

中文摘要 海洋生態環境影響評估技術規範之訂定,乃是藉由完善的海洋生態調查,評估各種海洋生態與資源受開發案可能造成之影響。同時就執行環境維護與生態保育之基本策略下,尋求最小之衝擊開發方式,達成經濟發展與環境保育兩者兼顧之目標。相關工作之執行共分三個階段:(1)國內外有關海洋生態環境影響評估個案、沿海海洋生態區、相關政策及法規、調查分析方法與數據生物統計彙整;(2)辦理第一次研商會,研討並修訂調查項目、採樣及分析方法,生物統計內容等;(3)辦理第二次研商會,研討生態環境影響評估技術規範與監測計畫之修訂。 本技術規範內容分為五個部份:(1)海洋環境與生態現況說明,包括海域使用現況、棲地環境說明及生態相關之特殊地區等;(2)分析、判別環境與生態影響,提出預測,包括分析開發行為對重要生態物種影響,定性式邏輯預測、生物準則比對預測、以及定量式數學模式影響預測;(3)海洋生態環境影響綜合評估,包括施工與營運期間的生態變動與影響情形,並視對生態影響的重要性予以適當的權數加以量化,並進行綜合評估分析;(4)影響避免/減輕對策,藉由更改工程場地、變更設計等方式、重要的物種移棲、將工程限於某一特定時段、季節或地區進行、或採用合適的替代方案提出有效及可行的環境影響減輕對策;(5)適當的追蹤監測計畫。
中文關鍵字 影響評估,分析與統計,技術規範,監測計畫,海洋生態


專案計畫編號 EPA-92-E101-02-104 經費年度 092 計畫經費 1150 千元
專案開始日期 2003/03/28 專案結束日期 2003/12/15 專案主持人 黃哲崇
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 執行單位 富聯工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000032657.zip 10MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Technical Protocol for Estuarine and Marine Ecological Evaluation Using in Environmental Impact Assessment

英文摘要 The establishment of this technical protocol is to provide guidance for marine ecological evaluation used in the process of environmental impact assessment. Five major parts were included in this protocol:(1)description of existing marine environmental and ecological conditions;(2)analyze, distinguish, and predict the ecological effects as a result of the man-made development;(3)overall evaluation of the ecological impact;(4)provisions of effective and feasible mitigation measures;(5)provisions of an appropriate monitoring program. Background marine environmental conditions, including geographical location, oceanography, water quality, sea floor topography, sediment, beneficial uses, habitat characteristics, and other ecological sensitive areas should all be adequately presented. In situ surveying and analysis program, including QA/QC were also specified. Ecological analysis and prediction were required in the environmental impact assessment. The effects of man-made development on ecological environment and major biological species should be analyzed. Logical (descriptive), quantitative (such as mathematical model), or biocriteria comparison methods of prediction can be applied in the assessment. Overall ecological evaluation was specified for the assessment. Separate evaluation should be conducted for both construction and operation periods. Overall evaluation of the effects in terms of extent, duration, probability of occurrence, recoverable possibility, should all be considered. Feasible mitigation measures to reduce possible adverse ecological effect should be presented. Both technical and administrative mitigation measures were required to be evaluated. Finally, an adequate monitoring program was also specified, which should include monitoring frequency, location, duration, periods, number of stations, sampling items and methods of evaluation.
英文關鍵字 technical protocol,Biocriteria,mitigation measure,marine ecological evaluation,monitoring program