

中文摘要 本年度查核輔導對象以電腦、通信及視聽電子產品製造業、電子零組件製造業、化學材料製造業及化學製品製造業為主。計畫執行之初,除檢討修訂九十一年之查核輔導作業程序、製作計畫文宣品外,並針對查核輔導對象辦理四場次之「事業廢棄物查核及輔導改善行前說明會」,說明相關作業程序與配合事項。 本計畫已依計畫要求完成一千家事業及再利用機構之事業廢棄物查核及輔導改善工作,包括七十家之駐廠深入查核,及各項必要之採樣分析。綜合各事業、製程之查核資料,提出上述各事業之廢棄物產出因子推估及各該行業製程之廢棄物總量推估。 在公民營廢棄物清除處理機構之查核及輔導改善方面,本計畫也已依計畫要求完成一百家處理、清理機構、共同處理機構或餘裕量處理設施之查核及三十家駐廠工作。 針對本年度所篩選查核輔導對象,為協助其提升廢棄物清理技術及能力,也舉辦了三場次兩天之「事業廢棄物管理暨清除處理技術實務講習會」,同時為表彰執行廢棄物處理績效卓著之事業,及提供其他事業觀摩學習之參考,亦辦理了三場次之「事業廢棄物查核與輔導改善成效示範觀摩會」。 完成半導體製造業、印刷電路板製造業、皮革、毛皮整製業、人造纖維製造業、合成樹脂及塑膠製造業、塗料、染料及顏料製造業、印染整理工業、被動電子元件製造業、西藥製造業與農藥及環境衛生用藥製造業等十種行業別稽查技術手冊。 在專案管理系統方面,針對本年度查核對象及成果展現之要求,完成系統修改建置工作,以即時將查核輔導時所發現之問題回報給環保署。此外,並協助研擬「事業廢棄物清理計畫書」填寫參考例及製作相關行業製程之「原物料、產品及廢棄物對應關聯表」。
中文關鍵字 稽查,輔導,廢棄物清除機構,廢棄物處理機構,事業,改善,再利用機構,查核


專案計畫編號 EPA-92-H102-02-101 經費年度 092 計畫經費 24430 千元
專案開始日期 2003/01/01 專案結束日期 2003/12/31 專案主持人 李松宏
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 執行單位 工業技術研究院、中技社、綠色生產力基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000035074.pdf 66MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Surveilance and Consultation Project for Enterprise Waste Management

英文摘要 During the third year, the project targets are focused on Chemical Material Manufacturing and Chemical Products Manufacturing in Taiwan. The project was carried out with the reevaluation and amending previous operation procedures that were established in 2002, then the printing of introductory and propaganda material, and holding three workshops for the Introduction of waste inspection and guidance improvement for enterprises. So far, one thousand of factories has examined, and providing guidance for their improvement in the waste management. Among them, 70 factories were selected for prolonged and deeply visit, and waste sampling was carried out in case of analytical investigation. From the waste information of the aforementioned industries, the causing factors and the total amount of specific waste in respective process were also estimated. Other targets of the project were aimed to evaluate and track the waste management of 100 Publicly and/or privately owned waste clearance and treatment organizations, 30 of them were inspected deeply. To improve the technology and capability in waste management, the selected industries to be inspected were invited to the three workshops in "Operation and maintenance of industrial wastes clearance and treatment facilities". Meanwhile, three sessions of demonstration were held in the "Accomplishment of surveillance and consultation in industrial wastes ", and the industries with outstanding achievement in their waste treatment were commended and demonstrated for the relatives. In this year we also modify the “Project management system” which will be accessed by internet and help IWCC of EPA be comprehensive in the situation of Enterprise waste treatment immediately. This project was required to assist EPA to revise the reviewing procedure of the industrial waste clearance plan and provide a sample of it for that to be followed. Otherwise, it was required to produce relative sheet of materials, products and wastes yielded for various factory processes.
英文關鍵字 Enterprise,Surveillance,inspect,Consultation,Waste Clearance Organization,Waste Treatment Organization,waste reuse Organization,improvement