中文摘要 | 由於本項工作為例行作業,合約期間受理三十一個環保單位藉由不同管道提出對本系統相關問題,客服人員作出回覆及協助解決操作上之困難,使系統成為各環保單位執行本業務時,依賴之重要工具。以92年度為例,每月電話詢問約為 50通,進一步處理後回覆各級環保單位之客服次數約為 35筆記錄,對於各單位反應之建議修改需求亦即時反應予主辦單位。 對於陳情主機軟硬體調整皆已完成,因應系統案件儲存量已達53萬筆以上。 環保局對系統之意見已彙整,並依主辦單位指定,執行完成。 完成手機陳情查詢作業並安裝於環保署機房主機上,使本項業務與手機順利銜接無虞。 完成系統相關報表及資料統計,使得主辦單位可以隨時監控全國業務執行狀況,並迅速找到問題瓶頸,予以解決。 陳情資料加密工作已順利完成,以確保本項業務之安全性,同時建立橫向整合溝通機制,使各環保單位可針對本業務得到其他單位之資訊交流。 完成人工輔助子系統開發作業,配合主辦單位發放給各級環保單位之Barcode Reader,已於各級環保單位實施近二個月,一切順遂。 完成圖像上傳子系統開發作業,並已上線供民眾及使用單位將數位照片或文字檔案上傳,作為環保單位辦理時之佐證。 清查複查子系統已開發完成,並已測試上線作業。 合約期間共執行二次訓練班及一次二天一夜之業務檢討會,建立實質業務溝通之機制。 合約中提供四人駐點,各駐點人員皆表現良好,受到民眾讚許。 依相關會議結論完成開發及資料匯出至罰款催款主機,確實達成本項業務由源頭至末端之自動化,提昇環保單位之行政效能。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 公害陳情報案 |
專案計畫編號 | EPA-92-K103-02-203 | 經費年度 | 092 | 計畫經費 | 3450 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2003/03/04 | 專案結束日期 | 2003/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 胡令賽 |
主辦單位 | 管考處 | 承辦人 | 執行單位 | 振興發科技有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 0000036454.zip | 8MB | [期末報告]公開完整版 |
National Environmental protection Agencies Public Nuisance cases Accepting Center MIS Upgrade & Maintenance project
英文摘要 | Major tasks of the project are routine maintenance & services. The project provided service information to assist EPBs in work on the system comfortable. Dedicated engineers provided the replies and assistance 8:00am~5:30pm a day. Upon the constant and good services, all the EPBs can accomplish reported cases through the access of the system. Average estimated there were 50 phone service demands monthly and 35 reply records were made. In spite of that, the service still provide the suggestion collection engine and play a role of bridge between EPBs and EPA. The system host has be well installed and adjusted to the best efficiency up to now, there has accumulated 530 thousands data. All the EPBs’ suggestion were colleted and accomplished in accordance with client’s agreement. Public can report and search the cases through WAP phone. Data encryption were well built. Cross EPBs’ communication engine was setup and established. Apply of the barcode reader to reduce the case acceptance time and in the meantime with the provide of the search number to the public which upgrade the service quality. The project also provided image upload function. Inspection and review check system was also accomplished. Within the project 2 training courses and 1 two-day conference were held. The project provided 4 men on-site-service. One of them gained public compliment. The case data transfer to the fine management system was established. | ||
英文關鍵字 | reprot environmental pollution |