

中文摘要 多數聯合國國家於1987年簽訂的蒙特婁議定書,其為保護臭氧層,先行管制已開發國家之破壞臭氧層物質消費量。自1989年起須陸續凍結列管物質的生產與進出口,物質種類包括CFCs、海龍、四氯化碳、1,1,1-三氯乙烷、HBFCs、溴化甲烷及HCFCs;但允許少量的必要用途需求。 我國政府基於地球村成員,即使非聯合國成員,仍決定遵守議定書對已開發國家的管制規定。況且遵守議定書對我國有另一層意義,即保護國內相關產業免受議定書貿易限制條款的制裁。 此計畫之功能主要作為政府因應議定書管制規定持續的修正,三大工作主軸為:1)建立對外溝通管道與加強國際交流;2)協助研擬因應策略與行政支援;3)傳播臭氧層保護相關資訊,加強教育宣導。 計畫第一項工作主要藉由出席蒙特婁議定書相關會議,包括締約國與工作小組會議。交流過程中同時蒐集先進國家之因應策略與措施,整合個別之技術背景如替代品、回收、處理技術及管理等相關資訊,以提出具參考價值之建議。所取得聯繫管道也予以文件化,建立經驗資料庫。 除實際參加國際會議外,亦透過網路、速報、會訊期刊等來蒐集替代技術、管理模式與管制趨勢等資訊。所彙整之發現與分析報告亦可作為強化教育宣導之素材。 計畫第二項工作為國內因應措施推展的行政支援,內容視環保署施政需求而定。持續性工作包括︰向臭氧秘書處提報我國歷年消費量數據;辦理庫存CFCs、HCFCs及溴化甲烷之核配作業與使用場所實地訪查;海龍藥劑與含海龍藥劑滅火器之庫存盤點,必要時輔導其拆解與回收。 由於2002年前氟氯烴進口核配原由工業局負責承辦,溴化甲烷則由農委會負責,但2003年起全由環保署承接,因此協助增修訂各類列管物質之相關管理辦法也成為今年度計畫的重要項目。所考量層面將納入生產、輸出入、販賣、使用、稽查、回收再利用等。 計畫第三項強調資訊宣導與教育訓練,對象仍以供應端與直接使用端為主,但今年也納入一般大眾與查緝單位。供應端與直接使用端宣導以舉辦技術推廣研討會與發行電子季報為主;對於一般大眾則以製作短片來宣導保護臭氧層之正確觀念;查緝單位則透過舉辦CFCs走私辨識講習會,並製作走私查緝之作業手冊,作為海關與海巡人員之作業依據。 資訊宣導平台以環保署臭氧層保護中英文資訊網站為主,今年將大幅度更新內容、架構與設計風格,以生動活潑與使用友善性提高為改善重點。而所發行的英文電子季報,亦是以宣導我國管制動態與成果給國外友人之重要管道。
中文關鍵字 破壞臭氧層物質,蒙特婁議定書


專案計畫編號 EPA-92-FA11-03-A045 經費年度 092 計畫經費 5500 千元
專案開始日期 2003/03/11 專案結束日期 2003/12/31 專案主持人 工研院 王壬
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 執行單位 工業技術研究院 李政弘


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000031783.pdf 9MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Strategy analysis in responding to Montreal Protocol

英文摘要 One of the main tasks of this project is to act as a facilitator for consolidating a positive interaction between Taiwan government and the international communities on protection of the ozone Layer. By this regard, ITRI participated both the 23rd Open Ended Working Group Meeting and the 15th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, which will also be beneficial for ITRI to follow the most recent trend and development of ODS control strategy that may have significant impacts to Taiwan industry. Furthermore, with the consent of EPA, ITRI reported the 2002 data on production and consumption of ODS in Taiwan to the UNEP Ozone Secretariat In June. Revision of the existing ODS managing regulation and guideline was another focus of the project. Three regulations were amended this year, they are:’HCFCs Consumption Management Regulation’, ‘Air Pollutants regulated by International Environmental treaties’ and ‘Methyl Bromide Consumption Management Regulation’. Regulation of ODS and Products containing ODS Management Regulation were also proposed. With above-mentioned regulations in place, ITRI then assisted EPA to complete the quota allocation of HCFCs and CFCs according to the licensing system stipulated in respective regulations. Stopping illegal trade of ODS is a fundamental element for safeguarding Taiwan’s integrity on this issue, therefore, five custom officer and coast guard training workshops were held and touring from northern, central and southern regions of Taiwan to strengthen the ability of personnel involved on identifying incidents of ODS smuggling, over 450 officers attended the training course. In order to fasten the deployment of non-CFC air conditioning system, a CFC substitution brochure was edited and submitted to the EPA for consideration, and an animation regarding the restriction of CFCs usage was also produced. These awareness-raising materials will be made accessible from the web site - Ozone Layer Protection in Taiwan, which is also designed and set up by this year project.
英文關鍵字 Ozone depleting substance,montreal protocol