made this project dealing with revising affairs of all related minor laws. It helps to clarify the duties among different departments. This project has made suggested revises and modifications of its 8 minor laws. After holding 3 related councils, Enforcement Rules of Noise Control Law had been revised successfully and promulgated on October 15 this year. Suggested revises of other minor laws have been proposed in this project as well. And some issues, such as traffic noises of land transportation system, and low frequency noises, were also mentioned. Many references were collected. Experts, private tech companies and related departments were invited to join councils giving precious ideas. Accordance with the article 3 of Enforcement Rules of Noise Control Law, this project has drafted two plans: National Plan of Noise Control, and National Plan of Noise Inspecting Execution. This project also held a conference of business issues for local and national governments interacting with each other to promote their work on their jobs.
英文關鍵字 noise control act,regulation,amending