

中文摘要 依據巴塞爾公約的精神,各國應盡量避免將有害或其他廢棄物進出口,進而減少廢棄物的產生,我國目前雖未能成為公約締約國,但為配合國際公約之要求、國內日益增加的廢棄物、因應我國加入WTO與亞太、兩岸過境轉口貿易之增加。為此,行政院於民國89年6月核定之「廢棄物輸入輸出管理與巴塞爾公約之因應計畫」之四年計畫,為配合前述計畫之執行,環保署特委辦本研究計畫。 今年度計畫執行延續過去之工作項目如(1)巴塞爾公約資訊蒐集及評析,(2)專家小組執行運作,(3)參與巴塞爾公約秘書處舉辦之國際會議,以及(4)資訊宣導如辦理研討會與講習會、研修廢棄物判定手冊(含資料庫)、維護更新巴塞爾公約專屬網站。 具創新性之執行內容,包括(1)與公約秘書處和各國代表之交流聯繫上均有更主動積極的做法及成效,(2)在本年度汞污泥完成處理後進行全面之案例分析,(3)針對是我國配合巴塞爾公約所需之國內法律架構內容,以及我國參與公約短、中、長期提出具體可行的建議,(4)配合新公告之「廢棄物輸入輸出過境轉口管理辦法(92.01.02)」,研擬相關配套執行措施。 本計畫之建議可簡要歸納為以下二個面向: 一、 公約參與暨國際交流:持續回應公約秘書處之意見徵詢暨嘗試加強區域中心之參與、配合WTO環境與貿易議題之談判掌握我國參與契機、加強兩岸交流、持續關切與我國相關之公約法律課題如國際組織合作與非官方夥伴關係。 二、 國內政策法規及執行調整:部分有害事業廢棄物之管理調整、持續改善廢棄物與中華民國貨品分類號列之連結性以及專家小組成員功能分組之持續落實。
中文關鍵字 巴塞爾公約,巴塞爾公約專家小組,汞污泥案例分析,有害廢棄物,開放性工作組會議,越境運送,重大案件處理原則與廢棄物判定手冊


專案計畫編號 EPA-92-H102-02-264 經費年度 092 計畫經費 5350 千元
專案開始日期 2003/06/13 專案結束日期 2003/12/31 專案主持人 邱文琳博士
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0000052187.zip 16MB [期末報告]公開完整版

2003 Basel Convention Project:collecting and analyzing related information, providing implementation assistance and working with the Expert-Committee

英文摘要 This project includes works as follows. (1) Collect and analyze information of the Basel Convention:The collected information includes technical and legal documents on the Basel Convention, Convention Parties’ implementation measures and related news. Besides, issues as the trends of international law and policy on hazardous waste management have also been studied. (2) Work with Expert-Committee:Four committee meetings were held in 2003. The topics discussed in the meetings emphasized on three latest international meetings on the Basel Convention: foreign policy matters, participation in the Mobile Phone Working Group (MPWG) and the improvements of education materials. In addition, two efforts of the committee should be mentioned: responding to the questions from the Secretariat of Basel Convention and analyzing illegal transport cases. (3) Analyze the impacts of Basel Convention’s legal decisions to Taiwan and propose implementation measures:This project accomplished the legal bases for submitting information to Secretariat of Basel Convention, the framework of bilateral/multilateral or regional negotiations, and, the guidance for the participation in Basel Convention in the future. (4) Amend related measures according to new regulations:Based on Taiwan#s “Management Measures for the Import, Export, Transit, Transshipment of Wastes” (January 2, 2003), this project provided “Principles in Examining Applications” and the formats of related documents. The possibility of enhancing waste inspection has also been considered in cooperation with the Custom Service. (5) Assist with education-related matters:This project completed information brochures in Chinese specially for students, English information brochures, the updated waste identification manual with a new established database, translation of Basel Convention’s technical documents into Chinese versions and holding one conference and two workshops.
英文關鍵字 Hazardous Wastes,Transboundary Movement,Basel Convention,Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG),Basel Expert Committee,case study for mercury contaminated sludge transport,the procedures in dealing with serious waste accidents,waste identification manual