

中文摘要 排放量資料為管制工作執行主要參考的背景資料之一,去年度計畫初步完成以89年為基準年之排放量資料庫稱之為[TEDS5.0],並利用此版本(89年)排放量修正歷年排放量變化及預測未來年之趨勢。而今(92)年度執行之工作重點主要為進行[TEDS5.0]版本中各項參數進一步之QA/QC檢核、異常數據檢討及敏感度分析等,並探討原成長預測趨勢與實際變化之差異,進而做適度之修正。經修正結果[TEDS5.1]台灣地區89年排放量與[TEDS5.0]版本之差異,除CO外,其他污染物排放總量的差異很小,絕對值在1~3%之間,CO更新後較[TEDS5.0]低約21%。各污染物中不同污染源類別更新結果之變動以NMHC排放量的更新變動幅度較大,其更新結果點源排放量增加約近12萬公噸/年,而面源部份修正後則減少約8萬公噸/年,整體增加約3萬公噸/年;CO排放量修正後變低,主要為車輛排放係數修正之影響,修正後較[TEDS5.0]低約23萬公噸/年。對於未來年排放量之成長預測,成長係數部份經與近兩年實際統計值比較後重新修正,而管制措施減量方面則主要考量目前既有相關規範措施及管制工作內容進行減量之更新推估。除既有公告法規及管制執行措施之減量外,本計畫並參考環保署目前相關計畫有關增修訂法規內容及管制策略研擬之狀況,將其整合研擬成另外兩種不同減量情境進行未來年排放之減量預測比較,提供做為未來管制執行方向之參考。對於資料庫中的時間序列資料的蒐集彙整,本年度除補充整理91年縣市已有之CEMS逐筆排放量變化資料外,另針對其它面源及線源的時間序列資料方面,彙整國內近年調查統計結果,補充整理了台南市市區道路24小時車流量變化、農廢露天燃燒-水田不同期作的月變化、車輛耗油量及高速公路收費站月變化、各部門及業別石化能源月消耗量資料及部份面源所推估工業類別的產品產量月變化資料等。空間解析資料方面,本年度已利用內政部最新版1/25000地形圖資料更新完成排放量網格分配應用所需之全國各類土地利用網格面積之基本資料庫更新;而在道路車流量分佈部份亦已完成全國國道、省道及縣道空間分佈與車流量資料連結之空間資料庫建置。至於排放量資料的成份解析,針對國內污染源成份資料庫,揮發性有機物方面本年度累積彙整新增了53組排放源檢測結果,懸浮微粒方面則新增了26組排放源檢測結果。本計畫並配合地方空氣污染防制計畫(SIP)執行成效之考評,提供縣市年度污染削減率核算之基線數據的工作執行成果。另配合主計處每年綠色國民所得帳之更新編製需求,協助其進行空氣品質折耗量之推估;修正後89年空氣品質折耗量較之前版本推估結果低約67%(單位污染成本相同)。為有效提昇國內排放資料庫之品質及排放量推估結果的一致性,本計畫乃進一步針對各類污染源排放推估需求及特性,進行中央及地方縣市權責分工及縣市提報資料內容/項目/頻率等之規劃,未來並將配合縣市SIP的考核進行相關資料的提報彙整與查核工作。
中文關鍵字 點源、面源、線源、生物源、排放清冊、成長排放量、削減量


專案計畫編號 EPA-92-FA11-03-D03 經費年度 092 計畫經費 9100 千元
專案開始日期 2003/04/30 專案結束日期 2003/12/31 專案主持人 倪佩貞
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 執行單位 中鼎工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000031905.zip 10MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Update and management for air pollution emission inventory and estimation for air pollution degradation of GNP(Year II)I)

英文摘要 Draft version (TEDS5.0) of emissions on 2000 baseline year was finished in last year, the main object of this year’s project is to review the draft version emissions data, further QA/QC and sensitivities were conducted, and to update to more reasonable results, which is called TEDS5.1. Base on the revised year 2000 emissions and actual activities statistics of emission sources, the future year’s emissions trends were review and repredicted too. For the final revised version TEDS5.1 emissions of year 2000, except for CO, emissions difference from TEDS5.0 for other pollutants are about 1~3%, revised CO emissions in TEDS5.1 is about 21% less than TEDS5.0. The difference between emission sources is more significant for NMHC. Total emissions were 319,000 Mt/year of PM10; the majority of the PM10 emissions are from fugitive road dust and industry sources, which contribute 28% and 29% respectively. Total emissions were 228,000 Mt/y of SOx, industry sources account about 93%. Total emissions were 499,000 Mt/y of NOx, industry sources and mobile sources account for 57% and 43% separately. Total emissions were 913,000 Mt/y of NMHC, the majority of the NMHC emissions are from industry usage, mobile sources and a broad range of miscellaneous sources, including consumer products, architectural coating and pesticide application which contribute for 49%, 19% and 32% respectively. Total emissions were 829,000 Mt/y of CO; mobile sources are major contributors of CO (80%). Total emissions were 1,300 Mt/year of Pb, industry sources were major sources of Pb. About 34% of VOC emissions were from biogenic sources emissions, isoprene emissions account for 46%. NH3 emissions were estimated in TEDS5.1 too. Total emissions for year 2000 is 186,000 Mt/y, agriculture fertilize emission is the major source of NH3 which contributes about 45%, the secondary contributor of NH3 is pasturage sources account for 39%.
英文關鍵字 Point source,area source,mobile source,biogenic source,emission inventory,emission growth,emission reduction