

中文摘要 我國EPA在過去在有關改善空氣品質的工作上做了相當大的努力,在過去10年間有許多具體作為,長期空氣品質巳逐漸改善,例如以三年移動平均計算,台灣地區全部測站空氣品質不良比率已由83-85年之6.2%逐步穩定下降至87-89年之4.5%,但和其它國家的情況相似,在空氣逐漸改善的同時,臭氧問題卻有逐漸惡化的趨勢,尤其在地理及天候條件的助長下,一些非主要人為排放地區的臭氧濃度也可能經常處於高值。目前環保署測站的總碳氫(THC)觀測在此功能上就顯得不足,有必要針對高臭氧地區測站在現有觀測項目中增加碳氫化合物的解析的功能,以提供解釋臭氧生成的証據。過去兩年在「台灣地區空氣污染健康風險評估計劃」計畫下在中部地區已建立崇倫站、草屯站及竹山站的光化學監測網。今年度起獨立出來進行「台灣地區光化學污染之形成、傳輸機制及其影響」。根據光化學監測網的發現,中部空品區因為季節性混合層變化導致秋、冬季一次污染物濃度上升,接著主要因秋季風向、風速的配合從污染區傳入老化之氣團,而老化氣團攜帶高臭氧濃度進入,傳輸並導致高臭氧生成的時間延後,但由於秋季日照度高於冬季,故下風區竹山站臭氧濃度值於秋季達於最高。此外以光化學監測網資料進行風險評估的結果,在草屯、竹山、崇倫測站地區,發現56種VOC中,苯、甲苯、間,對-二甲苯、苯乙烯、鄰-二甲苯具有急性健康風險,以急性危害指數(HIA)表示,草屯、竹山、崇倫的平均危害指數為0.0023、0.0031、0.004;56種VOC中,正己烷、苯、甲苯、乙苯、間,對-二甲苯、苯乙烯、鄰-二甲苯、丙烯具慢性健康風險,以慢性危害指數(HIc)表示,草屯、竹山、崇倫平均危害指數為0.18、0.21、0.28;國際癌症研究署將苯分類為第一類致癌物(Group 1),根據USEPA的建議值,在草屯、竹山、崇倫測站,苯的平均致癌風險為5.6×10-6、12.0×10-6、8.4×10-6 。本計畫於92年4月9日完成簽約,茲將本計畫各項工作期中進度報告彙整後供環保署審閱。
中文關鍵字 臭氧、揮發性有機污染物、健康風險評估


專案計畫編號 EPA-92-FA11-03-A059 經費年度 092 計畫經費 3600 千元
專案開始日期 2003/04/09 專案結束日期 2003/12/31 專案主持人 詹長權教授
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 執行單位 台灣大學公共衛生學院職業醫學與工業衛生研究所


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期末報告 0000051843.pdf 18MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The formation, transportation and effect of photochemical pollution on Taiwan

英文摘要 Hourly data from 3 photochemical assessment monitoring stations (PAMS) located in central Taiwan were analyzed for the photochemical evidence and its correction with the meteorological data to elucidate the mechanism behind ozone formation in downwind rural central Taiwan. Using ratios of ethylbenzene vs. xylene as an aging indicator along with meteorogical data simultaneously collected at the stations we have successfully explained the why and how high level of ozone is formed in Chushan area where little VOCs sources are known to exist. Prevailing winds from northwest carry aged air mass passing over Chushan area around noon can be regarded as a general qualitative description for elevating local ozone level. Dramatic seasonal effects in ozone formation have also been noticed in that more aged air mass accompanying by higher ozone is encountered more frequently in October and in July. It can be preliminarily concluded that meteorology is the dominant factor which affects the absolute concentrations as well as the degree of aging and hence the level of ozone in downwind rural areas of central Taiwan such as Chushan. The research methodology developed in this project is maturing along with the gradual improving in PAMS network over the past two years. Similar techniques are expected to be applicable elsewhere in northern and southern Taiwan once other PAM stations become fully functional.
英文關鍵字 Ozone、VOCs、Health Risk Assessment