

中文摘要 本專案研究計畫主要為協助行政院環境保護署監督及參與亞太經濟合作會議組織「藻毒分析方法與標準品、參考品在水產品安全認證上的開發與驗證」計畫於出席計畫程序委員會會議、出席第十六屆亞太經濟合作海洋資源保育工作小組會議及計畫成果彙報、出席有害藻華技術研習會提出論文。另對我國沿海水域環境優養化現象進行文獻蒐集回顧及水樣採集分析,根據浮游藻豐度與歧異度評估臺灣地區發生紅潮有害藻華之可能性與地點。初步結果認定西南海岸從彰化麥寮以南至東港大鵬灣以北的河川出海口、碼頭內及魚塭養殖地區普遍優養化且存在麻痺性貝毒藻種,過去曾造成西施貝含毒及引發中毒事件。另得子口溪溪口亦屬優養化,東北角九孔養殖與保育區之附著性原甲藻含下痢性貝毒毒素,但未檢出貝類含毒。臺灣沿近海因缺半封閉性之滯流型海灣及終年潮汐落差與洋流,可能是臺灣開放海域不曾發生紅潮的原因。但是潟湖與養殖池水域,仍有生成有害藻華造成水生生物或水棲哺乳類與鳥類暴斃的可能。本計畫另完成「臺灣沿近海常見微細藻與有害藻類圖鑑」一冊,包含約200種不同微細藻類型態照片。
中文關鍵字 有害藻華,亞太經濟合作,預防與管理,毒藻


專案計畫編號 EPA-92-U1U1-02-103 經費年度 092 計畫經費 1310 千元
專案開始日期 2003/03/24 專案結束日期 2003/12/31 專案主持人 周宏農
主辦單位 永續發展室(停用) 承辦人 執行單位 中華民國藻類學會


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期末報告 0000051071.pdf 68MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Sustainable Development and Prospective Environmental Technology Development Program: Asia Pacific Economy Cooperation Red Tide and Toxic Algae Management Research Project

英文摘要 The main goal of this project is to assist OSTA, EPA in overseeing and managing the APEC TILF project, ‘Development and Validation of Analytical Methods, Standards and Reference Materials for Seafood Product Certification and Safety’. The workload includes participating the Project Steering Committee meeting and compiling the progress report, participating the 16th APEC MRC Working group meeting and giving report of the project and reports of ‘Strategy and Implementation of Harmful Algae Management and Mitigation in the APEC Region’ and ‘International Symposium on Harmful Algae Management and Mitigation in the area of/nearby South China Sea’ projects, and attending the project workshop, HABTech2003 and giving research reports. In addition, through the paper reviews of the environmental monitoring reports and observations of the water samples collected from the coastal areas, we are able to identify certain areas, from Mailiao, Changhua to the south of Daipeng Bay, Pingtung, are eutrophicated by the effluents of city sewage and aquaculture waste。 Paralytic shellfish poisoning related toxic species were found common along the southwestern coast. They were culprit of several intoxication incidents from ingestion of purple clams in the past and should be taken into routine monitoring. The estuary of Dertzskouhsi, northeastern coast of Taiwan was also found eutrophicated by the aquaculture waste. In the nearby area where the small abalone were cultured or hatched and released for resource conservation, species of benthic Prorocentrum were found to contain diarrhetic shellfish poisons. However, no toxic shellfish was identified. The lack of retarded water exchange due to the year-round strong currents and huge drop between the high-low tides along the coastal line of Taiwan in addition to the lack of big semi-enclosed bays may be the reason why we have never experienced red tides in open waters of Taiwan. This report also includes a compiling of a picture handbook regarding the common microalgae in the coastal waters of Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 Harmful algal Bloom,toxic algae,APEC,Management and Mitigation