

中文摘要 人類長期使用玻璃,其功能已從單純之材質轉變為多功能應用之材料,故廢棄物中玻璃一直有相當比例,其質重不易腐化分解特性常佔用掩埋場大量空間。因此如能將廢玻璃回收再利用,除可延長掩埋場使用年限、降低能源使用、空氣污染及水污染產生,亦可提高國家競爭力。 本計畫為針對廢玻璃之再利用處理技術進行研究,探討廢玻璃資源化再利用技術可行性,並進行廢玻璃容器再利用於水泥製程及廢鉛玻璃再利用於紅磚之可行性試驗,主要完成工作內容臚列於下: 1.廢玻璃容器替代部份水泥原料之可行性研究。 2.擬定廢玻璃容器再利用於替代部份水泥原料相關技術規範草案。 3.廢玻璃容器再利用於公共工程之可行性研究。 4.再利用管道對廢玻璃容器回收量流向分布之影響。 5.蒐集國外廢電視機螢幕、廢電腦監視器及廢日光燈管等有害物質再利用之實例及法令規定。 6.蒐集分析廢電視機螢幕、廢電腦監視器及廢日光燈管等再利用市場價格並提供訂定合理補貼費及回收費費率之參考。 7.廢鉛玻璃再利用土木建材之可行性研究。 經由廢玻璃再利用技術之開發,廢玻璃之回收市場仍大有可為,期望在技術上有所突破外,政府制定良好的政策鼓勵回收廠商跟進,使廢玻璃再利用成效日益成長,這對國內之掩埋場地日漸飽和應是莫大的福音。
中文關鍵字 廢玻璃,公共工程,再利用技術


專案計畫編號 EPA-92-HA13-03-A105 經費年度 092 計畫經費 2950 千元
專案開始日期 2003/03/11 專案結束日期 2003/12/31 專案主持人 張添晉
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 執行單位 國立台北科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000035896.zip 19MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The development and application of recycling technology for waste glass

英文摘要 Along with the development of material technology, the function of glass has changed from beverage bottle to high tech electronic applications. Solid waste contains large amount of glass, which is difficult to decompose. The waste glass can not be treated as conventional landfill disposal, since it will shorten the lifecycle of landfill site. The reuse and recycling of waste glass in related industries provides an alternative means for saving energy, air and water pollution reduction and promotion of the national competitivity. This project focused on the evaluation of current status of glass recycling industry and to develop and evaluate the feasibility of new recycling technology of waste glass as raw material for cement and red brick. The contents of this report are summarized as following: 1.The feasibility study of glass recycling in cement production. 2.Draft the technology guideline and related regulations for glass recycling in cement production. 3.The feasibility study of waste glass recycling in public construction. 4.The study on the impact of abovementioned recycling method on the current status of glass recycling industry. 5.The evaluation of current regulations and practices on the recycling of TV and computer monitors and fluorescent lamps. 6.The evaluation of current recycling market shares on the recycling of TV and computer monitors and fluorescent lamps. 7.The feasibility study of waste lead glass recycling as raw material of red bricks. Based on the development of new glass recycling technology, it is therefore concluded that, in addition to the conventional methods, more profitable recycling practice is available for glass recycling. The government and legislation sectors should design more incentive policy to eliminate the potential barrier for more glass recycling. With these incentive measures, recycling industry would be able to devote more efforts to achieve a total solution of glass recycling.
英文關鍵字 waste glass,recycling technology,public construction