

中文摘要 本計畫之各項工作主要目的在於落實環保署「使用中汽車排放空氣污染物檢舉及獎勵辦法」之精神,藉由本辦法之發布與執行發起民眾響應烏賊車檢舉之活動,經由政府單位指定窗口受理後經由公權力行使,達成移動性污染削減之效益。如此為之,不但可以克服環保稽查人力不足下,烏賊車行進中製造污染之弊端,更可凝聚全民對環境品質維護之動力與共識,在環保教育工作上,更有潛移默化之功能。 「使用中汽車排放空氣污染物檢舉及獎勵管理系統」大致皆已滿足中央及縣市之使用需求,本年度主要為因應辦法之修訂,及與行政程序完備性作系統之修改,同時為提昇系統效能,已於六月完成九十年前資料切割備份查詢。 本計畫為實現辦法中獎勵民眾檢舉烏賊車之實質意義,已於十一月二十七日依主辦單位指示辦理完成本年度抽獎活動,獎品共1,105項,總價值在七十萬元以上,皆由本計畫支付,活動圓滿完成。 同時為提昇政府整體為民服務品質,計畫中針對本項業務中央與縣市執行之困難,建立強化溝通機制;計畫過程辦理二次業務聯繫會議、一次訓練研討會、二次全國電話訪談、三個縣市現場訪談、一次書面調查及一次網路調查,對於縣市環保局無論在執法技巧上、經費使用上、人力支配上等等都能獲得直接之訊息,並立即反應於聯繫會及訓練班中之討論課題,研擬對策排除困難。 本業務已執行近四年,四年中累計了大量烏賊車檢舉之資料,針對珍貴龐大之資料依業務需求,於計畫中執行相關數據分析,其中包括成本效益評估分析比較九十年以來資料之推衍及特性,找出檢舉與機車定檢資料中有關車籍特性之相關性,民眾滿意度調查分析等,皆於報告中提出具體結果,並依各項工作重點及計畫執行過程,提出本計畫之結論與建議,期可為本項業務未來推動上成為良好決策輔助工具。
中文關鍵字 烏賊車、網際網路、資訊管理系統、行進中車輛、削減


專案計畫編號 EPA-92-FA13-03-A013 經費年度 092 計畫經費 3700 千元
專案開始日期 2003/01/06 專案結束日期 2003/12/31 專案主持人 胡令賽、林明弘
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 執行單位 振興發科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000047358.zip 9MB [期末報告]公開完整版

2003 Polluting vehicles appeal cases management system

英文摘要 The aim of the project is to achieve the spirit of “Report Running Vehieles’ Pollution And Award Rule”. Through the state of the rule nature to inspire public to report the polluting vehicles to EPBS. EPBs could authorize the vehicles’ owners to have car inspection and necessary adjustment to control the pollutants. Under this philosophy, the vehicles’ pollution can be eliminated still even under insufficient manpower of inspectors. Above of that, this action can generate massive power and social conscience of environmental protection mind. It also can contribute public educational work. MIS which is used by EBPs and EPA to manage the reported cases had been well developed. The adjustment was made to fit in the rule revision. In order to improve the host efficiency, the historical data up to 2001 has been seperated from the host, and the backup and search function was provided. The award campaign of 2003 was accomplished. The project was responsible for the supplies of awards, which included 105 big awards, and 1000 regular awards. The total value was over NT$700000. The project was responsible for the place setting and the necessary assistance. The project had held two conferences, 3 EPBs on-site interviews, one training program, 2 national wide phone interviews, 1 questionnaire via paper and one via web, to enforce the policy focus. Throughout all above tasks, the results can to encourage the EPBs# efforts on the improvement of quality and effectiveness.
英文關鍵字 polcar,internet,MIS,running vehicles,eliminate